  • Sith Lord Sinuous
  • Created in a Byss cloning facility at the age of 22, he was a failed clone of Darth Sidious, failed because he was conscious and aware of his person. He was taken and used for experiments until the age of 30, when he was given up for dead. The pain and anguish he forwent helped him discover the dark side of the force; he used the force to fake his own death and fool his captors. He escaped Byss before its ultimate destruction and fled to a Jedi rich environment where he learned that the light side of the force was harnessed by beings that were hypocritical in their teachings and their ways.
  • Sith Lord Sinuous
  • [[starwars:Byss
  • [[starwars:Male
  • Created in a Byss cloning facility at the age of 22, he was a failed clone of Darth Sidious, failed because he was conscious and aware of his person. He was taken and used for experiments until the age of 30, when he was given up for dead. The pain and anguish he forwent helped him discover the dark side of the force; he used the force to fake his own death and fool his captors. He escaped Byss before its ultimate destruction and fled to a Jedi rich environment where he learned that the light side of the force was harnessed by beings that were hypocritical in their teachings and their ways. Sinuous traveled many systems, one night in his sleep he was given a trajectory path for his ship, and this trajectory would lead him to Malachor V. On Malachor V he found his Master and was taught basic Sith principles, but his Master disappeared to never be seen again. Malachor V gave him a profound understanding of what lurked inside him, namely, Dark Force Energies. Later in his life Sith Lord Sinuous began reading teachings in Sith Alchemy from Naga Sadow, Darth Plagueis,and Darth Sidious. Lord Sinuous took to the stars traveling to Unknown space in search of more Sith Artifacts. Lord Sinuous appearance seems to have changed, some suggest that he covers his deformed and battered face using Force Projection.
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