  • Throw them both out
  • From: [[]] you can enjoy your breakfast in peace. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Approving noises
Failure title
  • An embarrassing moment
  • 50
Failure description
  • You advance menacingly towards the troublesome pair, only to trip over the pub cat and come crashing to the floor. Fortunately the argument's loud enough that no-one notices. Except the cat. And she's laughing too hard to say anything.
From Card/Storylet title
  • The Affair of the Difficult Breakfast
Success description
  • You fling the yelping foreigners into the street, dust off your hands and return to your seat. Other patrons nod and raise their forks in salute. A Londoner's breakfast is sacred. The proprietor brings you an additional kipper.
  • you can enjoy your breakfast in peace.
  • From: [[]] you can enjoy your breakfast in peace. [Find the rest of the story at ]