  • 1H Pierce
  • Scroll down for the chart. We have a bunch of breaks so the ads don't cover the information. In order to equip 1H Pierce weapons, you need the Piercing level required for the weapon. If your Piercing level is lower than your opponent's Suiting level you will deal up to 50% less damage with 1H Pierce weapons. You can equip two 1H Slash weapons at one time, but only if you have a Dual Wield skill of at least 20, and the necessary levels to equip each weapon. Recommended Weaponry skills to train when using 1H Pierce Weapons: Base Skills: Piercing Critical Strike Overcrit Hemorrhage Level 20 Skills: Double Attack Pierce Spec Dual Wield Level 40 Skills: Puncture Precision Level 60 Skills: Strikethrough Vengeance Level 80 Skills: Death Blow
  • Scroll down for the chart. We have a bunch of breaks so the ads don't cover the information. In order to equip 1H Pierce weapons, you need the Piercing level required for the weapon. If your Piercing level is lower than your opponent's Suiting level you will deal up to 50% less damage with 1H Pierce weapons. You can equip two 1H Slash weapons at one time, but only if you have a Dual Wield skill of at least 20, and the necessary levels to equip each weapon. Recommended Weaponry skills to train when using 1H Pierce Weapons: Base Skills: Piercing Critical Strike Overcrit Hemorrhage Level 20 Skills: Double Attack Pierce Spec Dual Wield Level 40 Skills: Puncture Precision Level 60 Skills: Strikethrough Vengeance Level 80 Skills: Death Blow