  • Halftonne
  • Halftonne is the capital of the New Delkish Empire, was the capital of the New Coldlands after the dissolution of the Delkish Empire by King Mattes Messoloriha, and was a major city of the Delkish Empire, and Lobott ever since its finding on the South Mouth by Billow the Slave. Therein he commanded the whores, tailors, and their families to settle down, and build a city, overseeing its construction. The city has been ruled by the Halfsmith Dukes from Midcloud Castle for several centuries. The city's rival is Fourftonne, which is now richer, and more populated because the lychgate above Wheeltonne brought thousands of tallmen which have besieged the area around the city for decades. Halftonne is a duchy, theoretically overseen by Great-Knight Vayess Halfsmith, but she remains occupied and i
  • Halftonne is the capital of the New Delkish Empire, was the capital of the New Coldlands after the dissolution of the Delkish Empire by King Mattes Messoloriha, and was a major city of the Delkish Empire, and Lobott ever since its finding on the South Mouth by Billow the Slave. Therein he commanded the whores, tailors, and their families to settle down, and build a city, overseeing its construction. The city has been ruled by the Halfsmith Dukes from Midcloud Castle for several centuries. The city's rival is Fourftonne, which is now richer, and more populated because the lychgate above Wheeltonne brought thousands of tallmen which have besieged the area around the city for decades. Halftonne is a duchy, theoretically overseen by Great-Knight Vayess Halfsmith, but she remains occupied and inexperienced.