  • Past Poll Results
  • 201 people believe Jill is the best Ghostface with Billy being second with 78 votes and Stu being third with 26 votes. * Yes * No 103 people believe Kirby is still alive while 31 believe she is dead. * Better than all other films * As good as the original * OK * Horrible * Worse than the third one 193 people believe the film was as good as the original. A tie between 43 saying that it is better compared to the other films and some saying it was OK. Kristen Bell's character came up first with 57 votes followed by Jill with 26 votes and Gale third with 25 votes.
  • So far Rambo IV, the legendary final film, is in the lead. So far, the beautiful and strong-willed Co Bao has beaten out the beautiful yet helpless Sarah Miller. "Rambo villain" poll Who is your favorite "Rambo" villain? Will Teasle Art Galt Lt. Col. Podovsky Lieutenant Tay Sgt. Yushin Colonel Zaysen Sgt. Kourov Major Tint
  • 201 people believe Jill is the best Ghostface with Billy being second with 78 votes and Stu being third with 26 votes. * Yes * No 103 people believe Kirby is still alive while 31 believe she is dead. * Better than all other films * As good as the original * OK * Horrible * Worse than the third one 193 people believe the film was as good as the original. A tie between 43 saying that it is better compared to the other films and some saying it was OK. Kristen Bell's character came up first with 57 votes followed by Jill with 26 votes and Gale third with 25 votes.
  • So far Rambo IV, the legendary final film, is in the lead. So far, the beautiful and strong-willed Co Bao has beaten out the beautiful yet helpless Sarah Miller. "Rambo villain" poll Who is your favorite "Rambo" villain? Will Teasle Art Galt Lt. Col. Podovsky Lieutenant Tay Sgt. Yushin Colonel Zaysen Sgt. Kourov Major Tint