  • Platypus
  • Platypus
  • Platypus
  • Platypus
  • Platypus
  • Platypus
  • Like most pets, this pet has a growth rate of 1% for every 15% hunger. Releasing the pet platypus in the same location as done during the quest will result in another casket or oyster.
  • right|250px Platypus – statek występujący w Grand Theft Auto IV.
  • A platypus (sometimes referred to as a duck-billed platypus or beaverduck) is a semi-aquatic, egg-laying mammal, native to Australia but known to be domesticated in America. Platypuses bear a beaver tail, venomous spurs (males only), a duckbill, webbed feet, and fur, as well as being one of the only mammals to lay eggs. Also, female platypus sweat milk ("Does This Duckbill Make Me Look Fat?"). Platypuses are always slated as being relatively useless, not "doing much," though one is known to be a high-class member of the Organization Without a Cool Acronym and having heightened abilities therefore.
  • Platypus is a pet and part of the Platypus Set.
  • [[Fichier:Platypus-GTAIV.jpg|thumb|300px|Une vue du navire amarré dans le quartier d'East Hook à Broker.]] Le Platypus est un navire dans les épisodes de la série Grand Theft Auto suivants : * Grand Theft Auto IV * The Lost and Damned (extension de GTA IV) * et The Ballad of Gay Tony (extension de GTA IV) Il est accessible au joueur mais ne peut pas être contrôlé.
  • The Platypus is an unreleased animal on FarmVille. It has no official release date or guarantee that they will make it to the FarmVille. This page to be updated once the item is released. Image name and Animal name may change once the item is released.
  • platypus eli nokkaeläin , on lemmikki runescapessa. platypuksen voi ottaa lemmikiksi lvl 10 summoningissa, mikäli olet suorittanut As a First Resort... Tehtävän. platypuksen metsästykseen tarvitset: box trapin, lavenderia, tulitikkuaskin ja 48 metsästystaidon. Platypus syö kalaa.
  • Platypus met Collie after Ryder, Skylon and Raiko met due to the problems caused by the meteorite. He didn't have any glasses, so Collie gave him her glasses which she had drawn eyes on with a marker. Platypus supposedly came from the meteorite, and was supposedly the one controling it all along. He also can speak, however in a different language. However Collie told him not to speak at all since she couldn't understand him. Platypus can understand English, he just can't speak it...(or whatever language they're REALLY speaking).
  • The Platypus (ornithorhynchus anatinus) is surely one of the strangest living mammals, with a snout resembling a ducks bill, a tail like a beaver's and clawed feet.
  • Een Platypus kan gevangen worden na de As a first resort... quest met de Hunter skill vanaf level 48, wat 205 experience oplevert. Dit kan een speler doen met Box trapping in combinatie met Ogre hunting. Oftewel, de speler moet eerst een Box trap opzetten, en vervolgens de platypus lokken met smouldering Lavender, wat men krijgt door een tinderbox op lavender te gebruiken, terwijl men geen wapen draagt. Wanneer men dit doet lokt men de Platypus, echter het maakt de Wimpy birds die daar ook leven agressief.
  • Der Vertraute steigert seinen Schadenbonus bei jeder dritten erfolgreichen Fütterung um 1 Punkt auf angerichteten Schaden. Er frisst nur die Gli's aus Gelee:
  • File:Quake Wars.png The Platypus is the only water based vehicle in Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. It is exclusive only to the GDF faction. There are two seats: a gunner seat, and a driver seat.
  • Platypus derives from the Greek words "Plata" (meaning hairy or ugly) and "Pus" (meaning kitten). The name translates to dead sheep's spleen with mustard. No one really seems to know what the heck a platypus is. Some think it is a duck thing due to the bill, but some call it a mammal because it has a beaver tail. Scientists are often persecuted for their decision to classify the platypus as a mammal, but for all we know they could be "biogenetic cross-breds from scientists who tried to mix a giraffe with bologna." Most just call them an "It.", others call them aliens. It has been proven that platypuses platypi platypeople are allergic to bananas which is why they live on separate continents.
  • "Platypus" is the current camp mascot of Camp Campbell.
  • Platypus on suurikokoinen rahtialus, ja se esiintyy Grand Theft Auto IV:ssä.
  • The Platypus is a playable mascot in Crossy Road that was added in the Australian Update.
  • Platypus is This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • miniatur|Die Platypus in East Hook Die Platypus (dt. Schnabeltier) ist ein Frachtschiff des Kapitäns Zorba Philippidis aus Grand Theft Auto IV, Grand Theft Auto: The Lost and Damned, Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony und Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars, auf dem Niko Bellic zusammen mit Hossan Ramzy einige Monate lang als Besatzungsmitglied arbeitete. Es war in Schmuggeloperationen verwickelt, unter anderem in Diamanten- und Sportwagen-Schmuggel. Als Niko mit der Platypus in East Hook, Liberty City, landet, hat das Schiff Einwanderer aus ganz Europa und Afrika, unter anderem Spanier, Deutsche, Ägypter, Russen und Serben, an Bord. miniatur|Die Platypus liegt in East Hook vor Anker Nachrichtenberichten zufolge verschwanden der Kapitän und die gesamte Besatzung der Platypus kurz nach i
  • Overleg gebruiker:1337haxxor! The platypus is a creature found only in the uncharted depths of Cumulonimbus incus, where one can find that all things recur eternally; however, this excludes the dogs. Platypi are frequently discovered by men named Vasco da Gama, though Karl Marx has claimed to have divided the seas into their modern provinces. It can sometimes, but not always, be inferred that Saarland is the king of all the Wild Things. One viking leader was named Knut the Great, and a song auf Deutsch was made about him: Knut, der ist ein Kuschelbär Doch hat keine Mama mehr Und der Star im Zoo
  • The platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus), also known as the duck-billed platypus, is a semiaquatic egg-laying mammal endemic to eastern Australia, including Tasmania. Together with the four species of echidna, it is one of the five extantspecies of monotremes, the only mammals that lay eggs instead of giving birth. The animal is the sole living representative of its family (Ornithorhynchidae) and genus(Ornithorhynchus), though a number of related species have been found in the fossil record.
  • The Platypus is a small, aquatic, intelligent, egg-laying mammal with webbed feet and a bill like a duck's. In two separate locations, groups of platypodes have clustered together into kingdoms governed from magnificent castles. These two platypode kingdoms can be found in the Mithicus Mountains, and on Misty Island in Antharia. Generally the platypodes remain separate from mankind, but occasionally a platypus tale enters the lore of man. To this day it is not known if the Legend of Wishbringer concerns humans or platypodes.
  • El PLATYPUS es el barco en el que Niko Bellic llego a Liberty City en la introducción del Grand Theft Auto IV. En esta secuencia, Niko que habla con Hossan sobre como han acabado en esta tierra de las oportunidades. Se sabe que este barco pertenece a la marina mercante, usado para transportar autos robados. El barco esta amarrado en Broker justamente en East Hook, en el Astillero de Broker. En la historia del juego, se puede subir a bordo, pero no se puede pilotar como un vehículo, pues forma parte del decorado de la ciudad . El barco tiene dos secciones:
  • "There's more to this Aussie than just the way it looks. Very few people know that platypuses are as venomous as snakes and have an electric sense that helps them navigate in the water."Platypus Map File:Missing map.png You can have a family of 4 platypuses at your Zoo.Buying and Breeding Platypuses The first male and female platypuses are brought to your Zoo by helicopter when you buy them. The 2 baby platypuses are bred in the Nursery and cost gems to breed. When you have collected a family you'll get a Tcash reward.Platypus Zoo Book Page Platypus Family Video
  • The Platypus was involved in smuggling operations, including diamonds, heroin, and sports cars, and was most prominently a vessel in which Niko Bellic sailed on for several months, along with Hossan Ramzy, before disembarking at Liberty City. When the ship docks at East Hook, Broker, as Niko leaves, the ship is carrying immigrants from across the world, including Greece, Russia, Egypt, Taiwan, Thailand, China and Serbia. If the multiplayer storyline is canon with the campaign, that would mean the Platypus is no more.
  • As a result of its bird-mammalian nature, the platypus is a source of three staple elements: milk, eggs, and laughter. This made it Jesus' favorite creature, as he loves to start the day with a healthy breakfast and a smile. The platypus' special place in Jesus' heart earned it a VIP section on Noah's Ark. It was right up there with elephants and cats, and far away from steerage where the stowaway bears lurked.
  • 1
  • 30
  • 48
  • 98
  • 259200.0
  • * keine
  • 10
Bevorzugte Gebiete
  • * Sufokia * Halbinsel der Gelees
  • *+0~10 auf Schaden
xp gain type
  • home
  • -259200.0
  • A most unlikely creature.
  • A most unlikely creature.
  • Lavender
  • LC
  • 412
  • 1
  • ?
  • Non-Giftable
Bonus im Bevorzugten Gebiet
  • * +70% auf bisherige Boni
  • 89.0
  • Bij verkeerde kruiden
  • 144
  • 1
  • 10
  • 2005-08-05
level req type
  • Player
  • Bill: #F78B06, Tail and Feet: #391F06
  • Dance
  • Platypus
  • platypus
  • 144
  • muack
  • #000000
  • 2012-08-31
  • Australian terrain appears when playing as Platypus
  • Photo_smiley.png
  • Least Concern
  • Least Clia
  • 130
  • Camp mascot
  • #783800
  • 28
  • Platypus
  • "Platypus"
  • Platypus
  • Techno
  • Animals
  • Australia
  • Pet
  • 1
  • left
  • Jordan Cwierz , Miles Luna , Alena Lecorchick
  • 205
  • platypuses
  • Yes
  • Raw fish or Ground fishing bait as a baby. Fishing bait as adult.
  • 10
  • 250
  • $0.99/£0.67 or 100 from the prize machine
  • As a First Resort...
  • Ornithorhynchus Anatinus
  • Navigation
  • Ornithorhynchus
  • No
  • Mammalia
  • As old and as stylish as an Enutrof, and as affectionate as the Eliatrope Goddess, this Platypus shines day and night. The children's stories give its home as Sufokia, and raise it to the status of the remains of an ancient civilization, but the veracity of these claims has never been verified. This ravenous pet eats all types of Jely sweets. Sufokia and its surroundings are its favourite zones.
  • Platypus
  • * None
  • So alt und mit solch einem Stil wie ein Enutrof und einer Zärtlichkeit, die einer Eliantropengöttin zur Ehre gereicht, dies strahlt der Platypus Tag und Nacht aus. Kindergeschichten geben seine Heimat als Sufokia an und bezeichnen ihn als ein letztes Relikt einer alten, vergangenen Zivilisation. Aber diese Behauptungen wurden nie überprüft. Das gefräßige Tier frisst alle Arten von Gelee-Süßigkeiten. Die Stadt Sufokia und ihre Umgebung ist sein Lieblingsgebiet.
  • 3
  • Rare
  • 12009
  • "Mascot"
  • Ornithorhynchidae
  • 10
  • 2008-01-29
  • Monotremata
  • Unknown
  • Platypus
  • * 0~10 Damage
  • There's more to this Aussie than just the way it looks. Very few people know that platypuses are as venomous as snakes and have an electric sense that helps them navigate in the water.
  • Chordata
  • 100
  • Like most pets, this pet has a growth rate of 1% for every 15% hunger. Releasing the pet platypus in the same location as done during the quest will result in another casket or oyster.
  • miniatur|Die Platypus in East Hook Die Platypus (dt. Schnabeltier) ist ein Frachtschiff des Kapitäns Zorba Philippidis aus Grand Theft Auto IV, Grand Theft Auto: The Lost and Damned, Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony und Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars, auf dem Niko Bellic zusammen mit Hossan Ramzy einige Monate lang als Besatzungsmitglied arbeitete. Es war in Schmuggeloperationen verwickelt, unter anderem in Diamanten- und Sportwagen-Schmuggel. Als Niko mit der Platypus in East Hook, Liberty City, landet, hat das Schiff Einwanderer aus ganz Europa und Afrika, unter anderem Spanier, Deutsche, Ägypter, Russen und Serben, an Bord. miniatur|Die Platypus liegt in East Hook vor Anker Nachrichtenberichten zufolge verschwanden der Kapitän und die gesamte Besatzung der Platypus kurz nach ihrer Landung und die Passagiere gingen von Bord. Einer von ihnen, Dave Bosoy, wurde im Humboldt River gefunden: Er hatte Wundmale von Peitschenhieben auf dem Rücken. Das Schiff dockt das ganze Spiel über in seinem Heimathafen Broker, und falls Niko sich an Dimitri Rascalov rächt, dient es als Schauplatz für die Mission A Dish served cold, in der darauf hingewiesen wird, dass Dimitri es stehlen und damit aus Amerika fliehen wollte. Die Platypus taucht auch im GTA-IV-Mehrspieler-Modus Bombenanschlag II auf. Nachdem ein mit Sprengstoff beladenes Securicar gestohlen wurde, fliegt ein Hubschrauber herüber zur Platypus. Bei der Platypus angekommen beginnt eine große Schießerei. Diese hat große Ähnlichkeiten mit der oben genannten Rache-Mission, das Schiff ist diesmal jedoch unter der Kontrolle der Albaner. Zwei Bomben müssen entweder auf dem Deck oder im Schiffsrumpf angebracht werden, währenddessen müssen die Albaner ausgeschaltet werden. Die Mehrspieler-Mannschaft muss das Schiff dann vor der Explosion verlassen. miniatur|Eine Skizze der Platypus In Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned stammen die Diamanten in der Haupthandlung von der Platypus. Diese versucht Anthony Prince, einem Koch des Schiffs abzukaufen. Als der Deal in trockenen Tüchern ist, greifen Johnny Klebitz und seine Bande „The Lost“ aus dem Hinterhalt den Deal an und stehlen die Diamanten, nachdem sie Tonys Lebensgefährten umgebracht hatten.
  • right|250px Platypus – statek występujący w Grand Theft Auto IV.
  • A platypus (sometimes referred to as a duck-billed platypus or beaverduck) is a semi-aquatic, egg-laying mammal, native to Australia but known to be domesticated in America. Platypuses bear a beaver tail, venomous spurs (males only), a duckbill, webbed feet, and fur, as well as being one of the only mammals to lay eggs. Also, female platypus sweat milk ("Does This Duckbill Make Me Look Fat?"). Platypuses are always slated as being relatively useless, not "doing much," though one is known to be a high-class member of the Organization Without a Cool Acronym and having heightened abilities therefore.
  • Platypus is a pet and part of the Platypus Set.
  • [[Fichier:Platypus-GTAIV.jpg|thumb|300px|Une vue du navire amarré dans le quartier d'East Hook à Broker.]] Le Platypus est un navire dans les épisodes de la série Grand Theft Auto suivants : * Grand Theft Auto IV * The Lost and Damned (extension de GTA IV) * et The Ballad of Gay Tony (extension de GTA IV) Il est accessible au joueur mais ne peut pas être contrôlé.
  • As a result of its bird-mammalian nature, the platypus is a source of three staple elements: milk, eggs, and laughter. This made it Jesus' favorite creature, as he loves to start the day with a healthy breakfast and a smile. The platypus' special place in Jesus' heart earned it a VIP section on Noah's Ark. It was right up there with elephants and cats, and far away from steerage where the stowaway bears lurked. Scientists who are critical of the Noah's Ark story believe that Jesus made the Platypus from bits of different animals to save room. Some even argue that Noah's Ark is just a made up story and that Jesus made the Platypus so it could swim and so survive the flood all on its own. These Godless liberals - only a fraction of whom have real jobs inventing advanced military weaponry for defending freedom - have hypothesized their own belief named "evolution" which says that all other animals came from the Platypus and this is why a Platypus looks like a bit of everything. Bible believers, however, believe that the Ark was big enough for all the animals (even the baby dinosaurs), that the theory of evolution doesn't hold, and that the God created the Platypus exactly in its current form around 4004 BC.
  • The Platypus is an unreleased animal on FarmVille. It has no official release date or guarantee that they will make it to the FarmVille. This page to be updated once the item is released. Image name and Animal name may change once the item is released.
  • platypus eli nokkaeläin , on lemmikki runescapessa. platypuksen voi ottaa lemmikiksi lvl 10 summoningissa, mikäli olet suorittanut As a First Resort... Tehtävän. platypuksen metsästykseen tarvitset: box trapin, lavenderia, tulitikkuaskin ja 48 metsästystaidon. Platypus syö kalaa.
  • Platypus met Collie after Ryder, Skylon and Raiko met due to the problems caused by the meteorite. He didn't have any glasses, so Collie gave him her glasses which she had drawn eyes on with a marker. Platypus supposedly came from the meteorite, and was supposedly the one controling it all along. He also can speak, however in a different language. However Collie told him not to speak at all since she couldn't understand him. Platypus can understand English, he just can't speak it...(or whatever language they're REALLY speaking).
  • The Platypus is a small, aquatic, intelligent, egg-laying mammal with webbed feet and a bill like a duck's. In two separate locations, groups of platypodes have clustered together into kingdoms governed from magnificent castles. These two platypode kingdoms can be found in the Mithicus Mountains, and on Misty Island in Antharia. Generally the platypodes remain separate from mankind, but occasionally a platypus tale enters the lore of man. To this day it is not known if the Legend of Wishbringer concerns humans or platypodes. These platypodes played an indirect role in the respective defeats of The Evil One, and a monstrous Ur-Grue.
  • The Platypus (ornithorhynchus anatinus) is surely one of the strangest living mammals, with a snout resembling a ducks bill, a tail like a beaver's and clawed feet.
  • Een Platypus kan gevangen worden na de As a first resort... quest met de Hunter skill vanaf level 48, wat 205 experience oplevert. Dit kan een speler doen met Box trapping in combinatie met Ogre hunting. Oftewel, de speler moet eerst een Box trap opzetten, en vervolgens de platypus lokken met smouldering Lavender, wat men krijgt door een tinderbox op lavender te gebruiken, terwijl men geen wapen draagt. Wanneer men dit doet lokt men de Platypus, echter het maakt de Wimpy birds die daar ook leven agressief.
  • Der Vertraute steigert seinen Schadenbonus bei jeder dritten erfolgreichen Fütterung um 1 Punkt auf angerichteten Schaden. Er frisst nur die Gli's aus Gelee:
  • File:Quake Wars.png The Platypus is the only water based vehicle in Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. It is exclusive only to the GDF faction. There are two seats: a gunner seat, and a driver seat.
  • Platypus derives from the Greek words "Plata" (meaning hairy or ugly) and "Pus" (meaning kitten). The name translates to dead sheep's spleen with mustard. No one really seems to know what the heck a platypus is. Some think it is a duck thing due to the bill, but some call it a mammal because it has a beaver tail. Scientists are often persecuted for their decision to classify the platypus as a mammal, but for all we know they could be "biogenetic cross-breds from scientists who tried to mix a giraffe with bologna." Most just call them an "It.", others call them aliens. It has been proven that platypuses platypi platypeople are allergic to bananas which is why they live on separate continents.
  • "There's more to this Aussie than just the way it looks. Very few people know that platypuses are as venomous as snakes and have an electric sense that helps them navigate in the water."Platypus Map File:Missing map.png You can have a family of 4 platypuses at your Zoo.Buying and Breeding Platypuses The first male and female platypuses are brought to your Zoo by helicopter when you buy them. The 2 baby platypuses are bred in the Nursery and cost gems to breed. When you have collected a family you'll get a Tcash reward. You have a Zoo Book in which you can see how many of the 168 animals available you have in your Zoo. When you get a platypus it is given a random name, but you can rename it if you want.Platypus Zoo Book Page Platypus Family Video
  • "Platypus" is the current camp mascot of Camp Campbell.
  • Platypus on suurikokoinen rahtialus, ja se esiintyy Grand Theft Auto IV:ssä.
  • The Platypus is a playable mascot in Crossy Road that was added in the Australian Update.
  • The Platypus was involved in smuggling operations, including diamonds, heroin, and sports cars, and was most prominently a vessel in which Niko Bellic sailed on for several months, along with Hossan Ramzy, before disembarking at Liberty City. When the ship docks at East Hook, Broker, as Niko leaves, the ship is carrying immigrants from across the world, including Greece, Russia, Egypt, Taiwan, Thailand, China and Serbia. According to news reports, the captain and entire crew of the Platypus disappeared shortly after the ship docked and the passengers disembarked. One of the crew was found in the Humboldt River with whip scars on his back - apparently the man who was engaging in sado-masochism with a woman as the ship was docking. The ship remains docked in Broker throughout the game and, if Niko chooses to exact his revenge on Dimitri Rascalov, is the setting for A Dish Served Cold, suggesting Dimitri intended to steal it and escape America. After this he calls Roman to tell him that "it ended where it began". The diamonds that interweave between the main stories of Grand Theft Auto IV, The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony came from the Platypus when Anthony Prince attempted to purchase them from one of the ship's crew, The Cook. When the deal was done, Johnny Klebitz and The Lost Brotherhood ambushed the deal and stole the diamonds for Ray Boccino during this, Johnny ends up killing Tony's boyfriend Evan Moss. The Platypus is also included in the Bomb Da Base II mode of GTA IV's multiplayer. After stealing a Securicar loaded with explosives, online players playing as Petrovic Family gangsters fly a chopper to the Platypus. Arriving at the Platypus, a heavy gun battle begins between the Albanians and the players. This is similar to the Revenge mission, however the Platypus ship is now under control of the Albanians. Two bombs must be planted on either the upper or lower levels of the ship while gunning down Albanians. The multiplayer team must then escape the ship before the explosion. If the multiplayer storyline is canon with the campaign, that would mean the Platypus is no more.
  • The platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus), also known as the duck-billed platypus, is a semiaquatic egg-laying mammal endemic to eastern Australia, including Tasmania. Together with the four species of echidna, it is one of the five extantspecies of monotremes, the only mammals that lay eggs instead of giving birth. The animal is the sole living representative of its family (Ornithorhynchidae) and genus(Ornithorhynchus), though a number of related species have been found in the fossil record. The unusual appearance of this egg-laying, duck-billed, beaver-tailed, otter-footed mammal baffled European naturalists when they first encountered it, with some considering it an elaborate hoax. It is one of the few venomous mammals, the male platypus having a spur on the hind foot that delivers a venom capable of causing severe pain to humans. The unique features of the platypus make it an important subject in the study of evolutionary biology and a recognisable and iconic symbol of Australia; it has appeared as a mascot at national events and is featured on the reverse of its 20-cent coin. The platypus is the animal emblem of the state of New South Wales. Until the early 20th century, it was hunted for its fur, but it is now protected throughout its range. Although captive breeding programs have had only limited success and the platypus is vulnerable to the effects of pollution, it is not under any immediate threat.
  • El PLATYPUS es el barco en el que Niko Bellic llego a Liberty City en la introducción del Grand Theft Auto IV. En esta secuencia, Niko que habla con Hossan sobre como han acabado en esta tierra de las oportunidades. Se sabe que este barco pertenece a la marina mercante, usado para transportar autos robados. El barco esta amarrado en Broker justamente en East Hook, en el Astillero de Broker. En la historia del juego, se puede subir a bordo, pero no se puede pilotar como un vehículo, pues forma parte del decorado de la ciudad . El barco tiene dos secciones: * La sala de mandos donde se encuentra los controles del barco. * La bodega se puede acceder desde la sala de mandos abriendo las compuertas de esta.
  • Platypus is This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Overleg gebruiker:1337haxxor! The platypus is a creature found only in the uncharted depths of Cumulonimbus incus, where one can find that all things recur eternally; however, this excludes the dogs. Platypi are frequently discovered by men named Vasco da Gama, though Karl Marx has claimed to have divided the seas into their modern provinces. It can sometimes, but not always, be inferred that Saarland is the king of all the Wild Things. One viking leader was named Knut the Great, and a song auf Deutsch was made about him: Knut, der ist ein Kuschelbär Doch hat keine Mama mehr Trotzdem ist er frech und froh Und der Star im Zoo Kleiner Racker ganz in weiß Mit vier Pfoten kuschelweich Alle hab’n den Knut so lieb Schön, dass es dich gibt Knut, Knut Kleiner Eisbär aus’m Zoo Knut, Knut Dir geht’s richtig gut Knut, du bist ein Kuschelbär Du wirst immer putziger Laufen kannst du auch schon gut Weiter so, nur Mut Nuckelfläschchen in den Mund Trinke fein, das ist gesund Danach musst du schlafen gehen Kleiner Knut, schlaf schön Knut, Knut Kleiner Eisbär aus’m Zoo Knut, Knut Dir geht’s richtig gut Knut, du süßer Kuschelbär Dich zu mögen ist nicht schwer Streichelt man dich auf dem Bauch Dann freust du dich auch Deine Zähnchen sind noch klein Kräftig beißen, das muss sein Dann wirst du bald groß und stark Ja, das ist doch klar Afterwards, Jan Hus was burned at the steak, and Syd Barrett was stoned. This resulted in the First World War, who will be dying shortly. That being said, platypi formed the upper class and nobility of Renaissance Italy, and they were generally revered as god-kings. HELP!
is Pets of
is Lugares of
is Lugar of
is Species of
is Race of
is Location of
is lieu de début of