  • Dragonball Chronicles: Chapter 1
  • Dragonball Chronicles Blood Saga Chapter 1: Redemption Reigo: God this is hard! Master Roshi: Ten more minutes. Reigo: Wait a second. Remind me again why you're making me do this? Master Roshi: It's because... Well... You're doing this 'cause... I forgot. 'Hohoho' Reigo: WHAT! YOU'VE BEEN SITTING THERE LOOKING AT GIRL'S CHESTS WHILE MAKING ME HANG UPSIDE DOWN ON A CLOTHESLINE WHILE HOLDING A PAIL OF WATER FOR NOTHING? CRASH Reigo: GRAAHHHHHHH Bulla: Easy there Tiger. Remember what you're training for. Reigo: What am i training for again? Enlighten me. SLAP Reigo: It's o....... wait a minute... BOOM
  • Dragonball Chronicles Blood Saga Chapter 1: Redemption Reigo: God this is hard! Master Roshi: Ten more minutes. Reigo: Wait a second. Remind me again why you're making me do this? Master Roshi: It's because... Well... You're doing this 'cause... I forgot. 'Hohoho' Reigo: WHAT! YOU'VE BEEN SITTING THERE LOOKING AT GIRL'S CHESTS WHILE MAKING ME HANG UPSIDE DOWN ON A CLOTHESLINE WHILE HOLDING A PAIL OF WATER FOR NOTHING? CRASH Reigo: GRAAHHHHHHH Bulla: Easy there Tiger. Remember what you're training for. Reigo: What am i training for again? Enlighten me. Bulla: Those Douche bags i call my relatives you dimwit! SLAP Reigo: Ok... Ok... No need for violence here. Speaking of violence... What the hell is wrong with you Master Roshi? You've been making me do crap for a week and It's all for nothing? Master Roshi: I'm sorry. It's just that my wife died while i was on the way to Mt. Paozu. It gets very depressing ya know. Reigo: It's o....... wait a minute... Reigo & Bulla: YOU HAVE A WIFE?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Master Roshi: It doesn't mean i spend all my time looking at girls in bikinis that i wasn't a Ladies Man during my time. Bulla: Y-y-y-y-y-y-you were a Ladies Man? *giggle* Reigo: Sure! And I'm a Saiyan! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Master Roshi: What did you say? Reigo: And I'm a Saiyan! *LOLS* sigh... Master Roshi: WAIT A MINUTE. I REMEMBER NOW. YOUR GRANDFATHER WAS ALSO A SAIYAN. LIKE YOUR FATHER. THATS WHY THEY WERE KILLED. YOU MY BOY HAVE SAIYAN BLOOD! Reigo: Yeah right. Bulla: Wait one second. I thought Saiyans were already extinct in the Fuujin Clan. Master Roshi: That's what the Raijins thought. But actually the lineage of this boy here is actually a direct line from THE "Great Goku" Reigo: Prove it. Master Roshi: Ok, take off that glove at your right hand. Reigo: Fine. What now? Master Roshi: Ok. Now aim at that huge boulder. Bulla: Don't tell me you're going to.... Oh no.. Master Roshi: Ok now shout KAME-HAME-HA! Reigo: KAME.............HAME...........HA!! BOOM Reigo: WOAH HOW DID I DO THAT??? Master Roshi: See? Proof enough? Reigo:...... Bulla: Woah. All that training you made Reigo do...... Reigo: ...WORKED! Master Roshi: Wow. You're the fastest student I've ever had... Reigo: What? Master Roshi: It took your grandfather and father almost years to madterter Reigo: Wow... Whoever knew all that crap actually worked. Like when you were making me grab chestnuts from an open fire! It was to... Bulla: ..... strengthen your fists! Reigo: Then why did i have to hand on a clothesline while holding a bucket of water! Master Roshi: Oh about that... I just got bored. Reigo: WHAT? Master Roshi: N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-no! Bulla: Woah. Watch your temper! Bulla holds Reigo's hand Reigo blushes Reigo: GRRRRRR!!!!!!! Reigo storms off Master Roshi: You must have and effect on that monster. Bulla blushes Bulla: You can keep a secret right? Master Roshi: Of course... End of Chapter 1