  • Species 125
  • Species 125 were a humanoid carbon-based species native to the Milky Way Galaxy that have been assimilated by the Borg Collective by the 24th century. The most significant member encountered was an incarnation of the Borg Queen active in 2375; information about her species was discussed with Seven of Nine. It was unclear whether all versions of the queen were of the same species despite all having a similar physical appearance. (VOY episode: "Dark Frontier")
  • One notable member of Species 125 was the Borg Queen, who was first encountered by Captain Jean-Luc Picard in 2366, before the Battle of Wolf 359. In 2375, the Queen stated the designation of her species, when she kidnapped Seven of Nine. (Star Trek: First Contact; VOY: "Dark Frontier")
  • Species 125 were a humanoid carbon-based species native to the Milky Way Galaxy that have been assimilated by the Borg Collective by the 24th century. The most significant member encountered was an incarnation of the Borg Queen active in 2375; information about her species was discussed with Seven of Nine. It was unclear whether all versions of the queen were of the same species despite all having a similar physical appearance. (VOY episode: "Dark Frontier")
  • One notable member of Species 125 was the Borg Queen, who was first encountered by Captain Jean-Luc Picard in 2366, before the Battle of Wolf 359. In 2375, the Queen stated the designation of her species, when she kidnapped Seven of Nine. (Star Trek: First Contact; VOY: "Dark Frontier") In VOY: "Unimatrix Zero, Part II", the Borg Queen stated, she was assimilated around the same age as a young alien child in the episode, suggesting her species was assimilated well before the 2360s. In the Star Trek: Legacy segment "The Origin of the Borg", it is stated that the collective found the females of certain species (likely referring to Species 125) displayed a mental prowess, enabling them to sift through thousands of thoughts and bring order to chaos.