  • Attack on the Sanction
  • The Attack on the Sanction is considered a minor event in galactic history, notable only because it marked the first prominent accomplishment in Reng Kasr’s career. It would prove to be the event that helped to get his talent recognized.
  • The Attack on the Sanction is considered a minor event in galactic history, notable only because it marked the first prominent accomplishment in Reng Kasr’s career. It would prove to be the event that helped to get his talent recognized. While on patrol along the Hydian Way, the Judicial Forces CR70 corvette Sanction was ambushed by a pirates near the Tyus Cluster. The pirates disabled the ship by ramming a Vulture Droid laden with explosives into the bridge. With the command crew dead, confusion reigned long enough for the pirates to board the vessel and capture most of the crew with relatively little trouble. Seeing that the pirates were much more heavily armed and armored than the crew of the Sanction, during the boarding action Kasr and a handful of others with him were able to avoid capture by suiting up and hiding on the Sanction’s hull. The rest of the surviving crew were ordered by Kasr to surrender in order to avoid more casualties. Once the pirates had assumed that they had secured the ship, Kasr and his handpicked team reentered the ship and ambushed the pirates while they were trying to slice into the Sanction’s databanks. The battle was fierce, but in the end Kasr’s tactics gave the surviving crew the element of surprise, and were able to wipe out the pirates onboard. Kasr then contacted the pirate mothership, a modified Brayl-class Bulk Freighter, under the guise of one of the pirates, claiming that the corvette had been secured and the data removed. As the pirate vessel dropped its shields to dock with the Sanction and pick them up, Kasr ordered the corvette’s turbolasers to open fire at point blank range. The freighter was destroyed by the unexpected attack, wiping out the last of the pirates. Even without a functional bridge and more than half of the crew dead, Kasr was able to organize them into restructuring the engineering bay to control the ship from there and limp back to the nearest Judicial Forces outpost on Nuralee. After the incident, Kasr was recognized for his quick thinking and bravery under fire, even coming to the attention of Chancellor Palpatine. It was never learned what exactly the pirates were after on the Sanction since Kasr eliminated them before they could make much progress. As the Separatist Crisis worsened, however, it was believed that the use of Droch-class Boarding Ships by the pirates implied that they had been working in secret for Separatists since the Confederacy of Independent Systems was officially formed the following year. No real connection could be found between the pirates and the Confederacy though, so such thoughts remained as speculation.