  • Marcel Perdis
  • Marcel grew up fairly different from other trolls- she was isolated away by her mother at an early age because of her blood color. Though Lime blood still exsisted for their timeline- any limeblood found we be turned into a breeding object for future wars. Besides being isolated away, Marcel found humans rather entertaining and looked more into their culture. She became obsessed with them and soon started to adapt more to their ways.
  • Marcel grew up fairly different from other trolls- she was isolated away by her mother at an early age because of her blood color. Though Lime blood still exsisted for their timeline- any limeblood found we be turned into a breeding object for future wars. Besides being isolated away, Marcel found humans rather entertaining and looked more into their culture. She became obsessed with them and soon started to adapt more to their ways. By five sweeps she was able to start leaving the hive on her own, she went to various troll gathering areas and met a lot of various people that really took a liking to her very quickly. One Highblood in partictular took a very big liking to her and they started a red rom together. He was very sweet to her and treated her fairly well- but when insantiy struck he attacked both her and her mother. Marcel's lusus was killed and she was left alone to die. A friend of hers was able to save her lusus- rendering the poor creature undead. This seemed to be a normal pattern for the young troll- she would meet someone she enjoyed and in the end- they woulkd end up trying to kill her- Marcel never lost hope however. She- as a Page of heart, always thinks the good in others.