  • Albert and His Dog
  • Albert and His Dog is the side quest to find and return dear little Rufie to his master. Albert has lost his dog; he gives you the dog's Chew Toy to help bring Rufie back. Rufie (3800, 690 or northeast corner of the same area) is hostile if you are not carrying his toy but will run to you and follow peacefully if you have it. The experience reward for returning with Rufie is 1000 xp and possibly some item (see below), but the reward for quest "failure"—returning after killing Rufie—is 1200 XP + 175 XP from killing Rufie!
Quest Type
  • Side Quest
chapter requirement
  • Chapter 1
  • Failure: 1200 xp
  • Success: 1000 xp
  • Albert and His Dog
available in
  • BG, BG:EE
  • Albert and His Dog is the side quest to find and return dear little Rufie to his master. Albert has lost his dog; he gives you the dog's Chew Toy to help bring Rufie back. Rufie (3800, 690 or northeast corner of the same area) is hostile if you are not carrying his toy but will run to you and follow peacefully if you have it. The experience reward for returning with Rufie is 1000 xp and possibly some item (see below), but the reward for quest "failure"—returning after killing Rufie—is 1200 XP + 175 XP from killing Rufie! Albert's dialogue, "Here, take this. It's another of his chew things […]" indicates an item reward, which ranges from nothing at all to a Bandit Scalp to a , depending on the game version and mods that are possibly installed. * Enhanced Edition: A Black Opal is given. * Classic game without TotSC: A Horn Coral Gem is the reward. * Tales of the Sword Coast: The dialogue is broken, no tangible reward. * Baldurdash FixPack: Albert hands over a Bandit Scalp. * The referenced Unfinished Business changes the reward back to the gem.
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