  • Kalafarian-Albian War
  • The Kalafarian-Albian War was fought in 430 BBY. The fighting would stop and then again open. The war was a dangerous crusade for those involved, and thousands of men from both sides had died for the honor of their Mustafarian tribe. Because of this, the war was often referred to as the Mustafarian Civil War, or Crusade of Flames as the Sith called it.
  • The Kalafarian-Albian War was fought in 430 BBY. The fighting would stop and then again open. The war was a dangerous crusade for those involved, and thousands of men from both sides had died for the honor of their Mustafarian tribe. Because of this, the war was often referred to as the Mustafarian Civil War, or Crusade of Flames as the Sith called it.