  • Energy Release: NorthStar Illumination Jutsu
  • This jutsu makes him a serious threat to anyone who possess a dojutsu, as once they have thier dojutsu activated he charges his body up with energy which causes his body to glow an extremely birhgt rate which as is on par with Ultravolent light making its Luminosity very dense. This briht light Damages the eye by penetrating all six muscles of the eye the lateral rectus, the medial rectus, the inferior rectus, the superior rectus, the inferior oblique, and the superior oblique. This effectively messes up how the dojutsu sees and operates but effecitely slows down the eyes responce time to moving images by lighting up the chakra the eye can visually see, which causes irritations and forces the dojutsu to literllay be blinded in the flash of light, inducing intense pain and a chronic stingin
jutsu type
  • Energy Release ,
debut shippuden
  • No
literal english
  • Energy Release: NorthStar Illumination
jutsu rank
  • A
jutsu classification
  • Kekkei Genkai~Energy Release ,
unnamed jutsu
  • No
viz manga
  • Energy Style: Star Shine
english tv
  • Energy Release Stars Illumination
jutsu class type
  • Offensive, Supplementary
jutsu media
  • Anime, Manga, Movie
  • Saikuron
  • This jutsu makes him a serious threat to anyone who possess a dojutsu, as once they have thier dojutsu activated he charges his body up with energy which causes his body to glow an extremely birhgt rate which as is on par with Ultravolent light making its Luminosity very dense. This briht light Damages the eye by penetrating all six muscles of the eye the lateral rectus, the medial rectus, the inferior rectus, the superior rectus, the inferior oblique, and the superior oblique. This effectively messes up how the dojutsu sees and operates but effecitely slows down the eyes responce time to moving images by lighting up the chakra the eye can visually see, which causes irritations and forces the dojutsu to literllay be blinded in the flash of light, inducing intense pain and a chronic stinging senesation for the remainder of the time the dojutsu is present. To the normal eye its causes simple eye irritations and itchy sensation as the normal eye ca not see the chakra so the damages in not as great. The effects of this jutsu on dojutsu based fighters as the blindess can remains anywhere to a few minutes to a few hours depeinds on the illuminsotiy levels Saikuron reaches. This move has made him a very dangerous fighter even to the most advanced of dojutsu users. forcing you to rely on your regualr sight effectively robbing you of your dojutsu abilites. He will use this move for as long as the person tries to make use of their dojutsu worsening thier symptoms of the backlash