  • Ámbar Smith
  • Ámbar Smith
  • Ámbar Smith es la villana principal en la serie Soy Luna. <default>Ámbar Smith</default> Información Películas Series Videojuegos Libros Atracciones Actor Actriz Animadores inglésvoz Doblaje en españa Doblaje en méxico Doblaje en argentina Modelo de realización Diseñador Inspiración Premios Información del personaje Otros Nombres Nombre Completo Otros nombres Personalidad Apariencia Ocupación Alianza Afiliación Objetivo Hogar Familia Amigos Enemigos Secuaces Le gusta No le gusta Habilidades Armas Final Frase
  • Ámbar is a person who has never had to work for money. She is superficial and capricious, but also very intelligent. Ámbar is the type of girl that catches everyone's attention and is very popular. She will do anything to get what she wants and has friends to support her and her bad deeds. When trying to get what she wants, Ámbar is mean, condescending, and manipulative. Despite all of this, she yearns for the acceptance of her peers and most importantly, her godmother. Although she won't admit it, she is jealous of Luna's relationship with her parents.
  • Luna, Nina
  • Superficial, manipuladora, egoísta, grosera
  • Ámbar Smith
  • Soy Luna
  • La Reina de la pista
  • AmbarSmith.png
  • Ámbar is a person who has never had to work for money. She is superficial and capricious, but also very intelligent. Ámbar is the type of girl that catches everyone's attention and is very popular. She will do anything to get what she wants and has friends to support her and her bad deeds. When trying to get what she wants, Ámbar is mean, condescending, and manipulative. Despite all of this, she yearns for the acceptance of her peers and most importantly, her godmother. Although she won't admit it, she is jealous of Luna's relationship with her parents. Although her jealousy may be explained in some way, her actions cannot be. She tries to sabotage Luna's life in an attempt to destroy the chance of any rivalry that threatens Ámbar's hold over Matteo's heart and her skating career. After learning of her plans, Matteo quickly breaks up with her, causing her to be even angrier at times, but also learns to hide her hate towards Luna, dropping it all at once at the right moment.
  • Ámbar Smith es la villana principal en la serie Soy Luna. <default>Ámbar Smith</default> Información Películas Series Videojuegos Libros Atracciones Actor Actriz Animadores inglésvoz Doblaje en españa Doblaje en méxico Doblaje en argentina Modelo de realización Diseñador Inspiración Premios Información del personaje Otros Nombres Nombre Completo Otros nombres Personalidad Apariencia Ocupación Alianza Afiliación Objetivo Hogar Familia Amigos Enemigos Secuaces Le gusta No le gusta Habilidades Armas Final Frase
is Amigos of
is Familia of