  • Kentei Mezase!
  • Kentei Mezase! (検定 めざせ!), roughly translated as "Aim for that official certificate!", is a series of quiz games for SNK fans on the Japanese IMode and Yahoo networks. Each game contains various questions that the player must answer in order to proceed onto the next level. Each lesson is divided into six segments with 50 possible questions for the subject matter at hand. The navigator for both titles is an avatar version of Dr. Neo Geo.
  • Kentei Mezase! (検定 めざせ!), roughly translated as "Aim for that official certificate!", is a series of quiz games for SNK fans on the Japanese IMode and Yahoo networks. Each game contains various questions that the player must answer in order to proceed onto the next level. Each lesson is divided into six segments with 50 possible questions for the subject matter at hand. The navigator for both titles is an avatar version of Dr. Neo Geo.