  • Dragonkin
  • Dragonkin
  • Dragonkin
  • Dragonkin
  • Dragonkin
  • Dragonkin (aka dragon type)are all creatures descended from and including dragons. A dragon is a reptilian creature, usually winged, with magical or unusual abilities. Sometimes refers specifically to a type of creature closely related to a dragon, but usually lacking wings or full dragon ability, powers, and spells. Nearly all dragonkin belong to one of the main or lesser dragonflights. Here is a list of .
  • Smokowate to wszystkie smocze i pochodzące od smoków stworzenia, włączając w to same smoki. Kreatury te są gadami, zwykle uskrzydlonymi, posiadającymi magiczne lub niezwykłe umiejętności. Czasami są stworzeniami szczególnie powiązanymi ze smokami, lecz pozbawione skrzydeł lub pełnych smoczych umiejętności, mocy i zaklęć. Niemalże wszystkie smokowate należą do jednego z głównych lub pomniejszych Smoczych Stad.
  • Dragonkin were believed to be distant cousins of dragons. They were mainly found in wild tribes.
  • The Dragonkin are a race that was fought by Robert the Strong. While extremely powerful, they are not immortal, and as a result of their mortality, Robert the Strong was able to slay some of them and force them into hiding. Along with being mortal, dragonkin could not reproduce. To protect themselves and carry on their lineage, they created a race of weaker clone beings that could reproduce. These clones became known as dragons.
  • The Dragonkin are said to have been slaughtered methodically by Daoine in the distant past. This is true, but the story the Dragonkin tell themselves is not the whole truth.
  • The Dragonkin are a race of half-dragon and half-human hybrid creatures. Only two of them have been seen, and both were killed. This is evidence that they may be extinct. Though this may not be true, due to the fact that the elves returned in Overlord II, even though they could have been wiped out in Overlord.
  • Large humanoid creatures that exist in large number wherever there are Dragons. Rare in most every corner of Tellic, there has been a few to gain Writted Race status in the Cradle
  • Dragonkin , also known as Dragoner, is a special job from Final Fantasy Tactics. Reis's default job, the Dragonkin is about taming dragons and using dragon powers to aid allies in battle. It costs 3,350 JP to master. Dragonkin has the highest HP, MP and Magick growth among all jobs, as well as an excellent Attack stat that surpasses even that of the Sword Saint's. The Dragonkin's impressive stat growth comes at a price: she can equip only female-exclusive equipment.
  • To this day, only three Dragonkin remain-Strisaph, Sakrith, and Sithaph. One Dragonkin, who is well known for creating the huge, powerful Queen Black Dragon, named Kerapac is supposedly still alive. Kerapace is amongst the strongest of the dragonkin.
  • Here is a list of dragonkin found in Ark of Boccob: * Dragon Turtle * Drake * Pseudodragon * True Dragon * Chromatic Dragon * Black Dragon * Blue Dragon * Green Dragon * Red Dragon * White Dragon * Metallic Dragon * Brass Dragon * Bronze Dragon * Copper Dragon * Gold Dragon * Silver Dragon * Wyvern
  • At some point, they were enslaved by Jas and given the task of guarding the Stone of Jas, as referenced by the post-quest While Guthix Sleeps journal. The Balance Elemental, one of the primary guardians of the Stone, was killed during While Guthix Sleeps. In Postbag from the Hedge issue 10 the King Black Dragon said "balance must have a counter balance, lest he forgot." Movario believes that the dragonkin are "Creatures brought here by gods to support them during the god wars." As revealed in the Ritual of the Mahjarrat, the dragonkin not only guard the Stone, but also derive their power from it. When the Stone of Jas is touched by a "False User" (i.e.: anyone besides Jas) the dragonkin feel pain and, eventually, become enraged, causing them to seek out and destroy the individuals that use
  • leftthumb|128pxOs Dragonkin são uma raça muito poderosa e inteligente de seres semelhantes a dragões que sabe-se terem existido durante a Quarta Era, embora várias evidências sugerem fortemente que eles tenham existido em RuneScape muito antes, possivelmente até antes da Primeira Era. left|330pxOs Dragonkin podem ser vistos depois da missão Enquanto Guthix Dorme, quando você pega lâmpadas de EXP com Idria. Vai aparecer um pequeno filme, onde os Dragonkins marcam seu retorno, prometendo destruir todo Guilenor.
  • -"Let us bring terror to the smaller races!" The Dragonkin are a powerful race of dragon humanoids in the MMORPG RuneScape. The Dragonkin are the creators of the Dragons and inventors of powerful weapons and armour made from Dragon metal. They are the guardians of an ancient artifact known as the Stone of Jas. As seen in the quest "Ritual of the Mahjaart", they can easily scorch a person with a single attack, literally reducing her to ashes. They have also defeated Lucien , a Mahjarrat with the power of the Stone of Jas and the Staff of Armadyl.
  • A dragonkin is a person who identify as a dragon. legendary creature, typically with serpentine or reptilian traits, that features in the myths of many cultures. There are two distinct cultural traditions of dragons: the European dragon, derived from European folk traditions and ultimately related to Greek and Middle Eastern mythologies, and the Chinese dragon, with counterparts in Japan (namely the Japanese dragon), Korea and other East Asian countries. Dragons from indigenous cultures often are less spoken of in the otherkin community.
  • At some point, they were enslaved by Jas and given the task of guarding the Stone of Jas, as referenced by the post-quest While Guthix Sleeps journal. The Balance Elemental, one of the primary guardians of the Stone, was killed during While Guthix Sleeps. In Postbag from the Hedge issue 10 the King Black Dragon said "balance must have a counter balance, lest he forgot." Movario believes that the Dragonkin are "Creatures brought here by gods to support them during the god wars." As revealed in the Ritual of the Mahjarrat, the Dragonkin not only guard the Stone, but also derive their power from it. When the Stone of Jas is touched by a "False User" (i.e.: anyone besides Jas) the Dragonkin feel pain and, eventually, become enraged, causing them to seek out and destroy the individuals that use
  • Nee
  • Creator of Dragons.
  • Creator of Dragons.
  • Ja
  • Overlord: Minions
  • Blue
  • Dragonkin theme.ogg
  • Dragonkin.ogg
  • None
  • Dragonkin
  • Dragonkin
  • Monstrous Humanoid
  • wowhead
  • wowdb
  • right
  • The theme music of the Dragonkin
  •|desc=NPCs > Dragonkin
  •|desc=NPCs > Dragonkin
  • A Tail of Two Cats
  • No
  • Nee
  • A Dragonkin's piercing screech.
  • The Dragonkin theme
  • 2005-09-26
  • Green
  • Male
  • Man
  • Dragonkin
  • Dragonkin
  • Darkvision
  • Dragonkin.
  • Het wordt geloofd dat zij het dragon-metaal uitgevonden hebben.
  • Onbekend
  • Cutscene-only
  • Large
  • Schepper van de Draken.
  • Dragonkin (aka dragon type)are all creatures descended from and including dragons. A dragon is a reptilian creature, usually winged, with magical or unusual abilities. Sometimes refers specifically to a type of creature closely related to a dragon, but usually lacking wings or full dragon ability, powers, and spells. Nearly all dragonkin belong to one of the main or lesser dragonflights. Here is a list of .
  • -"Let us bring terror to the smaller races!" The Dragonkin are a powerful race of dragon humanoids in the MMORPG RuneScape. The Dragonkin are the creators of the Dragons and inventors of powerful weapons and armour made from Dragon metal. They are the guardians of an ancient artifact known as the Stone of Jas. As seen in the quest "Ritual of the Mahjaart", they can easily scorch a person with a single attack, literally reducing her to ashes. They have also defeated Lucien , a Mahjarrat with the power of the Stone of Jas and the Staff of Armadyl. Despite their extreme power, at least three only are known to be still living in the world of Gielenor (The land that walk on in RuneScape). The Dragonkin are also sterile and fearful of death, attempting to clone themselve resulting into the creation of Dragons. Many of them were wiped out during a supernatural war known as the God Wars and were subsequently hunted down by Robert the Strong. It is also seen that after the quest that the dragonkin destroy an entire town by themself, leaving only burn marks, and terrifed people.
  • Smokowate to wszystkie smocze i pochodzące od smoków stworzenia, włączając w to same smoki. Kreatury te są gadami, zwykle uskrzydlonymi, posiadającymi magiczne lub niezwykłe umiejętności. Czasami są stworzeniami szczególnie powiązanymi ze smokami, lecz pozbawione skrzydeł lub pełnych smoczych umiejętności, mocy i zaklęć. Niemalże wszystkie smokowate należą do jednego z głównych lub pomniejszych Smoczych Stad.
  • Dragonkin were believed to be distant cousins of dragons. They were mainly found in wild tribes.
  • leftthumb|128pxOs Dragonkin são uma raça muito poderosa e inteligente de seres semelhantes a dragões que sabe-se terem existido durante a Quarta Era, embora várias evidências sugerem fortemente que eles tenham existido em RuneScape muito antes, possivelmente até antes da Primeira Era. Os Dragonkin não envelhecem e têm um tempo de vida extremamente longo, podendo viver milênios sem morrer. Entretanto, não podem se reproduzir, o que lhes dá muito medo da morte e os leva a se esconderem do mundo, justificando suas raras aparições no jogo. Como uma tentativa de reprodução mal-sucedida, os Dragonkin deram origem às raças inferiores dos dragões. left|330pxOs Dragonkin podem ser vistos depois da missão Enquanto Guthix Dorme, quando você pega lâmpadas de EXP com Idria. Vai aparecer um pequeno filme, onde os Dragonkins marcam seu retorno, prometendo destruir todo Guilenor. Os Dragonkin também são os guardiões da lendária Pedra de Jas. Além disso, estão diretamente conectados a ela e sempre que o poder da Pedra é usado de maneira abusiva e indevida, os Dragonkin se enfurecem e destroem tudo em seu caminho em busca do usuário da Pedra. Apenas três Dragonkin são conhecidos: Sithaph, Strisath e Sakirth. Eles aparecem na cena final de Enquanto thumb|264px|Lucien batalhando com os DragonkinGuthix Dorme e durante a missão Ritual do Mahjarrat. Nesta última, eles se enfurecem com o mal uso da Pedra pelo Mahjarrat Lucien, que a utiliza para ganhar mais poder. Durante o Ritual, quando Lucien evoca a Pedra e absorve seu poder para se impor sobre os outros Mahjarrat, os três Dragonkin surgem e travam uma batalha com ele. O primeiro Dragonkin, Sithaph, tenta apreender Lucien, mas Lucien o derruba no chão com o Cajado de Armadyl e se prepara para empalá-lo. O segundo, Strisath, agarra Lucien por trás antes que ele consiga matar o primeiro Dragonkin, e faz com que ele derrube o Cajado. Embora ele consiga desarmar Lucien e arrastá-lo alguns metros para trás, Strisath também é derrubado no chão. Quando parece que Lucien está vencendo, o terceiro Dragonkin, Sakirth, pega o Cajado de Armadyl e acerta Lucien por trás, estilhaçando a pedra do Cajado. Lucien cai e então ele empala Lucien no peito com o que sobrou do Cajado de Armadyl. Com um último grito, Lucien morre. Os Dragonkin dizem então se sentir um pouco melhor agora que mataram o "Falso Usuário" e ameaçam destruir o mundo. Assustados, os outros Mahjarrat fogem.thumb|Lucien morre nas mãos dos Dragonkin Categoria:Raças Categoria:NPCs de missões
  • At some point, they were enslaved by Jas and given the task of guarding the Stone of Jas, as referenced by the post-quest While Guthix Sleeps journal. The Balance Elemental, one of the primary guardians of the Stone, was killed during While Guthix Sleeps. In Postbag from the Hedge issue 10 the King Black Dragon said "balance must have a counter balance, lest he forgot." Movario believes that the Dragonkin are "Creatures brought here by gods to support them during the god wars." As revealed in the Ritual of the Mahjarrat, the Dragonkin not only guard the Stone, but also derive their power from it. When the Stone of Jas is touched by a "False User" (i.e.: anyone besides Jas) the Dragonkin feel pain and, eventually, become enraged, causing them to seek out and destroy the individuals that used it, as Lucien and the Kethsians learned, to their sorrow. Their purpose is to defend the Stone of Jas and for that reason they hate it. However, they can't act without it, and for that reason, they love it. The power given to them is what makes them strong; they are nothing without it. Furthermore, the dragonkin get more powerful each time the Stone is abused by false users . The Dragonkin are separated into two factions: The most well known of which are the Necrosyrtes, which consists of the more aggressive dragonkin who kill false-users and created dragon equipment. However, the other more obscure faction is known as the Dactyl, who wish to rid themselves of the pain of the false user. In order to do this, they attempted to create beings of the same lineage as themselves, yet not born of them directly. In doing this, they created the Dragon race (Forcae's Journal confirms that they could, at least at one point, reproduce naturally, as he describes the hatching of his own child, Lasthes; however, such children are also afflicted by the curse). Necrosyrtes embrace the Dragonkin curse, whereas the Dactyl fight against it.
  • The Dragonkin are a race that was fought by Robert the Strong. While extremely powerful, they are not immortal, and as a result of their mortality, Robert the Strong was able to slay some of them and force them into hiding. Along with being mortal, dragonkin could not reproduce. To protect themselves and carry on their lineage, they created a race of weaker clone beings that could reproduce. These clones became known as dragons.
  • The Dragonkin are said to have been slaughtered methodically by Daoine in the distant past. This is true, but the story the Dragonkin tell themselves is not the whole truth.
  • The Dragonkin are a race of half-dragon and half-human hybrid creatures. Only two of them have been seen, and both were killed. This is evidence that they may be extinct. Though this may not be true, due to the fact that the elves returned in Overlord II, even though they could have been wiped out in Overlord.
  • Large humanoid creatures that exist in large number wherever there are Dragons. Rare in most every corner of Tellic, there has been a few to gain Writted Race status in the Cradle
  • Dragonkin , also known as Dragoner, is a special job from Final Fantasy Tactics. Reis's default job, the Dragonkin is about taming dragons and using dragon powers to aid allies in battle. It costs 3,350 JP to master. Dragonkin has the highest HP, MP and Magick growth among all jobs, as well as an excellent Attack stat that surpasses even that of the Sword Saint's. The Dragonkin's impressive stat growth comes at a price: she can equip only female-exclusive equipment.
  • A dragonkin is a person who identify as a dragon. legendary creature, typically with serpentine or reptilian traits, that features in the myths of many cultures. There are two distinct cultural traditions of dragons: the European dragon, derived from European folk traditions and ultimately related to Greek and Middle Eastern mythologies, and the Chinese dragon, with counterparts in Japan (namely the Japanese dragon), Korea and other East Asian countries. The two traditions may have evolved separately, but have influenced each other to a certain extent, particularly with the cross-cultural contact of recent centuries. The English word "dragon" derives from Greek δράκων (drákōn), "dragon, serpent of huge size, water-snake". Dragons from indigenous cultures often are less spoken of in the otherkin community.
  • At some point, they were enslaved by Jas and given the task of guarding the Stone of Jas, as referenced by the post-quest While Guthix Sleeps journal. The Balance Elemental, one of the primary guardians of the Stone, was killed during While Guthix Sleeps. In Postbag from the Hedge issue 10 the King Black Dragon said "balance must have a counter balance, lest he forgot." Movario believes that the dragonkin are "Creatures brought here by gods to support them during the god wars." As revealed in the Ritual of the Mahjarrat, the dragonkin not only guard the Stone, but also derive their power from it. When the Stone of Jas is touched by a "False User" (i.e.: anyone besides Jas) the dragonkin feel pain and, eventually, become enraged, causing them to seek out and destroy the individuals that used it, as Lucien and the Kethsians learned, to their sorrow. Their purpose is to defend the Stone of Jas and for that reason they hate it. However, they can't act without it, and for that reason, they love it. The power given to them is what makes them strong; they are nothing without it. Furthermore, the dragonkin get more powerful each time the Stone is abused by false users . The dragonkin are separated into two factions: The most well known of which are the Necrosyrtes, which consists of the more aggressive dragonkin who kill false-users and created dragon equipment. However, the other more obscure faction is known as the Dactyl, who wish to rid themselves of the pain of the false user. In order to do this, they attempted to create beings of the same lineage as themselves, yet not born of them directly. In doing this, they created the Dragon race (Forcae's Journal confirms that they could, at least at one point, reproduce naturally, as he describes the hatching of his own child, Lasthes; however, such children are also afflicted by the curse). Necrosyrtes embrace the dragonkin curse, whereas the Dactyl fight against it.
  • To this day, only three Dragonkin remain-Strisaph, Sakrith, and Sithaph. One Dragonkin, who is well known for creating the huge, powerful Queen Black Dragon, named Kerapac is supposedly still alive. Kerapace is amongst the strongest of the dragonkin.
  • Here is a list of dragonkin found in Ark of Boccob: * Dragon Turtle * Drake * Pseudodragon * True Dragon * Chromatic Dragon * Black Dragon * Blue Dragon * Green Dragon * Red Dragon * White Dragon * Metallic Dragon * Brass Dragon * Bronze Dragon * Copper Dragon * Gold Dragon * Silver Dragon * Wyvern
is Creature of
is Job of
is combatant of
is Race of
is wikipage disambiguates of