  • Anti-Meta Chaos
  • This deck is basically a Chaos deck with Anti-Meta cards which can disrupt your opponent's strategies, such as "Thunder King Rai-Oh" and "Doomcaliber Knight" to force your opponent into an artificial late-game state. You can take advantage of the large amounts of LIGHT and DARK monsters in your graveyard with cards like "Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning", "Chaos Sorcerer", and "Dark Armed Dragon".
  • * Allure of Darkness * Dark Hole * Pot of Desires * Pot of Dichotomy * Pot of Duality * Raigeki * Smashing Ground
tuner monsters
  • * Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind * Effect Veiler * Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit * Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries
  • * Back to the Front * Black Horn of Heaven * Bottomless Trap Hole * Call of the Haunted * Compulsory Evacuation Device * Dimensional Prison * Floodgate Trap Hole * Heavy Storm Duster * Imperial Order * Mirror Force * Phantom Knights' Fog Blade * Skill Drain * Solemn Strike
effect monsters
  • * Banisher of the Radiance * Battle Fader * Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning * Breaker the Magical Warrior * Chaos Sorcerer * Cyber Dragon * D.D. Crow * D.D. Warrior Lady * Dark Armed Dragon * Dimensional Alchemist * Doomcaliber Knight * Evilswarm Thunderbird * Galaxy Worm * Gorz the Emissary of Darkness * Gravekeeper's Descendant * Gravekeeper's Spy * Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer * Necroface * Night Assailant * Night Dragolich * Sangan * Spirit Reaper * Thunder King Rai-Oh * Tour Guide From the Underworld * Tragoedia * Vanity's Fiend
synchro monsters
  • * Armory Arm
fusion monsters
  • * Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon * Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
xyz monsters
  • * Leviair the Sea Dragon * Super Quantal Mech Beast Grampulse * The Phantom Knights of Break Sword
  • This deck is basically a Chaos deck with Anti-Meta cards which can disrupt your opponent's strategies, such as "Thunder King Rai-Oh" and "Doomcaliber Knight" to force your opponent into an artificial late-game state. You can take advantage of the large amounts of LIGHT and DARK monsters in your graveyard with cards like "Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning", "Chaos Sorcerer", and "Dark Armed Dragon".