  • Rigor mortis
  • Rigor Mortis
  • Rigor Mortis
  • Rigor mortis
  • Rigor mortis
  • Il rigor mortis è una condizione che causa una rigidezza temporanea delle giunture e dei muscoli dopo un certo periodo dalla morte. Nel 2285, mentre si trovava ad esplorare a bordo della stazione Regula I, il dottor Leonard McCoy scoprì i cadaveri di diversi membri dell'equipaggio della stazione, i quali erano stati uccisi da Khan Noonien Singh e dai suoi potenziati, e determinò che non c'era ancora il rigor mortis, escludendo quindi la possibilità che la cosa fosse accaduta da molto. (Star Trek II: L'ira di Khan)
  • Full: For 8...18 seconds, target foe cannot block. Concise: (8...18 seconds.) Target foe cannot block. __TOC__
  • Rigor Mortis is a villain in Marvel Comics, and an enemy of Ghost Rider.
  • Rigor mortis was a condition that caused temporary stiffness of joints and muscles after a certain period post-mortem. In 2285, while investigating the Regula I station, Dr. Leonard McCoy discovered the corpses of several of the station's crew who had been killed by Khan Noonien Singh and his Augments, and determined that they had not yet undergone rigor, indicating that they had not been dead long. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)
  • 3800
  • You feel a faint presence of a great power.
  • One of the ruined Mortis buildings has been rebuilt back to full capabilities. One of the mortis is standing outside the structure, keeping a close eye on you.
  • "Two powerful items become one. May you be blessed in fighting the enemies of the Mortis." Lost Elemental Shield Lost Bloodlust Pincers Gained Eye of Ra-Ha-Tep
  • Ahhh, I see you have been exploring the tarragon homeworld - and killing there. That greatly pleases me. If you wish to continue killing there then I'd advise getting some solid equipment. You should seek out Ra-Ha-Tep. He was one of our generals which fronted the first invasion within Gothador. His power is immense, even though he died he still lives on in spirit form. I believe he has gone to a place where spirits gather. Seek him out."
  • Approach the Mortis
  • Look Around
  • yes
  • Bleeding Eye *Bloodlust Pincers *Elemental Shield *Required Quests: **Bonding Alloy, Ahoy **Bridging Relations **Elemental Immunity *Required Key: Mortis Key
  • Kill Void Worm to get Bleeding Eye or you cannot accept the quest. *Start quest Mortis Dramoris *Go to Sacred Grounds *Lost Elemental Shield *Lost Bloodlust Pincers *Gained Eye of Ra-Ha-Tep *Turn in quest
  • Il rigor mortis è una condizione che causa una rigidezza temporanea delle giunture e dei muscoli dopo un certo periodo dalla morte. Nel 2285, mentre si trovava ad esplorare a bordo della stazione Regula I, il dottor Leonard McCoy scoprì i cadaveri di diversi membri dell'equipaggio della stazione, i quali erano stati uccisi da Khan Noonien Singh e dai suoi potenziati, e determinò che non c'era ancora il rigor mortis, escludendo quindi la possibilità che la cosa fosse accaduta da molto. (Star Trek II: L'ira di Khan)
  • Full: For 8...18 seconds, target foe cannot block. Concise: (8...18 seconds.) Target foe cannot block. __TOC__
  • Rigor Mortis is a villain in Marvel Comics, and an enemy of Ghost Rider.
  • Rigor mortis was a condition that caused temporary stiffness of joints and muscles after a certain period post-mortem. In 2285, while investigating the Regula I station, Dr. Leonard McCoy discovered the corpses of several of the station's crew who had been killed by Khan Noonien Singh and his Augments, and determined that they had not yet undergone rigor, indicating that they had not been dead long. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)