  • J.N.S.S. Incident
  • The Übelandian-based Giesel Industries developed specialised satellites for the space station. These satellites were to contain samples of the "t" and "G" viruses and orbit the Earth before returning to the station. This was part of a research project into seeing how significantly the viruses would mutate when in contact with cosmic radiation. Dr. Omle, an orbiting researcher, suspected the satellite was being used for bio-weapons research and promptly notified earth-based authorities.
  • The Übelandian-based Giesel Industries developed specialised satellites for the space station. These satellites were to contain samples of the "t" and "G" viruses and orbit the Earth before returning to the station. This was part of a research project into seeing how significantly the viruses would mutate when in contact with cosmic radiation. Dr. Omle, an orbiting researcher, suspected the satellite was being used for bio-weapons research and promptly notified earth-based authorities.