  • Strategies: Rise of the Empire: Knightfall
  • Knightfall was when the 501st legion was sent out to wipe out the Jedi in the Jedi Temple. This level is challenging due to the fact that you fight Temple Soldiers most of the time, not Jedi. Many mods have been made that JUST have Jedi vs. Clones.
  • Knightfall was when the 501st legion was sent out to wipe out the Jedi in the Jedi Temple. This level is challenging due to the fact that you fight Temple Soldiers most of the time, not Jedi. Many mods have been made that JUST have Jedi vs. Clones. Start as a Clone Trooper. Take cover under one of the smashed pillars, as their are laser turrets firing at your troops. Kill all the Temple Soldiers you see nearby. Be careful as you go up the steps, as Jedi will jump out of nowhere and start slaughtering your troops. However, with a Clone Trooper, it is easy to kill the Jedi if you keep your player out of their lightsabers range. Once the Laser Turrets are destroyed and the 3 Jedi killed, head into the Lower Council Chamber. Jedi will, once again, jump out of nowhere and kill troops. This group is tough to take down, as your troops are being held up by the infinite respawns of the enemy. Capture the CP once they are dead. Go to the library CP. The task ahead is very hard. You must defend the 4 bookshelves, and you only need to keep one intact. The problem is, Jedi will jump from the upper levels and will attack the bookshelves mercilessly. Two good way to keep them intact is to become a clone trooper and stay at the end of the disired bookshelf and fire at any enemies that could be a threat or become a clone engineer and keep firing at the enemies or fixing the bookshlf. Also, Temple Vanguards will fire rockets at them. Kill all non-clones you see within range that could be threat. After the bookshelves have been protected, you must capture a holocron in the Temple Control Room. Take the way that goes behind the library, as the way headed straight there is a bloodbath. However, Jedi pack the Beacon Room, which is right between you and your target. If you are still a Clone Trooper, then good. You are ready. Kill all the Jedi you see without going into the room. Once you are SURE they are all dead. Get the holocron. But before you do, throw a grenade in the room. Jedi will drop from nowhere, and will most likely die instantly if you do so. Then get that precious holocron. Take the way you came back to your CP (the main area is still a bloodbath. Become Darth Vader and fight all troops you see (Jedi fill the room, don't fight them as much). Kill the Jedi Master by using a Saber Throw or Force Choke and kill his 2 Jedi buddies. Then, head back to the Veranda using Force Speed (The room is filled with death). Take out the 3 Jedi Masters and all non-clones you see. Use Saber Throw to kill the Masters. Force Speed Back to the Veranda to get a pretty victory screen. Well done, trooper.