  • 'I am undone!'
  • From: [[]] Your friend's last-but-two paramour still has one of his love letters and is threatening to make it public. The thought mortifies him and he begs you to get it back. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Theft in a moderately good cause
Failure title
  • Well that was hardly sporting
  • 36
Failure description
  • Your friend's previous paramour is of a suspicious and watchful disposition[…] the scented envelope isn't a letter at all, but a grocery list. You[…] report failure. Your friend is so distraught he swears off romance for nearly a fortnight.
From Card/Storylet title
  • Romance and practicality
Success description
  • You manage to acquire an invitation to the soiree where the letter is to be read out[…] you deftly palm it and substitute a grocery list. You[…] can't resist reading the letter. You can certainly see why your friend didn't want it becoming public.
  • Your friend's last-but-two paramour still has one of his love letters and is threatening to make it public. The thought mortifies him and he begs you to get it back.
  • From: [[]] Your friend's last-but-two paramour still has one of his love letters and is threatening to make it public. The thought mortifies him and he begs you to get it back. [Find the rest of the story at ]