  • Ask a cat for some work
  • From: [[]] Hint - obliquely - to the next cat you see that you're keen to know more. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Feline approval
Failure title
  • Feline disdain
  • 98
Failure description
  • You make polite conversation with a cat. But you are too eager when you bring up the subject of spy work. She gives you a haughty glare and turns tail.
From Card/Storylet title
  • Make more use of bats. Or cats.
Success description
  • You make polite conversation with a cat. She tells you quite a lot of things that you didn't ask to know, but you know better than to interrupt. […]you bring the topic round to spy work. She nods. 'I think we can use you, yes. We'll let you know.'
  • Hint - obliquely - to the next cat you see that you're keen to know more.
  • From: [[]] Hint - obliquely - to the next cat you see that you're keen to know more. [Find the rest of the story at ]