  • Gongulus
  • Gongulus is equal to {10,10 (100) 2} in BEAF. It is equivalent to solving a centeract (a 100-dimensional analog of the cube) of 10s with sidelength 10, and can thus be written (10100) & 10. It has googol 10's. The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers. In the article "Why Does God Exist?", Bowers makes a mention of "minus gongulus", making it the least real number explicitly mentioned on his site.
  • Gongulus is equal to {10,10 (100) 2} in BEAF. It is equivalent to solving a centeract (a 100-dimensional analog of the cube) of 10s with sidelength 10, and can thus be written (10100) & 10. It has googol 10's. The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers. In the article "Why Does God Exist?", Bowers makes a mention of "minus gongulus", making it the least real number explicitly mentioned on his site.