  • Detective Comics Vol 2 31
  • Detective Comics Vol 2 31
  • La muerte por sobredosis de Elena Aguila convierte a Bruce Wayne en el principal sospechosos ante los ojos del Detective Bullock , quien seis años antes lucho incansablemente para que la droga conocida como Icarus no ingresara a Ciudad Gótica.
  • * The intersection where Ash and Lamar are stopped by the black sedan is "" - named for a Toronto intersection and neighbourhood renowned for its criminal activity.
  • Jared K. Fletcher
  • Francis Manapul
  • Francis Manapul
  • Textless Batman '66 Variant
  • Brian Buccellato
  • Francis Manapul
  • Francis Manapul
  • Textless
  • Brian Buccellato
  • Brian Buccellato
  • Francis Manapul
  • Batman: Icarus, Part Two
  • Combo Cover
  • Darren Shan
  • Mark Doyle
  • Batman '66 Variant
  • Textless Combo Cover
  • Francis Manapul
  • Featured Characters: * Supporting Characters: * * :* Villains: * * * Cam * Garrett * Holter * Other Characters: * * * Lamar * Lester Locations: * :* :* :* Items: * * Vehicles: *
  • Laura Allred
  • Mike Allred
  • Jared K. Fletcher
  • Brian Buccellato
  • Darren Shan
  • Mark Doyle
  • Francis Manapul
  • USA
Executive Editor
  • Bobbie Chase
  • 31
  • [[W:C:dc:Bruce Wayne
  • 2
  • Detective Comics
  • 7
  • 7
  • Six years ago, Harvey Bullock and his partner were investigating a drug called Icarus. They managed to pull it off the streets, but at the cost of his partner's life. Now, the drug is back, and it is on Bruce Wayne's doorstep. What's worse is that Elena Aguila has died as a resuDet. Bullock suspects that Bruce may have decided to celebrate his opening of a rehab center with Ms. Aguila by using the drug. He presents the vial of Icarus that killed Elena, noting that he found it on the grounds of Wayne Manor - so where did Bruce get it? He refuses to believe that Elena simply appeared at Bruce's door without a purse, car, or jacket. Meanwhile, Bruce himself looks as though he burns the candle at both ends. Bullock insists that, warrant or not, Bruce will need to come for a drug test. Bruce comments that he'll save Harvey the trouble, and fill up a cup immediately. Grimly, Bullock accepts, warning Bruce not to leave town until he's cleared. As Batman, Bruce searches the area outside outside his property at Gotham City limits, knowing that Elena must have been murdered. Due diligence had already failed to turn up any history of addiction. Bruce discovers that the ground nearby has been trampled already by Bullock's men, but he can work around it. He determines that Elena was chased down from behind after trying to escape her captors. She struggled, and so he injected her there, accidentally spattering chemical residue on a nearby tree. Whatever that compound contains, it ignited Elena from the inside within seconds. She was dead before she'd even arrived at his door. Knowing that the case is personal to Bullock, Bruce resolves to solve it before the Detective's emotions get the better of him. Bullock, meanwhile, is hoping to get one of the gangsters they busted in Chinatown to confess to selling Icarus to Bruce Wayne, having seized a great deal of the substance in that bust. By the time he gets to the holding tank, though, his two greatest leads that he hoped to interrogate are dead. Frustratedly, Bullock curses what's happened to the city since Jim Gordon was arrested. Meanwhile, in the Narrows, a drug trade insider named Ash returns to Gotham after a long period of being thought dead, and he wants to know everything there is to know about Icarus. His friend Lamar informs him that the drug isn't on the street yet, but he's put the word out that Ash is looking to buy some, as promised. Their conversation is interrupted when a black sedan pulls up next to them. The vehicle's occupant asks after Ash, who confirms that he is looking for Icarus. Instead of the drugs, the man pulls a shot-gun, and shoots Ash in the chest before driving off. Within moments, Alfred pulls up in a van to collect the body from the curb. Grumpily, Bruce recovers from the gunshot to the chest, tugging off his bullet-proof vest, and wondering if the tracking device he planted on the sedan is functional. Alfred confirms it, adding that his background checks turned up very little on Elena's daughter Annette. She has no official records - no birth certificate or social security number. It appears her existence has been wiped to keep her past from catching up with her. At Elena's funeral, Congressman Young warns a board member from Elena's organization to help shut down Bruce Wayne's waterfront development plans - or his family will suffer. After attending the burial, Bruce Wayne himself is stopped by Bullock, who notes that Annette didn't even show up to her own mother's funeral. He admits that Bruce's lab results came back clean, but he doesn't want to shift the focus of his investigation yet. His gut tells him Bruce is hiding something, and he will dig for it if he has to. Bruce comments that whatever the case, Harvey would be best served to follow the evidence. That night, Annette goes looking to score some Icarus in the Narrows, but learns that it's not on t he street yet. In its stead, she buys something called White Candy to tide her over. Despite Alfred's concerns about Bruce's physical condition, Batman is out again, following the tracker he planted to the waterfront. When he opens one of the storage containers he finds at the location, he is disturbed to see that it is full of children. He goes radio-silent, and opens the other containers, but upon opening one of them, he is yanked inside violently by its inhabitant - Sumo. The large man grabs Batman up in his arms and starts squeezing, complaining of his disappointment with this masked avenger. Batman points out that child slavery is a betrayal of his own people, and this enrages Sumo, who claims that he is their salvation. He charges, sending them both careening off the pier and down hard onto a second container below. The impact renders Sumo immobile, and Batman takes the opportunity to demand who paid him to kill Elena. Sumo wheezes that the death had nothing to do with him, but he was employed by someone called The Squid. Naturally, this has made Sumo a loose end that needs dealing with.
  • Detective Comics Vol 2 31 '66 Variant.jpg
  • Detective Comics Vol 2 31 Combo.jpg
  • Detective Comics Vol 2 31 Solicit.jpg
  • Detective Comics Vol 2 31 Textless '66 Variant.jpg
  • Detective Comics Vol 2 31 Textless Combo.jpg
  • Detective Comics Vol 2 31 Textless.jpg
  • * This issue is reprinted in the collection.
  • No doubt you can shovel it, [[W:C:dc:Harvey Bullock
  • T
  • DC Comics
  • 2014
  • Solicit Art
  • La muerte por sobredosis de Elena Aguila convierte a Bruce Wayne en el principal sospechosos ante los ojos del Detective Bullock , quien seis años antes lucho incansablemente para que la droga conocida como Icarus no ingresara a Ciudad Gótica. Por supuesto, Bruce no le inyecto nada y accede a realizar todo tipo de pruebas para demostrar su inocencia. Sin embargo esa noche, ya ataviado como Batman él comienza a recolectar pistas para descubrir cómo fue que Elena llego hasta su propiedad con tamaña dosis de la droga en su sangre. Tras revisar las cercanías a su mansión el héroe encuentra en un lugar huellas de neumáticos y señales de lucha por lo que rápidamente llega al conclusión de que Elena fue asesinada. Sin perder tiempo Bullock comienza a buscar información sobre el regreso de Icarus a thumb|left|350pxlas calles, pero todas sus esperanza mueren junto con sus informantes dentro de prisión; sin embargo Bruce corre con una suerte distinta ya que se coloca una máscara EMP, y se adentra en los Estrechos en busca de la fuente de Icarus moviendo algunos de sus contactos, no obstante sus preguntas molestan a alguien y él termina recibiendo un disparo de escopeta en el pecho luego de ponerle un rastreador al vehículo de su agresor. Más tarde Bruce asiste al funeral de Elena, sin saber que cerca de allí el congresista Sam Young se reúne con un miembro de la junta directiva de Bienes Raíces Aguila para frenar el emprendimiento que Elena había pactado con Bruce. Al funeral no asiste la hija de Elena, lo cual corrobora una teoría que Bullock sobre los niños ricos pero Bruce se le acerca y pide encarecidamente que se dedique a hacer lo mejor posible su trabajo. Por otro lado Annie, la hija de Elena, no asistió al funeral de su madre debido a que ha decido investigar el caso por ella mismo, por eso comienza a comprar drogas con la esperanza de que alguien la guie hasta el producto de Icarus. Esa noche, el rastreador lleva a Batman hasta un barco atracado en la bahía con muchos contenedores de transporte en donde para su sorpresa se termina encontrando a varios personas encerradas contra su voluntad. Batman se encuentra con un caso gigantes de trata de personas, pero antes de poder dar un aviso él es arrastrado hasta un contenedor por la persona que debía encargarse del cuido de los cautivos: Sumo. Ambos pelean brutalmente dentro de aquel espacio reducido mientras el contenedor comienza a alabarse hasta que finalmente ambos caen y Sumo rompe la espalda al chocar contra el suelo. Consumido por el dolor y desesperado por ayuda él le revela a que él sólo estaba haciendo un trabajo para “El Calamar” y que aquello no tenía nada que ver con Elena. Por su parte Holter, el líder de “Los Reyes del Sol” se encuentra en el muelle junto a un muchacho llevándose algo en un camión mientras escuchan los alaridos de Sumo. Holter sabe que tiene que ocuparse de Batman, pero primero él y su compañero tienen que trasladar la fuente del Icarus a otra parte, lo cual parece ser un sujeto consumido por las llamas. Categoría:Detective Comics (Volumen 2) Categoría:Comic Categoría:The New 52 Categoría:Detective Comics: Icarus