  • Jeff, Karl, and Konor
  • Nack, Karl and Konor arrived at an old mansion passed on through Nack's family, where they planned to hold Sally hostage and make the Acorn family pay ransom for her return. Sally managed to lure Nack into a false sense of security before knocking him out and making an effort to escape. Karl and Konor gave chase, but before they could shoot her, Sonic the Hedgehog arrived and subdued them. Karl and Konor were later brought back and imprisoned with Jeff, while Nack managed to flee the scene and avoid incarceration altogether. (StH: #123)
  • Nack, Karl and Konor arrived at an old mansion passed on through Nack's family, where they planned to hold Sally hostage and make the Acorn family pay ransom for her return. Sally managed to lure Nack into a false sense of security before knocking him out and making an effort to escape. Karl and Konor gave chase, but before they could shoot her, Sonic the Hedgehog arrived and subdued them. Karl and Konor were later brought back and imprisoned with Jeff, while Nack managed to flee the scene and avoid incarceration altogether. (StH: #123) Some time later, Nack was imprisoned after his failed assassination attempt on Mina Mongoose. Threatened with being put in the same cell as Jeff, Karl and Konor if he didn't reveal who hired him, Nack squealed on Dr. Eggman. Later when Nack escaped from his cell, he went to the prison kitchen and poisoned the food, which resulted in the death of the three weasels. (StH: #153, #163)