  • Hidden Track
  • Hidden Track
  • Hidden Track
  • Ein Hidden Track ist ein Titel auf einem Tonträger, der so platziert ist, dass er nur schwer zu finden ist. In der Regel findet man den Hidden Track indem man die CD nach Ablauf aller Lieder nicht sofort stoppt und dem Abspielgerät entnimmt. Nach einiger Zeit setzt dann das versteckte Musikstück ein. Kategorie:Kategorie fehlt
  • Des ir alle seid begierlich Und ist darzu wissentlich Das der himel wird den frumen In das feur die bösen kumen O vos mortales, perversi mundi sodales Finem pensate que futura considerate Qualibus ad primum tempusque requiritur imum Pro loco duplatur, ubi fines perpetuatur Mors horrenda nimis est cunctorum quoque finis Qualiter aut quando venerit, manet in dubitando Sic etiam dura noscuntur inde futura Propter ignotum remanendi locum quoque totum Pendet a factis in isto mundo peractis Ergo peccare disistite, si properare Ad finem cupitis optatum, nam bene scitis Quod caelum dignis locus est, sed fit malis ignis
  • It's been a good five minutes since the last song on the CD ended. By now you've kind of relaxed yourself (and by relaxing we most likely mean planning on spending the next 3 hours looking for examples for all those YKTTWs), when, suddenly... is that... music? Congratulations. You have just discovered a Hidden Track, the trope where the Easter Egg and the Bonus Material make love inside a music album. Examples of Hidden Track include:
  • 30
  • Jam out on the Concert's secret platform.
  • Funky Horn
  • Des ir alle seid begierlich Und ist darzu wissentlich Das der himel wird den frumen In das feur die bösen kumen O vos mortales, perversi mundi sodales Finem pensate que futura considerate Qualibus ad primum tempusque requiritur imum Pro loco duplatur, ubi fines perpetuatur Mors horrenda nimis est cunctorum quoque finis Qualiter aut quando venerit, manet in dubitando Sic etiam dura noscuntur inde futura Propter ignotum remanendi locum quoque totum Pendet a factis in isto mundo peractis Ergo peccare disistite, si properare Ad finem cupitis optatum, nam bene scitis Quod caelum dignis locus est, sed fit malis ignis O ir tödlichen menschen all Die der falschen welt wolt wolgefallen Bedenkt, wie das ende sei Und merkt, was künftig ist dabei Zu dem ersten gehört wie und wenn Das letzt ist zwiefaltig benennt Wa die stat zu bleiben ist Der tod euch allen das end beweist (sem tradução)
  • It's been a good five minutes since the last song on the CD ended. By now you've kind of relaxed yourself (and by relaxing we most likely mean planning on spending the next 3 hours looking for examples for all those YKTTWs), when, suddenly... is that... music? Congratulations. You have just discovered a Hidden Track, the trope where the Easter Egg and the Bonus Material make love inside a music album. At its most basic, the Hidden Track is just a song on the album that isn't on the playlist however musicians have sometimes played further tricks in order to play into the fact that they are rewards for faithful listeners who listen all the way through the album. Some have hidden it several minutes after the last listed song after some dead time and with Compact Discs and digital technology people have been able to play further tricks by hiding them in a Track 0 spot or making them only accesible by computer or only when playing all the way through continuously. The name harks back to when each song was a track running along the vinyl disc. It's still a very widely used term for individual music pieces. If you knew this already you should just roll your eyes at the lame squares who needed a widely used word explained to them, if you didn't then don't worry those other people are jerks. This practice is dying out with the rise of iTunes and Digital Distribution, partially because these services have lead to trends shunning albums, with material on the albums being more likely to be shuffled and thus no worth considering as much as a single continuous work and leading to more artists releasing more and more singles. Many songs that were previously hidden tracks are now being listed in album tracklists with many digital providers (even those listed under "Hidden in the Middle of the Album" below.) It's also very easy to spot a hidden song when the last track is 20 minutes long. The music provider service Bandcamp allows artists to add hidden tracks to their digital releases, keeping the format alive in some respects. Examples of Hidden Track include:
  • Ein Hidden Track ist ein Titel auf einem Tonträger, der so platziert ist, dass er nur schwer zu finden ist. In der Regel findet man den Hidden Track indem man die CD nach Ablauf aller Lieder nicht sofort stoppt und dem Abspielgerät entnimmt. Nach einiger Zeit setzt dann das versteckte Musikstück ein. Kategorie:Kategorie fehlt