  • Zelda: Can of Whoopass
  • From the title screen, just click where it says to "Click Here To Continue" to begin playing. The actual gameplay itself is simple. It's basically a survival game where you are given two minutes to kill as many guards as you can. Guards will keep coming during this time relentlessly. They appear randomly in the background or foreground and will charge toward you. You can choose attack them by moving toward them in the background or foreground, or waiting for them to come to you. There are also Cuccos (chickens) that will appear randomly that can be killed for bonus points.
  • From the title screen, just click where it says to "Click Here To Continue" to begin playing. The actual gameplay itself is simple. It's basically a survival game where you are given two minutes to kill as many guards as you can. Guards will keep coming during this time relentlessly. They appear randomly in the background or foreground and will charge toward you. You can choose attack them by moving toward them in the background or foreground, or waiting for them to come to you. There are also Cuccos (chickens) that will appear randomly that can be killed for bonus points. You have 10 hearts (hit points) to survive all 2 minutes. If you last two minutes, you will see a congratulatory screen and then must submit your score. If you lose all your hit points, the game is over, Zelda pops up and says "OMFG" and you're taken to what's arguably the best "game over" screen in the history of videogames. (Complete with "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" as the background music.) You must also submit your score if you lose.