  • Hocotate
  • Hocotate
  • In Olimar's Voyage Log, he explains that his family is probably gazing up at the planet's "pale red moon." Stars are visible from the planet's surface during the daytime, indicating a transparent atmosphere. As Hocotatians find oxygen/nitrogen gas poisonous, there must be little or no pure oxygen/nitrogen in its atmosphere.
  • Hocotate ist der Heimatplanet von Olimar und Louie. Außerdem befindet sich dort der Sitz von Hocotate Freights. Er ist ein rotfarbender Planet mit zwei Ringen. Wo sich der Planet befindet, ist nicht bekannt, aber höchstwahrscheinlich befindet er sich in einem anderen Sonnensystem. Außerdem besitzt dieser Planet eine große Sonne und zwei Monde. Sterne kann man allerdings auch unter Tags sehen, wenn man sich an der Oberfläche befindet, so scheint es, als hätte dieser Planet eine transparente Atmosphäre. Die "Menschen", die auf Hocotate leben, hegen eine große Furcht auf Oxygen, da es giftig für sie ist, also müsste dementsprechend wenig oder gar kein Oxygen auf Hocotate sein.
  • It is the home planet of the Hocotatian species, and is covered mostly by large deserts. Hocotate orbits a bright red star and possesses two large moons and two bisecting ring systems. It is likely that the Hocotatian atmosphere contains little to no oxygen as it is poisonous to the planet's inhabitants. The atmosphere is in fact so thin that stars are able to be seen in the sky during the day.
  • The planet has two intersecting planetary rings. It also has two neighboring planetoids, most likely moons. It has a thin atmosphere as stars are visible from the surface during the day.
  • The name "Hocotate" comes from Nintendo Japan's headquarters' street address, 11-1 Kamitoba hokotate-cho. From what can be seen, at least part of the planet is desert-like, though the President notes a location known as the "Hocotate Swamp". The planet shows some signs of flora growing on its surface, including vegetables (Pikpik carrots for example). When viewed from space, the planet itself is purple-coloured and possesses a set of two intersecting planetary rings. Hocotate Freight appears to be in or near a built-up area, which suggests that at least some of Hocotate may be densely populated.
  • Location
  • In Olimar's Voyage Log, he explains that his family is probably gazing up at the planet's "pale red moon." Stars are visible from the planet's surface during the daytime, indicating a transparent atmosphere. As Hocotatians find oxygen/nitrogen gas poisonous, there must be little or no pure oxygen/nitrogen in its atmosphere.
  • Hocotate ist der Heimatplanet von Olimar und Louie. Außerdem befindet sich dort der Sitz von Hocotate Freights. Er ist ein rotfarbender Planet mit zwei Ringen. Wo sich der Planet befindet, ist nicht bekannt, aber höchstwahrscheinlich befindet er sich in einem anderen Sonnensystem. Außerdem besitzt dieser Planet eine große Sonne und zwei Monde. Sterne kann man allerdings auch unter Tags sehen, wenn man sich an der Oberfläche befindet, so scheint es, als hätte dieser Planet eine transparente Atmosphäre. Die "Menschen", die auf Hocotate leben, hegen eine große Furcht auf Oxygen, da es giftig für sie ist, also müsste dementsprechend wenig oder gar kein Oxygen auf Hocotate sein.
  • It is the home planet of the Hocotatian species, and is covered mostly by large deserts. Hocotate orbits a bright red star and possesses two large moons and two bisecting ring systems. It is likely that the Hocotatian atmosphere contains little to no oxygen as it is poisonous to the planet's inhabitants. The atmosphere is in fact so thin that stars are able to be seen in the sky during the day.
  • The name "Hocotate" comes from Nintendo Japan's headquarters' street address, 11-1 Kamitoba hokotate-cho. From what can be seen, at least part of the planet is desert-like, though the President notes a location known as the "Hocotate Swamp". The planet shows some signs of flora growing on its surface, including vegetables (Pikpik carrots for example). When viewed from space, the planet itself is purple-coloured and possesses a set of two intersecting planetary rings. Hocotate Freight appears to be in or near a built-up area, which suggests that at least some of Hocotate may be densely populated. In the opening scene of Pikmin 2, Hocotate can be seen with two neighboring planetoids, likely moons. An incredibly bright star can be seen behind Hocotate, possibly a sun, indicating that it most likely exists in a different star system to ours. Stars are visible from the surface during the daytime, indicating a thin atmosphere. In a possible reference to urban Japan, a building resembling a capsule hotel is shown. Hocotatian people are around 2 cm (3/4 in.) tall, about the size of a nickel. It is uncertain what sort of gas they breathe as a means of respiration, though oxygen gas is known to be extremely poisonous to them; Olimar and Louie must protect themselves while on the Planet of the Pikmin by wearing a spacesuit. Because of this, there must be little or no oxygen in the planet's atmosphere. The technology is very advanced, as minuscule Gluon particles have been utilized (evidenced by the Gluon Drive part in Pikmin 1) and even a source of endless energy (the Eternal Fuel Dynamo). The currency of Hocotate is the Poko, a small type of coin that resembles those from the Super Mario series. Items from the Pikmin Planet are considered extremely rare treasures, and can be worth a particularly large amount of Pokos, many of which helped Olimar and Louie pay off their company's debt of 10,100 Pokos. (In comparison, 100 Pokos is more than a year's salary for the President of Hocotate Freight.)
  • The planet has two intersecting planetary rings. It also has two neighboring planetoids, most likely moons. It has a thin atmosphere as stars are visible from the surface during the day.