  • Banana Tree Shirts
  • Each year on Trophy Day, Wembley also accepts a trophy for Best Shirt with Banana Trees on It. Though the market for this variety of leisure-wear would seem to be exclusive to Wembley, the Wizard goes into business as a banana tree shirt salesman in "The Wizard of Fraggle Rock." In "The Secret of Convincing John," Convincing John compels Wembley to choose between a white shirt with banana trees on it and a beige/brown shirt. John's own wardrobe is similarly limited, including two identical suit jackets.
  • Each year on Trophy Day, Wembley also accepts a trophy for Best Shirt with Banana Trees on It. Though the market for this variety of leisure-wear would seem to be exclusive to Wembley, the Wizard goes into business as a banana tree shirt salesman in "The Wizard of Fraggle Rock." In "The Secret of Convincing John," Convincing John compels Wembley to choose between a white shirt with banana trees on it and a beige/brown shirt. John's own wardrobe is similarly limited, including two identical suit jackets. Near the end of the episode "A Tune for Two", Cotterpin Doozer can be seen wearing a banana tree shirt similar in design to Wembley's, with the only difference being that hers is smaller to accommodate her size, as Doozers are 1/10 of the size of a Fraggle. Wembley, in return, can be seen wearing a visor similar to Cotterpin's.