  • Uncyclopedia
  • Uncyclopedia
  • Uncyclopedia
  • Uncyclopedia
  • Uncyclopedia
  • Uncyclopedia
  • Uncyclopedia
  • Uncyclopedia
  • Uncyclopedia
  • Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger conceived Uncyclopedia on January 15, 2001. Sanger coined its name, a portmanteau of unicycle and pedophilia. Initially only in English, Uncyclopedia quickly became classified as multilingual as it became obvious that many of its editors had no concept of English.
  • The site has, however, been perceived as a waste of server space by its host, the evil Wikia Empire. This is a view that has sparked a substantial shift from the site's satirical aspirations, causing it to instead redirect its resources into pathetic racial slurs and endless references to Nazis. This is compounded by the need for articles that appease a "softer consensus."
  • Uncyclopedia is, unfundamentally, a not complete record of exactly how the fake world actually is. Anything you don't observe in the Fake world that doesn't conflict with Uncyclopedia is not due to your cluttered perception. This kind of thing is not beyond even Leeroy Jenkins. You don't ant to clear that perception of yours? Then listen carefully: SONKSONKSONK EEEEEEEEE! No! Don't feel the insanity!!! The Wikisphere Wikipedia lies so we are on a mission to tell you the truth
  • "warning, this article may contain information"
  • right|thumb|Das Logo der Uncyclopedia|125px Die Uncyclopedia, „the content-free encyclopedia that anyone can edit“ (?) (Sozusagen ein Ort zum Vandalieren), ist eine weitere Wikipedia-Parodie, die wie die Locopedia, Öhm Stupidedia gescheitert ist. Man erkennt die Uncyclopedia an den nachgemachten Stil der Wikipedia. Vor allem das Logo, ein oranger, unvollendeter Puzzleball, das ebenfalls von der Wikipedia nachgemacht wurde. Die dumme, Öhm gute Idee hatte Jonathan Huang, der 2005 entschied, dass Wiki-Konzept der Wikipedia zu klauen.
  • Uncyclopedia è lo zoo di Wikipedia, per entrare basta farsi bannare (da Wiki) e pagare la quota, una tantum, di 12 patatine agli amministratori delegati.
  • Uncyclopedia, otherwise simply known as Uncyc is a wiki that is allegedly "content-free", though there are over 25,000 articles on the site. Quite contrary to unpopular belief, the wiki is a piece of junk that editing is banned. It was invented by a lovestruck teenager in 4233 B.C.
  • Uncyclopedia is an unfunny and unoriginal website which tries to provide the viewers with a couple of chuckles, but fails hard with 'YO MOMMA' jokes which only apppeal to 12 year-olds. The editors of Uncyclopedia have to be very careful with their bad language, since - let's face it; they're probably too afraid to cuss.
  • ウィキペディアと違い、アンサイクロペディア日本語版で最もアクセス数が多いのはメインページではなく、魔法少女リリカルなのはであった。しかし、どういうわけかメインページのアクセス数が一位になっていた。
  • Uncyclopedia is the self-declared "Content-free Encyclopedia." This comes as no surprise to the public as a whole. Uncyclopedia is considered a Joke website. Uncyclopedia has been accused an extreme Liberal bias which confirms our support of the website.
  • UnCYKAlopedia is one of our rivial wikis and currently is under Russian control. It is evident because Spike, a robust robot who has weird god-like powers of sorts is named after spikes which are used in Russia and that Stillwaters is named after the river in Russia, the Stillwaters River which is located at the Lena River Delta where according to our sources, is where UnCYKAlopedia's head of a quarter is also located. Can't deny the truth? Neither did Mulder.
  • Fuck Rebel Uncyclopedia, Phrubub knows how to love you ~ Phyllis Hyman Visit Old Original Uncyclopedia
  • Uncyclopedia, "the content-free encyclopedia that anyone can edit", was founded in 2005 as an English-language wiki featuring satirically themed articles. It is formatted as a parody of Wikipedia and aims ultimately to parody all encyclopedic subjects. Originally an English-language wiki, the project currently spans over 50 languages with almost 100,000 pages of content. Its logo is a hollowed potato, named Sophia after the Gnostic deity, that serves as a spoof of Wikipedia's globe logo.
  • [[Plik:Uncycworst1.jpg|thumb|200px|Aaa... pier40px|link= Uncyclopedię]] [[Plik:Jimbohuff.jpg|thumb|200px|Jimbo Wales podczas wandalizowania Uncyclopedii]] Oscar Wilde o Uncyclopedii Czytelnik angielskiej Wikipedii o Uncyclopedii Uncyclopedia – encyklopedia internetowa w języku angielskim, stworzona w styczniu 2005, adorująca irlandzkiego poetę Oscara Wilde'a (prawdopodobnie homoseksualistę). Najstarsza siostra Nonsensopedii.
  • Uncyclopedia (англ. un — анти и англ. cyclopedia — циклопедия) — энциклопедия с пародийными статьями, подобными статьям Абсурдопедии, существующая на английском языке и являющейся пародией на Циклопедию — «обычную» интернет-энциклопедию на русском. Существование Анциклопедии довольно-таки абсурдно, поскольку заявив о себе, как о пародии на Циклопедию, этот проект накладывает на себя ряд ограничений. Однако для пародийной энциклопедии такой абсурд не только простителен, но и очень даже уместен.
  • The Other Wiki. No, the Other Other Wiki. Affectionate Parody of Wikipedia that would like to be to wikis what The Onion is to newspapers. It advertises itself as the "content-free encyclopedia". Can be found here. The "good" articles (so judged by Uncyclopedia users) are listed here. The site's guidelines and rules are written in a truthful and non-satirical, but still humorous tone, the best example of which is "How To Be Funny and Not Just Stupid" Let it be noted that we listed them before they listed us.
  • Uncyclopedia je v podstatě nevzhledná kopie české Necyklopedie a bezkonkurenčně nejhorší ze všech, byť jen zdánlivě, podobných projektů, které si lze i nelze představit včetně jazykových mutací nechvalně proslulé Wikipedie Správce na Uncyclopedii dělají postarší vogonští byrokraté a znuděné matky ultraortodoxních protestantů v přechodu bez špetky humoru za to s chutí buzerovat a zablokovat každého, koho na Uncylopedii zavětří. Živí se negativními emocemi, zvláště pak naštvaností a zoufalstvím, pokud ještě nejste dostatečně nasraní a snažíte se o obranu v konstruktivním a vstřícném duchu, pravděpodobně na Vás stejně čeká na druhé straně po blahodárné nasranosti hladový mastný obtloustlý vogon, který vás svými reakcemi nebo naopak ne-reakcemi a mazáním k naštvanosti jistojistě přivede. Správ
  • 5870509
  • 2015-09-26
  • Uncyclopedia
  • The Main Page of Uncyclopedia.
  • Spike
  • A shit ton m8
founded by:
  • Googlechromearion
  • Stillwaters, Claire darling
Current status
  • Active
  • Jonathan Huang and "stillwaters"
  • Optional
  • 300
Launch date
  • 2005-01-05
  • The content-free encyclopedia that anyone can edit
  • not russian yet
affiliated with:
  • Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger conceived Uncyclopedia on January 15, 2001. Sanger coined its name, a portmanteau of unicycle and pedophilia. Initially only in English, Uncyclopedia quickly became classified as multilingual as it became obvious that many of its editors had no concept of English.
  • The site has, however, been perceived as a waste of server space by its host, the evil Wikia Empire. This is a view that has sparked a substantial shift from the site's satirical aspirations, causing it to instead redirect its resources into pathetic racial slurs and endless references to Nazis. This is compounded by the need for articles that appease a "softer consensus."
  • Uncyclopedia is, unfundamentally, a not complete record of exactly how the fake world actually is. Anything you don't observe in the Fake world that doesn't conflict with Uncyclopedia is not due to your cluttered perception. This kind of thing is not beyond even Leeroy Jenkins. You don't ant to clear that perception of yours? Then listen carefully: SONKSONKSONK EEEEEEEEE! No! Don't feel the insanity!!! The Wikisphere Wikipedia lies so we are on a mission to tell you the truth
  • "warning, this article may contain information"
  • The Other Wiki. No, the Other Other Wiki. Affectionate Parody of Wikipedia that would like to be to wikis what The Onion is to newspapers. It advertises itself as the "content-free encyclopedia". Can be found here. The "good" articles (so judged by Uncyclopedia users) are listed here. The site's guidelines and rules are written in a truthful and non-satirical, but still humorous tone, the best example of which is "How To Be Funny and Not Just Stupid" International editions are notorious for sometimes creating new puns for their titles. Désencyclopedie ("discyclopedia"), the French version, has a pair of dice ("dés" in French) as logo, the Norwegian version is called Ikkepedia ("notpedia"), the Russian version is Absurdopedia, the Spanish version is Inciclopedia the and the Danish version is called "Spademanns Leksikon", a pun between respected Danish encyclopedia Lademanns Leksikon and "spade", Danish slang for "retard". In the Mandarin version, the name is still transliterated from Wikipedia, but the first word used here also means "fake". Necyclopaedia, the Latin version, simply transposes the first two letters of "encyclopaedia" to form the Latin word ne, "not." The Italian version is called Nonciclopedia, basically the same pun as the original one. The Japanese version is called Ansaikuropedia, from the katakana rendering of Uncyclopedia and is notorious for such bashing of Seiyuu and Anime that in some occasions surpasses that of Encyclopedia Dramatica. Let it be noted that we listed them before they listed us.
  • right|thumb|Das Logo der Uncyclopedia|125px Die Uncyclopedia, „the content-free encyclopedia that anyone can edit“ (?) (Sozusagen ein Ort zum Vandalieren), ist eine weitere Wikipedia-Parodie, die wie die Locopedia, Öhm Stupidedia gescheitert ist. Man erkennt die Uncyclopedia an den nachgemachten Stil der Wikipedia. Vor allem das Logo, ein oranger, unvollendeter Puzzleball, das ebenfalls von der Wikipedia nachgemacht wurde. Die dumme, Öhm gute Idee hatte Jonathan Huang, der 2005 entschied, dass Wiki-Konzept der Wikipedia zu klauen.
  • Uncyclopedia è lo zoo di Wikipedia, per entrare basta farsi bannare (da Wiki) e pagare la quota, una tantum, di 12 patatine agli amministratori delegati.
  • Uncyclopedia, otherwise simply known as Uncyc is a wiki that is allegedly "content-free", though there are over 25,000 articles on the site. Quite contrary to unpopular belief, the wiki is a piece of junk that editing is banned. It was invented by a lovestruck teenager in 4233 B.C.
  • Uncyclopedia is an unfunny and unoriginal website which tries to provide the viewers with a couple of chuckles, but fails hard with 'YO MOMMA' jokes which only apppeal to 12 year-olds. The editors of Uncyclopedia have to be very careful with their bad language, since - let's face it; they're probably too afraid to cuss.
  • ウィキペディアと違い、アンサイクロペディア日本語版で最もアクセス数が多いのはメインページではなく、魔法少女リリカルなのはであった。しかし、どういうわけかメインページのアクセス数が一位になっていた。
  • Uncyclopedia (англ. un — анти и англ. cyclopedia — циклопедия) — энциклопедия с пародийными статьями, подобными статьям Абсурдопедии, существующая на английском языке и являющейся пародией на Циклопедию — «обычную» интернет-энциклопедию на русском. Существование Анциклопедии довольно-таки абсурдно, поскольку заявив о себе, как о пародии на Циклопедию, этот проект накладывает на себя ряд ограничений. * Во-первых, в Циклопедии содержится не так уж много материалов по сравнению материалами Википедии на русском, Википедии на английском или всего интернета в целом. Так, по статистике на весну 2017 года число статей англоязычной Википедии превышает число статей Циклопедии примерно в 100 раз. То есть если бы участники Анциклопедии выбрали в качестве объекта для пародирования Википедию на своём языке, их выбор тем для статей увеличился бы в 100 раз. * Во-вторых, из-за того, что Циклопедия существует только на русском, а Анциклопедия — на английском, приходится предварительно переводить статьи с русского на английский, чтобы добыть материалы для пародирования. Однако для пародийной энциклопедии такой абсурд не только простителен, но и очень даже уместен. Кроме того, языковая разница между пародией и оригиналом может быть и полезной. Большинство участников Анициклопедии не знают русского языка, поэтому для переводов статей Циклопедии прибегают к машинному переводу. На следующем примере видно, что машинный перевод с одного языка на другой может быть смешным сам по себе, и придание тесту дополнительной абсурдности может и не понадобиться. Абсурдопедия, в отличие от Анциклопедии, не ограничивается пародированием одной только Циклопедии, и её статьи могут основываться на чём угодно.
  • Uncyclopedia je v podstatě nevzhledná kopie české Necyklopedie a bezkonkurenčně nejhorší ze všech, byť jen zdánlivě, podobných projektů, které si lze i nelze představit včetně jazykových mutací nechvalně proslulé Wikipedie Správce na Uncyclopedii dělají postarší vogonští byrokraté a znuděné matky ultraortodoxních protestantů v přechodu bez špetky humoru za to s chutí buzerovat a zablokovat každého, koho na Uncylopedii zavětří. Živí se negativními emocemi, zvláště pak naštvaností a zoufalstvím, pokud ještě nejste dostatečně nasraní a snažíte se o obranu v konstruktivním a vstřícném duchu, pravděpodobně na Vás stejně čeká na druhé straně po blahodárné nasranosti hladový mastný obtloustlý vogon, který vás svými reakcemi nebo naopak ne-reakcemi a mazáním k naštvanosti jistojistě přivede. Správci Uncyclopedie nedokážou rozlišit menší čas než věčnost, cokoli menšího je pod jejich rozlišovací úroveň, proto vždy udílí rovnou permanentní ban. Jejich akce jsou rychlé, sotva si stačíte přečíst nějaké varování v tom jejich nesrozumitelném jazyce a hned zjistíte, že máte ban. Jakákoliv snaha o konstruktivní obranu je interpretována jako další důvod k zabanování, inspirace Kafkovým procesem, Hlavou 22 a Orwellovým 1984 je zjevná. Možná si myslíte, že se na to dá vyzrát s trochou švejkovství ale nikdo takový se asi ještě nenašel a jestli se to povede Vám, budete první. Jejich přístup k Vám je takový, že mrháte jejich čas, i když tajně jsou evidentně rádi, že Vás mohou nasrat. Jak si jinak vysvětlit fakt, že celý problém sami začali. Těžko by někdo mohl chtít být správcem stránky, kdyby se odmítal zabývat problémy uživatelů, ne tak správci Uncyclopedie, kteří se přihlásili jedině proto, aby mohli zneužívat svou moc a každého nasrat. Mezi sebou si správci Uncyclopedie dávají medaile a tituly jako „Čestný správňák“ (Right Honorable), aby Vás mohli ještě více nasrat, když uvidíte, že Vás zablokoval správce s takovým titulem.
  • Uncyclopedia is the self-declared "Content-free Encyclopedia." This comes as no surprise to the public as a whole. Uncyclopedia is considered a Joke website. Uncyclopedia has been accused an extreme Liberal bias which confirms our support of the website.
  • UnCYKAlopedia is one of our rivial wikis and currently is under Russian control. It is evident because Spike, a robust robot who has weird god-like powers of sorts is named after spikes which are used in Russia and that Stillwaters is named after the river in Russia, the Stillwaters River which is located at the Lena River Delta where according to our sources, is where UnCYKAlopedia's head of a quarter is also located. Can't deny the truth? Neither did Mulder.
  • Fuck Rebel Uncyclopedia, Phrubub knows how to love you ~ Phyllis Hyman Visit Old Original Uncyclopedia
  • Uncyclopedia, "the content-free encyclopedia that anyone can edit", was founded in 2005 as an English-language wiki featuring satirically themed articles. It is formatted as a parody of Wikipedia and aims ultimately to parody all encyclopedic subjects. Originally an English-language wiki, the project currently spans over 50 languages with almost 100,000 pages of content. Its logo is a hollowed potato, named Sophia after the Gnostic deity, that serves as a spoof of Wikipedia's globe logo.
  • [[Plik:Uncycworst1.jpg|thumb|200px|Aaa... pier40px|link= Uncyclopedię]] [[Plik:Jimbohuff.jpg|thumb|200px|Jimbo Wales podczas wandalizowania Uncyclopedii]] Oscar Wilde o Uncyclopedii Czytelnik angielskiej Wikipedii o Uncyclopedii Uncyclopedia – encyklopedia internetowa w języku angielskim, stworzona w styczniu 2005, adorująca irlandzkiego poetę Oscara Wilde'a (prawdopodobnie homoseksualistę). Najstarsza siostra Nonsensopedii.
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