  • Let's put it in pond seven
  • From: [[]] The Tiger Keeper is intrigued. He wants you to oversee the purchase and bring the thing back to the labyrinth. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Not this time, lads
Failure title
  • A hard lesson
  • 102
Failure description
  • […]However, the moment you've left the labyrinth, the supposed fluke-finders draw cudgels and attack! You make a decent showing[…]but they surround you and pummel you senseless. When you wake, chest and zailors have sailed away[…]
From Card/Storylet title
  • The Fiddler's Fluke!
Success description
  • […]You're heavily outnumbered, but this rabble aren't much of a test for your skill or your strength. In the final account, seven zailors lie bleeding, and the eighth still hasn't emerged from the pond you threw her into.[…]
  • The Tiger Keeper is intrigued. He wants you to oversee the purchase and bring the thing back to the labyrinth.
  • From: [[]] The Tiger Keeper is intrigued. He wants you to oversee the purchase and bring the thing back to the labyrinth. [Find the rest of the story at ]