  • Cashing Out: Money On The Table
  • Finishing his mission, Kaio was heading back towards the Hidden Leaf to report the details. "Today was an extremely long day." Kaio thought to himself jumping from tree to tree. "Now I just have to report back to Naruto." Kaio had began to reflect over his past, thinking about the first time he met his brother Comato. "I've came a long way, everything I did, all the people I murdered, its all in the past." Jumping to the ground, Kaio slowed down and started to walk. "I wonder if I'm still wanted by Kumogakure?" Kaio said laughing to himself.
  • Finishing his mission, Kaio was heading back towards the Hidden Leaf to report the details. "Today was an extremely long day." Kaio thought to himself jumping from tree to tree. "Now I just have to report back to Naruto." Kaio had began to reflect over his past, thinking about the first time he met his brother Comato. "I've came a long way, everything I did, all the people I murdered, its all in the past." Jumping to the ground, Kaio slowed down and started to walk. "I wonder if I'm still wanted by Kumogakure?" Kaio said laughing to himself. Clouds drifted endlessly among the sky as the middle of the day approached. It was a cloudy day with a slight chance of rain, but yet ins mall intervals the sun would often peak out in between clouds,a lmost as if it was trying to geta sneak peak of something that could happen today. Standing among the one of the many paths that tread toward the Hidden leaf village was a man dressed in all black combat gear that had the sleeve cut up at the hem of sholder line on his left arm. Raido X stood among the path as his size 14 boot stood heavily within the ground surface as he looked over within the bingo book he grabbed up on his way to the leaf village. Standing at 6'5 251lbs Raido was certainly easy to spot as for now he was playing the role of bounty hunter. Not a career choice for Raido as hunting was something that had come easy to him whether in his childhood or hunting souls for Yama. However this hunt was for a different reason. Cold hard cash. Raido you are a proud member of the Arihants, vanquisher of enemies, he who conquers the souls. Explain to me why you have taken such a menial task as bounty hunting, and no less with no intention to actually harvest their souls for our own benefits, but rather turn them in for monetary profits. Yama question Raido greatly. Then again he wasn't sure if he even wanted to hear Raido once again speak on what he was doing. Raido didn't even need to make eye contact with his spirit guide, thanks to the Rinnegan's shared vision he already in a sense saw what Yama saw, his red eyes glowing during the slight wind breeze as for one more time he made his point. "Its like talking to wall sometimes". Raido said as he focused his vision on the road ahead of him, His red rinnegan grazing each of the corners as he was looking to see what he could sense using his ability to sense dukkha. A trait unique to both him and his spirit guide. "Yama just kick back and enjoy the ride, think of this as time off it wont kill you to enjoy yourself from a moment you know". Raido said as he sauntered forward as he began to sense the sole source of dukkha approaching. Raido wanted to confirm if this incoming source was the man in the bingo book he was looking for. "I am hunting not only for the money but for the fun of it. Lucky for this guy he is worth more to them alive, then he is dead, which means no souls for you so I can understand why your such a tight ass today, but you never know something interesting might happen and may still get to collect, so just hold fast and lets see what happens". "Plus I promised a certain someone id come back with some money from this adventure so she can add to hers when she is ready to travel, so to come back empty handed would be disrespectful" .Raido said as he began to formulate a plan should worse come to first. Kaio stopped, looking towards the clouds. Letting the wind flow through his hair. "I know my dad would be proud of me." Kaio said continuing to walk down the road, looking around. "I feel like someone is watching me." Kaio thought to himself. Picking up his pace, Kaio started to jump the trees again, his stomach growled. "Man, I'm hungry." Kaio said moving through the trees faster. Raido stood still for a moment and continued to speak to Yama in a never ending conversation when he noticed the source of the dukkha he was sensing was moving fast. "Looks like its game time, lets track this person down and see if he is in this book so we can finish off our little christmas list". Raido said as he tightened both his gloves, and lightly tracked the person of interest. With any luck Raido would learn two thing in tracking this man , the first how vigilant he was in his surroundings, and two just how aware of the situation was he really. Its easy to give someone a false perception, and make them worry more about the threat they cant see, rather than the one they can. "This is either gonna be easy money, or this is gonna be worth the chase". Raido grinned as his red eyes glowed and burned with plans and tactics to get optimal use of his surroundings by proper planning ahead. With his left arm Raido had a Long sleek black rod with a sharp point come forth from under his wrist. His patented Chakra Receiver Manifestation and Will Materialisation, as he threw the rod in the ground as he passed over it. The rod slammed into the ground penetrating it with a great force. "Why me?" Kaio groans, stopping and grabbing a tree branch. "What do you want?" Kaio asks the stranger with his back turned towards him. "Is there a reason why you're stalking me? If not, I would like you to stop." Kaio said impatiently. He continued to move forward, on guard just in case the man decided to attack. Raido laughed to himself as the man seemed to focus on the fact Raido was chasing him but not the for what. "I've been making my list and checking it twice, and you seem to be a regular on this list, you could say I am an investigator". Raido said as he gracefully leaped from tree to tree, his prowess in Capoeira made this movement seem like a regular parkour run, which was natural in Raido's workouts most times. "Now we can handle this one or two ways. There's the boring way where you just stop and we sort this all out, or there is the other option is pretty much the opposite of the boring way". Raido said as he smiled, he hoped the person would take the latter option, make this more exciting. In the grand scheme of things Raido's gave the man what was called Hobson's choice, which was the illusion of free will. The closer he got to the village the more this played out in Raido's favor, which for now waas going according to plan so far. Raido was a master of wordplay and knew one thing real well. The best deceptions are the ones that seem to give the other person a choice Raido thought as he slowly stalked the man abiding his time, but at the same time simply playing a game to see which side would relent first. "You're getting on my nerves." Kaio said looking back at the man. "I'm really not in the mood for games." He stopped, landing on the ground. "If you don't stop following me, I'm going to be forced to kill you." Kaio's eyes turned red and his three tomoe swirled into place. "So what will it be for you? Go away.....or die." Kaio threatened the stranger. Raido landed in the ground with heavy thud breaking the ground beneath him on impact. The cracks traveled a shot distance before they ceased. A sharingan huh, that means three things. Raido said in his thought. Hypnotism, he will more than likely resort to genjutsu, I 've dealt with the sharingan enough to know its genjutsu's quite well, and seen just about everyone one of them. I can see what kind of battle this is going to be, the other abilities of the sharingan Raido needed to not worry about. Raido smiled a flippant smile and stared the mans's sharingan right in the eye with his Red Tomoe rinnegan, practically daring him to release a genjutsu, something Raido would make him pay dearly for "You kill me??, Please you couldn't kill me even if I stood still and showed you how, but its nice to see you can tell some jokes". Raido said speaking flippantly as he waved his hand as if shooing a fly and ywaned. Raido was very flippant to pretty much everyone, often joking at the expense of his enemies. he may have been an Arihant but he was not above talking trash. "Lighten up killing solves nothing, and I have nothing to gain from taking your soul. I have a much better offer for you and it really is a sweet deal". Raido said smoothly his words as cool as water dripping from ice. Blessed with a silver tongue and the gift of gab Raido could make a boring rock seem like a gold brick. "As I said before you have a choice, we can do this where we both leave here as winners which is the easy way, or I can promise you a situation you won't find your way out of". Raido said holding both of his massive hands out, his black gloves glimmering with light as they were out in front of him. "Imma be honest either way works for me, but only one works for you, the ball is in your court". Raido said once again offering him a choice. His long black shaggy ponytail drifting in the wind as his half smile remained plastered on his face, his confidence was radiating from his flesh as he waited. Kaio tightened his glove on his left hand. "Okay, I'll oblige. I don't mind getting my hands dirty." saying in a annoyed voice. Kaio stood straight up and looked as if he had no care in the world. Popping his knuckles, Kaio looked into Raido's eyes and casted Tsukuyomi upon his enemy. Hoping to end it at that instant. Placing Raido in a world of negative colors and having him tied up, stabbed and cut. Kaio said, "This is what you wanted, right?" He said stabbing Raido inside the genjutsu. Raido founded himself in the world of the Tsukiyomi, he had been placed in this genjutsu before each person has their own realm in which it takes place mentally. While in the real world nothing happened. "This exactly what I wanted, but it'll cost you". Raido said as symbol appeared on his forehead and he closed his eyes. Being stabbed to Raido was nothing, he grew up in the Devils Playground this was like a step back in the past for him, however this would not bode well for his target. With his eyes closed Raido used Benediction of Avidya once Kaio stabbed Raido his jutsu was set in motion as he said a quick prayer. This prayer, or genjutsu allows for Raido to link himself to not only his opponent as he can sense dukkha, but link himself and the caster to the King of Hell, since genjutsu required controlling the opponents chakra flow, visually the two were linked. From here with the aid of Yama he can input his genjutsu over his opponents and cast the genjutsu via dukkha and Yama. This action exposes the caster to the mental deterioration and torment of the souls trapped in the Naraka Realm, sharing in their agony of their punishment. Whisking them away to a weird location with a large number of Rinnegan like eyes surrounding them and all staring at Kaio. The ground beneath changes to a pool of blood that neither Raid o nor Kaio sank into. Rather than Raido feeling the effect of the Tsukuyomi it would be Kaio that would be affected as the genjutsu is self was reversed and overwritten by Raido and Yama combined. "This is genjutsu based ninshu which is the ability to share and transmit feeling from one to another all you need is a connection. This particular technique is genjutsu reversal all you need is a genjutsu to help connect you to the person who placed you in the genjutsu and boom link established and you switch places via the connection". Raido said as he was no longer under the genjutsu but not controlling it. "But wait there's more". Raido added. The genjutsu ends once you release the genjutsu, however you will feel all the effects still plus the backlash of your own Mangekyo. Raido said as that confidence remained plastered on his face. "You fell right for my trap, but I am a forgiving man its not to late to take the other option right now you look like you need all the help you can get, I hear stab wounds are hard to deal with". Kaio stood smiling. "This is really good. No, it's amazing." Kaio ended the genjutsu. Feeling the drawbacks from the genjutsu reversal and Tsukuyomi. Kaio's body shook in agony, while he was holding his left eye. "You are no ordinary ninja. Using the jutsu of the Six Paths, so you do have the Rinnegan." Kaio dashes toward Raido about to attack. "Ordinary is a word that depends on the eye of the beholder, but I can tell you that I am no ninja nor am I shinobi, I do my own thing. so you are right on one half". Raido said as he began the back peddle before he stopped and planted his feet firmly in the ground as he slid for a moment. "Rinnegan? never heard of it, my eyes just get like this because I don't get enough sleep at night. Raido said jokingly as he got into a defensive stance. Seems you don't want to walk away from here a winner either, it really was a sweet deal, but you rather have this quick dance with me, thats fine there's always time for a quick session." Raido said as he squared up his opponent and simply waited, he was going for the art of countering and would bide his time. Fighting to Raido was dancing thanks to his background in Capoeira, and Raido was all to willing to employ it. "What kinda of stance is that?" Kaio said closing fist to punch Raido. Kaio fist slowly reaches Raido. If it were to land, Kaio would continue to assault his enemy. Let's see what other tricks you have up your sleeve!" "Direct, linear assault, It would be rude of me to turn down such an invite". Raido an known master of capoeira pivoted his body follwing the direction of the flying punched and spun, focusing on lowering his body and gravity center, performing a negativa which allows one to lower their body as low as possible but prepare for an instant counter attack. As the blow launched over his head he would use Kaio's own forward momentum to his advantage. The human body can only be contorted in a few directions at a time. Raido shifted to his right opposite of where he ducked from and performed a rasteria sweep kick, a traditional low sweep kick within capoeira that was meant to take the legs from uner and opponent and ground them. Raido's counter attack was swift enough to catch Kaio still in the position of launching himself forward, that inertia that powered his punch being powered by the man's body weight. All thrown melee strikes in order to gather power rely on forward motion, expect this forward motion now helped Raido set up a counter attack Kaio would be hard pressed to avoid at such close ranges. Making himself intangible, Raido's attack phased through Kaio. Once Kaio was one them opposite side of Raido, and fully materialized, his Susanno hand formed and swung at Raido almost instantly. "Nice moves, mind if I borrow them?" Kaio mockingly said. "Nice move, mind if I Absorb it?" Raido said flipping the question. In close range distance Raido's speed was second to none, using Yama's shared vision he saw The hand of Susanoo't form and instantly come at Raido. Susanoo's is a just chakra materialized and given form by the user, and is still classified as Ninjutsu and you know what that means. Raido gathered momentum allowed him turned out of his spin and channeled his power through the Preta Path using the Blocking Technique Absorption Seal to create a barrier instantly encasing his body. Kaio's Susanoo hand hit Raido, but rather than cause him damage the hand and some of the arm was when it made contact with Raido was instantly absorbed thanks to the paths ability to drain chakra via physical contact. Allowing Raido to spin around and flip back on his feet having absorbed the arms of his susanoo. "The Preta Path's ability Black seal ability can take the form of a barrier around the my entire body, allowing me to absorb attacks from all directions. In addition to this, the Path has the ability to absorb chakra from an individual through physical contact. Your Susanno not only touched me but it is made from your chakra, easy meal right there. Your going to have to fight smarter than that if your going to try to hit me, much less since your forced to kill, ". Raido said as he joked repeating what Kaio said early. "The warm up has been fun don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good dance just as much as the next person, but I'll give you one more chance to change your mind, if you refuse, then i'll be forced to take drastic measures". Raido said as he held on one finger giving Kaio one last chance. "Damn it! Where is Comato when you need him? The guy is a walking counter system. He can counter anything I throw at him! Shit, this isn't good!" Kaio nervously thought to himself. Kaio activated his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. Aimed Kamui at Raido and tried to draw him in. "Stop this!" Kaio shouted. Looking at the level focus in his eyes made it clear he was up to something, and that's when Raido saw the area near him begin to distort, Kaio was using Kamui, trying to transport Raido over to the other Sharingan Dimension. Raido had faced the Kamui plenty of times in the past, not to mention his friend Kaname Soga was a user. Raido knew two weaknesses of the Kamui in his prior battles. One to transport it needs to focus the eyes and concentrate, and two using the transportation aspect meant the user was tangible as both eyes techniques could not be used at the same time or two different powers. Raido began to quickly strafe moving to the left and then right which would cause the distort pull to disrupt and reset, The Kamui long distance ability needed to focus and Kaio would have to to trying to focus on Raido's random strafing movements. thought it was fast the pull was not immediate something Raido would take advantage of. As Raido kept strafing left and right giving Kaio no clear target as he would change direction to mess up the focus. Raido pointed his hand out toward Kaio and channeling his power through the Deva Path released a powerful Shinra Tensei which was the repelling aspect of the Paths ability and would blast Kaio with considerable concussive force. Raido knew for sure this was to be a direct his since he learned in fighting other Kamui users they can't use the intangibility power if they are using the long range power of the Kamui. Leaving Kaio wide open. Shinra Tensei sent Kaio hurtling backwards smashing into the ground along the way. Kaio ran into a tree, stopping him in a sitting position. "I purpose to inherit the will of the Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki but I can't do that if I lose here. I must throw out my past, by changing my future. I refuse to lose this fight!" Kaio stands up, charging his opponent attacking with a barrage of punches and kicks. "That's nice, but you can't change your future by blindly running forward, besides if I were you Id worry less about your future and past and more about the present". Raido said as he saw how Kaio was charging and covering the distance swiping like a mad man at Raido. Raido held out two fingers and jabbed them forward and a black sphere immediately grew off his finger tips and greatly increased as Kaio charged. Raido used the Consumption of Life he used the sphere formation to help it expand as a way to cut off Kaio from simply going around it, and if he tried to go intangible and use Kamui, Raido could expand it over himself since he was immune to his own techniques. The Technique one it makes the person makes contact with it or are trapped inside it start consuming the Yang energy , which is life force in the toucher, which will lead to them losing life , strength and stamina until they die. With there sphere expanding at such a rate, and Kaio charging and kicking and swinging as he was there was little room for him to avoid hitting the sphere and the second he touches that sphere.. its Game Over. Raido said as he kept expanding the sphere. Kaio seemed to have lost all hope in his abilities, as the sphere moved closer to Kaio, he thought, "Damn, this is it. I never got to..." Kaio was cut off by an instant transmission. Kaio heard a voice saying, "Don't tell me that's all it takes to bring you down? I thought you were better than that." The voice turned out to be his twin brother Comato. "So what did you do now?" Comato asks Kaio while looking at Raido. "Thanks bro." Kaio says to Comato. You should start keeping up with how many times I have to save your ass" Comato replies. "May I ask why you are attacking my brother?" Comato asked Raido. What is it that you want?" "Ah little big brother to the rescue huh. I am attacking him out of retaliation, I gave your brother a choice and it really was a sweet deal, however he decided to he wanted to dance and play around, so I decided to play along. Your brother here just couldn't keep up with my steps, and winded up losing. So I put him in the timeout corner". Raido said as he pointed at the sphere, the sphere's ability to suck out the life , strength and stamina, and Yang energy had taken a serious toll on your brother. His day is done, far as what I wanted, I wanted to do this the easy way where like I said everyone walks off as winners, but he threw away his three chances. Raido said as he spinned the black sphere causing it to turn wildly still absorbing the life, stamina and strength from Kaio. "I am a fair man so if you listen to the plan and go along with it like I said we all win I go home you go home this situations passes over. or you could try option B". Raido said pointing at Kaio. "You see where that leads, but know this your lives are safe, I have no plans in killing either of you". Using the power of Kadino, Comato forced the sphere off of Kaio. Kaio fell to the ground, exhausted from have his life drained. "Are you alright?" Comato asked Kaio. "I'll be okay. Just give me a while." Kaio replied, panting heavily. Comato picked Kaio up, placing his arm over his shoulder for support. "What was this deal that you offered? I want to hear it." Comato said to Raido. "Well little big brother you look like the reasonable one, the plan was this. Your brother is a wanted man by a certain group of people, one of them left behind their bingo books, they were from Kumogakure. They were bounty hunters, and there was a nice sum of money they was placed on his head, and after seeing that I decided to cash in. My plan was to find your brother and strike a deal with him where he we find a dead body and we use the Shapeshifting Technique to make that body look like your brother, rough the body up a bit to make it look like a struggle and turn him in. I get paid, might have given him some too as well, and we both go our separate ways". Raido said as he brought his hands back together with them meeting in the middle. "Everyone wins and he could have avoided this dance". Raido said as he pointed to the area where the two did battle for a brief moment. Like I said its not to late to take the offer, all we need is a a sacrifice or dead body and BOOM we in business". "That was the deal?!?!" Comato said looking at Kaio. "Why didn't you listen to it? Its a great idea!" Kaio looked away from his brother. "I didn't choose the first option. He was annoying me." Kaio replied. "You are always so irrational. Comato said to Kaio. Looking at Raido, Comato asked "Where are we going to get a body from?" Comato paused in thought putting his finger on his chin. "Meh your brother just doesn't know a good deal when he see's one. Now as far as a body goes it doesn't matter it could be dead, or dying, all we need is one that I can use my chakra to transform, and keep alive long enough to get the job done. After seeing your brother abilities and chakra we will only need about 20% of mine to match his to create the illusion this is the real deal". Raido said as he rubbed his hands together, the fabric of his gloves rubbing on each other. As an Arihant Raido didn't really need money, he had plenty, but this money wasn't for him, not to mention he did promise someone some cash. Though he made no mention of how he would get it. "Are you really considering this crap?" Kaio said to his brother. Moving away from Comato trying to stand up on his own, Kaio falls to the ground and struggles to get up. "Looks like you have one hell of a day." Comato teases. Finally able to stand, Kaio slowly walks away from Raido and Comato. "I don't want any part if this." Kaio says to them both. "As you can see I'm extremely exhausted. I'm going home. Good luck with your deal." Comato stares at his brother then laughs. "Do you need help?" Comato asks Kaio from a distance. "Oh but Kaio you actually do have a part in this, see when you first attacked me and used Tsukiyomi you had already started it, however that wasn't enough so I needed a way to make you use more chakra so I could get a better understanding of your abilities". Raido explained the second part of his plan carefully, "I had deduced this plan during our warm up. I just needed you to make the first move, and you did. However like I said a genjutsu I couldnt not get anything from, so I needed to bait you in more, so I opted for more defensive techniques to allow you to feel comfortable in the fight. You used both Kamui, and Susanoo which gave me a better range to survey your move, not only that I even absorbed the chakra from your Susanno, and my sphere drained out your life force and stamina. Using that sphere I will revert and conduit that life force and stamina to your shapeshifted clone". Raido said as he closed his plan up right in the face of Kaio, showing just how far ahead he had already prepared. "Remember when I said "Imma be honest either way works for me, but only one works for you, the ball is in your court" Raido repeated his eariler statement to the weakened man. "I wasn't kidding, I would win either way while for you there was only one option, you decided to waste time fighting me, which still played to my benefits with my technique". Raido said as he grinned, in a sense his intelligence once again prevailed. I said it before and ill say it again. Raido said as he shrugged. "The best deceptions are the ones that seem to give the other person a choice and that wraps up our lesson for today Kaio. Raido said with a grin and looked back at Comato, shall we get to business. Slowly turning around, Kaio blankly looked at Raido thinking. "I really don't like this guy." Kaio walked back to his brother, nearly falling over. Comato quickly helped his brother up. Placing Kaio's arm over his should again. There was a brief moment of silence with the wind blowing a cool breeze. "I like you. I take you up on your offer." Comato replied, Kaio wasn't really shocked by his brother's answer but he was infuriated that he was being toyed with. "So, in other to make an artificial Kaio. You gonna need something to start from." Comato created a wood clone, that stood next to him and Kaio. "Would this help?" Comato asked. The look from Raido got from Kaio said it all, he clearly was not to fond of Raido's little game, wasn't fond of that fact he was basically a pawn to the scheme. "Proper planning prevents piss poor performances". Raido said as he tapped his index finger against his head, his long hair being rustled in the spot he pointed at. "Now what did we learn, had you stopped listened and payed attention this would have never happened long story short it pays to pay attention.. in this case literally". Raido said as he flashed the money sign rubbing his fingers together to pretend he was unraveling money. "Yup the wood clone will do just fine, with the life force of your brother and a portion of the chakra I gathered from his Susanoo it will be more than enough". Raido said as he knew it was time for him to get to work transforming and shape shifting the clone to look like Kaio, and then add the life force and chakra the occasion. Then hit the road. "I'm going to let you do your magic." Comato said to Raido. "I never got your name?" Kaio moved from away from Comato and sat on the ground. "Could someone help me!" Kaio loudly yelled falling onto the ground. "You can wait." Comato said as he and the clone walked to Raido. "Name's Raido X, but more importantly it was a pleasure doing business, sorry you had to get dragged in like this little big brother, but in the end I can say it all worked out well. Both side get what they want and everyone leaves the table as a winner". Raido said as he placed his hands in his pocket. All in all this was starting to look like a good day after all. "My name is Comato and that is Kaio." Comato said pointing at Kaio. Comato watched as Raido changed his wood clone to a replica of his twin brother. "This guy seems to be really strong. I wonder if he would accept a match?" Comato thought to himself. Comato hesitated, but finally found the courage to ask Raido to a match. "After we get this replica of my brother to Kumogakure. Would you like to have a match?" Comato asked Raido. Raido had finished using the transforming and shape shifting tech. "Hmmm A tempting offer, little big brother now wants to have this dance and see some action". Raido said as he tapped his chin. "I did have something I was suppose to do, however I never said how long I would be so it's not like I am in a rush. Hmm decisions, decision. There's no point in going all the way to Kumo, just to leave there and go somewhere else to fight, so lets raise the stakes". Raido proposed as he clapped his hands and rubbed it together. "If I win all the money that you would have gotten would be mine, basically I walk away with the whole 150,000 ryo and you get nothing. If you win the 150,000 is yours and I leave empty handed. Or we can just split it 50/50 now and we both walk away with 75,000 ryo and we all carry one with money in our pocket". Raido said giving the man the options. Now I give you credit for being smarter than your brother, but id look well at the cost and rewards here. If we just go take the money and forget the fight, we each leave the table 75,000 ryo richer. You fight and lose its all mine, but if you win its all yours. Raido said adding that part in there. Raido was tempting Comato in either direction just to see which route he would take. If you feel like you can beat me, then I say go for it why settle for a slice when you can have it all. However if you have any doubts that you can't beat me, then I suggest you think about what you stand to lose if you try and fail. Raido said holding out both hands, as if weighing the options for Comato. Like I told your brother the ball is in your court, but chose wisely. Raido said ending his speech and waited for Comato to decide if he was going take what he had and be happy, or risk trying to get it all. It really is a sweet deal, since the idea of getting more money is certainly worth fighting for, but is it worth losing it all and risking it. Raido said as he ended what he was saying "What?!?! Comato, you better just take the money and forget about the match. I didn't go through this for nothing, ya know!" Kaio interrupted. "That's your fault you ended you up in a mess. Not mine." Comato said silencing his brother. Comato stood for a while thinking. "Got it! So, how about we split the money equally between the three of us. Once that is done I will wager my portion for a match. That way, if I lose I will give you my money instead of letting you have it all. So my brother will at least get something for his troubles." Comato said offering Raido a deal. "Hmmm A safe bet but I know how that goes. In the event you do lose I get your half and your brother keeps his, and there is the possibility he may still share his profit with you and you win in a sense after losing. It cheapens the lesson of what I am teaching you both today while my class is still in session. A nice try but I am very shrewd man, and it would be something I would do to ensure even if I lost I would win". Raido said as he simply folded his arms and yawned for a moment. "Lucky for you two I ate breakfast this morning and its not like I need money exactly as I said this was just a gift to someone, keeping it all would be stingy and a bit much so lets play it your way. However we still fight before we get there, that way we know exactly who gets what and how much. Raido said as talked with his hands moving them as he spoke. "Don't worry I wont try to back slide you or anything like that during the fight". "Trust me. My brother wouldn't share with me. Alright! Let's get this party started!" Comato said flipping back a couple of times. "Now I get to watch Comato get his ass whooped." Kaio thought to himself. Comato takes out two kunai. Holding them in each hand, Comato activated his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. "Are you ready?" Comato asked Raido. "Let's see if you catch you on". Raido said as he held out his hand and using the two abilities of hisWill Materialisation and Chakra Receiver Manifestation fired out three long sharp black rods whoss edges were extremely sharp and highly dangerous to those that were impaled and made contact with the rods, they were strong enough to pierce the skin of Sage Mode uses sohe could imagine the effect they had on a person in their base power. Raido already hand an idea, but before he set it in motion he wanted to be sure of something. Raido fired the three long blades from his palm, he fired and targeted Comato's two arms and midsection a safe way to target an opponent. BY attacking in such a fashion Raido could force Comat to protect from three different angles and slow his own attack down, or he could dodge and make his move. Raido's next course of options would depend on what Comato did next as the three blades flew at Comato with the intention of turning him into a dart board game. In one quick motion, Comato dropped one kunai in the spot he was standing and threw the other one in the air. Out a the range to rods were flying. Instantly moving to the kunai in the air, Comato aimed and threw it at Raido. "I'm keeping my eyes on you." Comato thought as his threw to kunai at Raido. Kaio sat watching the fight, thinking of the worst outcome of the fight. "Comato, won't win this. If I couldn't there is no way his can." Kaio thought to himself. Raido watched kunai that was thrown into the air as it was the object in motion that caught his eye, he also did make sure to pay attention to the kunai thrown in to the grown. The moment he saw Comato flicker to that kunai in the air he knew exactly what move this was. Flying Thunder God Technique. Sayuri, uses it and Shingi uses it. Its an extremely hard to counter, when you haven't seen it before. Fortunately for Raido he had before and knew well what it could do. Unfortunately for Comato he was in the air. I like what I see there but with a move like that you made it too easy to read what you were trying to do, so let me help you out here. Raido said as he opened channeled his powerful through the Deva Path and created a barrier epicenter. Raido used Banshō Ten'in: Dōmetsu. Using his mastery of the Deva Path to directly influence small area, or zones around himself or his opponents. Raido created a zone around the air born Comato, that acts as a attractive force, which grabs and pulls matter toward Comato as large amounts of debris, pieces of tree's, rocks and even his own two weapons were pulled toward him while he was in the air his own weapons included. "I used this jutsu's gravity powers to make sure you couldn't escape back to the other Kunai because it would be pulled back to you as well as the weapon you threw at me. Don't worry you won't be killed by the incoming debris the power of the pull was made strong enough to pull you weapon from the ground as well as pull your thrown weapons back to you, but the speed used was meant to create a concussive force that would knock knock you out, your weapons will be pulled back as by rate of the motion you will be hit with the handle of your weapons". Raido explained in depth breaking down what was happening. "With no Kunai to jump as they are both being attracted back to where you are as well as rock's small tree's and random debris coming at you from beneath you looking to crash into you, I wonder what you will do or resort to. You being in the air limits the amount of free motion you can generate, so its nor like you can just get up and run". Raido said as he was testing the man to see how well versed he was in a tight situation. "I'm being used as the source of gravitational pull. Once I figure out how to get out of this. He's going to regret showing me this technique." Comato said to himself. The debris continued to gather around Comato. ""Maybe Kadino's shockwave could dispel the gravitational pull of this jutsu. I think its worth a try." Comato charged his chakra, and forced it to expel from his body creating a shockwave. Impressive, but up there you are like fish in a barrel, and you just got rid of the only shield you had left. Raido said as he quickly weaved hand signs and used Lava Release: Scorching Stream Rock Technique firing off a series of molten rocks with tremendous force and were fired in rapid succession. Several of the boulders were aimed at his weapons, which by contact with the smoldering molten rocks would explode and melt and make he couldn't jump. The rest were aimed at him to make him regret jumping into the air and much less getting rid of the only protection he had left standing between Raido's ninjutsu and his own flesh. The boulders aimed at him were fired to make glacing blows as a direct hit would equal a cooked Comato, but the heat index along from His KG was far greater than Fire, it was Lava. Now upside down, Comato held out his hand stopping to lava that was coming toward him. Landing on the ground, still holding out his hand, Comato pointed at Raido. Sending the latters jutsu back at him, full force. Weaving hand signs, Comato blasted fireballs at Raido joining his Lava Release jutsu. Comato closely watched Raido's next move saying, "Show me what other jutsu you have." Well your nothing like your brother so I guess we can up the difficulty level of this up by one. Raido channeled his power through the realm of animals and used the Animal Path summoning forth the Giant Multi-Headed Dog, he placed his hand on the ground as thick white smoked ensured as now Raido was sitting extremely high in the air as a massive Dog with small wings, brown fur and concentric like patterns in its eyes was glaring with hunger and rage at Comato. The dog easily towered over both men as Raido was standing on it's head and the dog's shadow was cast over Comato. The dog bared it's razor sharp fangs as it barked loudly and fiercely slobbering in anticipation of being summoned. Don't mind the dog he really loves new people, he gets nervous around them, but I think you will grow to like him, he loves playing catch with people. Raido said as he grinned on top of the dogs head as he resumed a defensive stance, in case Comato prepared an attack. Astonished by the summoning of huge dog, Comato can't help but smile as the dog fiercely barked at him. Comato growled and barked back at the dog taunting it. "Nice pet!" Comato said to Raido. "Maybe you'll like mine as much as I like yours." Comato boasted forming hand signs. The ground shook as it slightly separated spouting wood to form an immense wooden dragon behind Comato. "I call him Makara." The dragon roared behind Comato. "Makara! Its time to play." Comato said jumping on top the dragon's head. "I can't believe he's doing so well. Maybe his is better than me." Kaio openly stated. "Makara........ Go." The dragon sped off at Comato's command, attacking Raido's dog. Raido remained on the head of the dog while it was under attack. "Wood Release!?? Now we're getting somewhere, but you should be careful about putting so much faith in your ninjutsu. Ninjutsu is the worst thing to use vs an opponent like me". Raido already knew the Wood Dragon's chakra absorbing abilities could cancel out the Preta Path, but Raido was a very creative man, and there was one thing Wood Release relied on heavily, and that was life force and Yang Release energy, Wood relied greatly on it's physical form for its jutsu. His Dog was a summon so it would be safe from the incoming move Raido had planned. Raido opened the palm of his hands as a bright blood red light shined for the palm, as he did a small symbol and hireoglyph sprung forth and grew in size. This massisve seal than began to contort its shape to become a prism which was cast over the dog and Raido. Raido used the Gedō Art: Formless Imagination, as the prism set in over Raido and his dog the dragon quickly began to vanish and lose its physical form before it vanished completely from the field. leaving only Raido and the Dog as they were and the dragon destablized. "That jutsu I used is a unique Seal jutsu that destroys any ninjutsu the relies on Yang Release principles by eating away at the physical form. Ninjutsu at its core is made of Yin and Yang principles. Yin is the imagination, the mental energy. Yang is what give it form, and shape allowing it to take a physical form and become real. My seal disrupts the Physical form by eating away at the Yang energy needed to give it form, corroding it, then erasing it. Leaving nothing behind but the imagination which without the Yang has zero form. hence the name of the jutsu Formless Imagination". Raido said as he stood on top of the dog. "Wood Release is powerful, but it is powered by one's life force, and Life force falls under the yang Principle giving life and form to your Dragon, that has been eaten and taken away". Raido said as the prism begin to twist and hum making weird buzzing noise, before it became a seal that hovered in the air beside him.. We can keep this fight going, but it will only get harder from here on out, you using Wood Release made me see I can't fight you the same at your brother, so ill have to fight smarter. While the option is still on the table, take the money that's coming to you, and lets leave the battle here". Raido said giving Comato a choice of options. "Nahh, money isn't really a thing for me." Comato states. "I could care less about it. Plus, I'm learning so much from you." Comato gestures Raido to come at him. "Come. I want to learn more." Kaio blankly stares at Comato thinking, "He is clearly outmatched and still wants to continue? What is this guy on!?" "Ah yes little big brother wants knowledge, I like that. respectable reason for fighting. Well then lets see how fast you learn on your feet". Raido still stood on the top of the dog as he was ready to take this to the next level now. Well first thing on our list will be what do you do when an opponent takes away the very foundation to stand on. As I said this battle isn't going to get easier. Raido said as jumped from the dogs head and focused in his chakra into his right hand balling it into a fist and as he landed struck the ground with such force and power that he began to crack and split the ground. He used his Lava Release: Scorching World Stream As he did Lava began to flow form his fist and beneath the earth core as it raced and zipped through ripping and tearing through the grounds as the lava beneath him begin to become unstable and leap out toward him form the under the ground as well as the oncoming lava stream that had built up pressure following the cracks that led right to him. Comato, whose natural speed and reflexes were greatly compared to the 4th Homage quickly moved to his right, grabbing and setting out ten kunai. Forming a Rasenshuriken, Comato launched it at Raido. Maneuvering out of the way of the lava style attack, Comato charged Raido after the Rasenshuriken with his black sword in hand. Raido didn't even need to use his own vision to see what Comato had done, because it all had gone according to plan, fast as he was, he wasn't anything Raido hadn't seen before in battle. Form Flying Thunder God Techs, to Enhanced Chakra Speed, to Lightning Release Armor powered speed to Body FLicker. Raido had seen speed in every form, however what was not seen as the a foundation of the good trap Raido laid. Raido could still see via linked vision of the Rinnegan from the dog he summoned earlier which was standing there obediently waiting for order. Raido thought to have the dog use it special ability but it would only clutter the field. Raido needed something cleaner so to say. "They always worry about what they can see and not what the can't see". Raido said as since he already had his fist on the ground he didn't even need to move. By channeling chakra through his fist a large series of massive black walls began to ground around them and close up and seal them in. Raido used the Yin-Yang Release:Terrestrial Pressure which increased the gravity in the area of the black walls which forced everything but Raido and his summon to the ground under the intense sudden force of pressure bearing down on Comato, the pressure from the gravity caused his massive jutsu to unravel on itself as the massive chakra gathered became to heavy to sustain itself and faded under the pressure. "Lesson one anytime you opponent leaves themselves wide open like that it's for a reason, never go for the obvious attack". While you did dodge the jutsu, that was my intention to A take away the options of ground from you by controlling where you can move to, and then give you an opening I knew you couldn't pass up. The Lava attack was designed to make you dodge, but also give me a better way to get you to come closer, I notice that you prefer to wait for me to make my move so you can find an opening and then hone in on it to find your attack. I read you early on, but decided to wait you out to see if you would simply do it again, and you did. One must never be to predictable because you never know how well your opponent pays attention". Raido said as he stood up completely and the dog behind him barked. "Having been forced to the ground by the pressure and gravity my chakra can influence your movements have been slowed to a crawl, and I can at any moment increase or decrease the pressure within these walls. All you need to do is say uncle". Raido X kidded himself for a moment. "Just say you submit, and this can end, if you don't well this trip to Kumo will also be a trip to the hospital. Im told hernia's don't feel good, and no one wants to to pay a hospital bill"? "Well, if you are so smart then how come you haven't noticed to flying raijin seal on my brother. How else do you think I was able to quickly come to his aid." Comato said moving to his brother's location. "Kaio, look into my eyes." Kaio, who still had his EMS activated looked into his brother's eyes. Comato looked back at Raido with Kaio's right EMS design and his left EMS design. Gaining all of his brother's abilities. "Now, let's try this again." Comato said to Raido. "This time you are in for a real treat. He jumped but to- Raido heard the man speaking outside the walls and decided to release them each of the walls going up in a puff of smoke. He listened quite well to what Comato had to say but it seemed he didn't understand the situation he was in. Not to be the bearer of bad news but Raido would have to help him understand what just happened here. "Well if your so smart how come you didn't notice the damage I did to the ground, with my lava attacks and the walls". Raido said as he pointed to the ground, the massive cracks where lava spews from earlier were now large craters that had lava resting deep within there pits massive holes spread out in front of both men. For Raido this kind of environment suited him well. "You were so busy worried about me, you didn't think you look at the ground beneath you did you? Remember when I said "They always worry about what they can see and not what the can't see" This was what I meant Raido said as he pointed to the ground, "my last few blows were targeting you alone but the ground in case you wanted to keep this fight going, the longer wa fight the more the environment has shaped into my favor. You were so focused on what you could see you didnt see my true intentions was to make the ground a hot bed for lava pits and now they are everywhere between us". Raido said as he pointed to the numerous holes that were on the ground, holes large enough to swallow a small house. See I don't need to worry about Lava, its my main element, plus I have ways to take to the skies, you on the other you need to worry about the lava, and your brother and if you take to the skies this fight is over. Raido said as he rubbed his hands together. "With my Lava Release: Exploding Volcanic Field I can turn entire area to a sea of lava, and then you would have lost the only the last bit of safety you have. Don't be like your brother and be in a situation you could have avoided. A wise man picks and chooses his battles wisely, and knows when to walk away". Raido said as he grinned and leaned back at the dog who began to split into Six other dogs using Amplification Summoning Technique which each stood behind. Raido's back eyes trained on Comato as they spread out the dog Raido leaning on still standing in on spot leaning on his dog. "Think of this as battle training, not just of the jutsu, but of the mind. Setting you opponent up for traps and plans while allowing to them have sense of comfort in battle, I didn't use any heavy moves because I was working around setting you up slowly plan after plan I slowly guided you into the master trap and boom here it is". Raido said as he once again pointed to all the holes in the ground. "because I will flood the ground with lava if you don't walk away and take the money". Raido said as he was trying to keep this as far as possible where everyone wins. "This is your chance". Raido said in the same manner he told his brother before he had to .. step in "Comato, give it up already. You are beaten. Let's go we will have another day to fight him. Kaio tells his brother. "Okay, fine. Comato says dropping his shoulders and relaxing. "Okay, I'm done. Let's head to Kumogakure. So the crybaby can go home." Comato walked over to once again help his brother up. "Now now cheer up little big bro, like Kaio said plenty of times to fight. Besides you did good in our practice here and I think you would have me cry to get it over with, then Kaio crying about you bathing in sea of lava. Trust me taking a dip in lava isn't as fun as it sounds especially if you can't use lava". Raido said pointing at both Comato and Kaio. "This was just to warm you up for our next fight. Next time around though I will play a bit rougher. If you didn't learn anything from this fight it will show and Yama will be getting an early present." Raido said as Yama stayed quiet most of the fight and said nothing about Raido once again dabbling in foolishness where there was Arihant work to be done. "Now that the fun and games are over we got places to go and people to see and im sure you two have better things to do than sit around here and lose fight hehehe". Raido said lightning up the mood. Now lets make these moves to Kumo, so we can wrap this day its dragged on long enough. Raido said as he looked to see how the brother were going to travel, since he already had his way. " Umm. Could we do something about my current situation? " Kaio asked. "I really don't think I should go like this." Comato thought for a minute. "I don't think it would be wise for you to tag along." Comato stated looking at his brother then Raido. "Yeah you should stay here. I have a better idea. I think you should just take the clone and take all the money."