  • Hit it with a stick
  • From: [[]] Explain your requirements to the beast. And then hit it with a stick until it behaves. Simple. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Sullen obedience
Failure title
  • Blood and tears
  • 112
Failure description
  • Slavering monstrosities don't generally appreciate being hit with sticks. Your creature lodges a vigorous complaint in your forearm.
From Card/Storylet title
  • Tame your... Thing
Success description
  • Observe: the creature can be encouraged to conduct itself in a civilised manner by the appropriate application of a blunt instrument. It's going splendidly. You should write a monograph.
  • Explain your requirements to the beast. And then hit it with a stick until it behaves. Simple.
  • From: [[]] Explain your requirements to the beast. And then hit it with a stick until it behaves. Simple. [Find the rest of the story at ]