  • Goldilocks Zone
  • Goldilocks zone
  • The Goldilocks zone is a Tau'ri term used to describe an area of a star system for which a planet can support Human life would be situated. The zone is an area where the planet is far enough away from the system's star so that it is not too hot and not far enough out that it would be too cold. It is named after the fairy tale Goldilocks. The Goldilocks zone planet, visited in 2009 by the Destiny expedition, was named after this term. (SGU: "Light")
  • Goldilocks Zone is the name for the region of space around a star where temperatures on planets would be neither too hot nor too cold for liquid water to exist. That matters because liquid water is believed to be associated with life.
  • The Goldilocks zone is a Tau'ri term used to describe an area of a star system for which a planet can support Human life would be situated. The zone is an area where the planet is far enough away from the system's star so that it is not too hot and not far enough out that it would be too cold. It is named after the fairy tale Goldilocks. The Goldilocks zone planet, visited in 2009 by the Destiny expedition, was named after this term. (SGU: "Light")
  • Goldilocks Zone is the name for the region of space around a star where temperatures on planets would be neither too hot nor too cold for liquid water to exist. That matters because liquid water is believed to be associated with life.