  • Occult Club Members
  • The Occult Club Members are two unnamed girls who are members of their school's Occult Club. They both appeared first in the episode Marathon Tournament!, where they talked about UFO sightings, leading Ritsu Tainaka to the assumption that Yui Hirasawa, who was lost at the moment, could have been abducted by aliens. They later appeared again during the High School Festival, where they allowed Tsumugi Kotobuki and Shizuka Kinoshita to borrow their club's "Rosetta Stone" replica as a replacement for the class' lost tombstone. The Light Music Club thanked them later by sharing snacks with them.
  • The Occult Club Members are two unnamed girls who are members of their school's Occult Club. They both appeared first in the episode Marathon Tournament!, where they talked about UFO sightings, leading Ritsu Tainaka to the assumption that Yui Hirasawa, who was lost at the moment, could have been abducted by aliens. They later appeared again during the High School Festival, where they allowed Tsumugi Kotobuki and Shizuka Kinoshita to borrow their club's "Rosetta Stone" replica as a replacement for the class' lost tombstone. The Light Music Club thanked them later by sharing snacks with them.