  • Jay Baruchel (This Is The End)
  • It’s all start when Jay visits Seth in LA where during he trip for his house after left the airport, Seth stated that he stop drinking and smoking as well as consuming too much calories and fat (which Seth classified as gluten). Ironically, they later eating hamburgers that had a ton of calories and fat on the way back home.
  • It’s all start when Jay visits Seth in LA where during he trip for his house after left the airport, Seth stated that he stop drinking and smoking as well as consuming too much calories and fat (which Seth classified as gluten). Ironically, they later eating hamburgers that had a ton of calories and fat on the way back home. After they arrived, Seth revealed the surprise for Jay where he has prepared Jay’s favorite food such as Starburst and Airheads with some vegetables that aranged into Jay’s name. He also reveals a glasses shaped TV and Gandalf’s pipe before both have some fun for hours until they exhausted. As they watch the appearance of sinkhole in Guatemala, Seth asked Jay for have another fun in James Franco’s brand new mansion. Jay stated that he never in LA and he was reluctant to go along as he never met Franco and dislikes Jonah Hill as he well aware that Jonah was not worth to be trusted. Seth then asked about Craig Robinson where he stated that the man was hilarious, but Jay stated that they never met. After considering for a while, Jay then stated that he would go for Seth.