  • Sarah Quinn
  • In May, 2011, a new Historic Preservation Planner joined the Pittsburgh staff. Her name is Sarah Quinn and she has been working in the field of cultural resources for nearly twenty years. Ms. Quinn was born and raised in Allegheny County and received her Bachelors degree in Anthropology from IUP. She also has a Masters degree in History from Southeast Missouri State University. Sarah has spent her career as a consultant for various Federal and State agencies including; FEMA, the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Coast Guard, and the Colorado Army Reserve National Guard. Ms. Quinn served as on-site cultural resources support for the Army at Fort Belvoir, VA. Most recently she supported Navy Engineering Command in the Pacific related to management of the Pearl Harbor National Historic Landmark
  • In May, 2011, a new Historic Preservation Planner joined the Pittsburgh staff. Her name is Sarah Quinn and she has been working in the field of cultural resources for nearly twenty years. Ms. Quinn was born and raised in Allegheny County and received her Bachelors degree in Anthropology from IUP. She also has a Masters degree in History from Southeast Missouri State University. Sarah has spent her career as a consultant for various Federal and State agencies including; FEMA, the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Coast Guard, and the Colorado Army Reserve National Guard. Ms. Quinn served as on-site cultural resources support for the Army at Fort Belvoir, VA. Most recently she supported Navy Engineering Command in the Pacific related to management of the Pearl Harbor National Historic Landmark. Sarah has returned to Pittsburgh to be closer to family members and to support the City in HRC administration and other matters of compliance. Being relatively new in Pittsburgh; Sarah has personally requested to pass on her information and contact information to interested constituents for ease of facilitation as it relates to her work. Sarah could be contacted via her e-mail address at