  • Republic Commando: Triple Zero
  • Republic Commando: Triple Zero
  • Republic Commando: Triple Zero
  • Republic Commando: Triple Zero
  • Republic Commando: Triple Zero
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando: Triple Zero es una novela escrita por Karen Traviss ubicada un año después de la Gran Batalla de Geonosis. Narra la historia del Escuadrón Omega, el Escuadrón Delta, una unidad de Null ARC troopers, y sus Generales Jedi, Etain Tur-Mukan y Bardan Jusik mientras están en persecusión de de un Grupo Terrorista Separatista en el bajo mundo y el área desconocida de Coruscant, conocido por los Soldados como el Trple Cero por sus coordenadas galácticas.
  • Fi: "Dear Diary, I had the most special day today! Niner told me he thought my hair was cute, Atin was such a grouch, and Darman totally likes this girl, but he won't tell us who. Oh yeah, and we're going to blow up some terrorists smuggling explosives. Love ya!" Meanwhile... Etain Tur-Mukan: "Clones are people too!" Obi-Wan Kenobi, Sheeka Tull, Jos Vondar & Barriss Offee: "Yes, we know." Meanwhile, again... Fi: "Well, it looks like we're trapped, out of oxygen and heat, and ready to die." Niner: "Aren't you supposed to be making some kind of joke to cope with this?" Fi: "Uh, that was it."
  • The novel starts with a flashback eight years before the Battle of Geonosis when Mandalorian soldier Kal Skirata goes to the rainy planet of Kamino to observe the the developing army for the Republic. He finds out that they are using clones from his friend, Jango Fett, and that the clones have had their age factor doubled; if they have lived a year, they will have aged two, and when they have lived two years they will have aged four years, etc. Skirata sees that the Kaminoans dealing with the some of clones are having trouble and wish to dispose of the mistakes. Before the unruly clones can be executed, Skirata protects them and takes it upon himself to train some of them.
  • 427
dramatis personae
  • *Sergeant Kal Skirata, mercenary *Sergeant Walon Vau, mercenary *Null ARC Trooper Captain N-11 Ordo *Null ARC Trooper Lieutenant N-7 Mereel *Clone pilot CT-1127/549 Sicko *Republic Commandos: **Omega Squad: ***RC-1136 Darman ***RC-1309 Niner ***RC-3222 Atin ***RC-8015 Fi **Delta Squad: ***RC-1138 Boss ***RC-1140 Fixer ***RC-1207 Sev ***RC-1262 Scorch *Clone trooper CT-5108/8843 Corr *General Bardan Jusik, Jedi Knight *Captain Jaller Obrim, Senate Guard, seconded to Coruscant Security Force Anti-Terrorism Unit *General Etain Tur-Mukan, Jedi Knight *General Arligan Zey, Jedi Master *Enacca, associate of Skirata *Qibbu, entrepreneur *Laseema, employee of Qibbu *Besany Wennen, GAR logistics employee
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  • 250
  • 427
  • The Hive
  • *Aiwha *Bantha *Flitnat *Gdan *Gorg *Mott *Nerf *Ralltiir tiger *Roba *Strill **Lord Mirdalan
  • nidottu
seguido de
  • Republic Commando: Triple Zero
  • 21
  • Del Rey
  • True Colors
Book name
  • Triple Zero
  • Republic Commando:
sigue a
  • Republic Commando-sarja
  • 28
  • Republic Commando: Triple Zero
  • *Fi *Darman *Kal Skirata *Ordo *Mereel *Grumpy *Dopey *Sneezy *Niner *Fili *Kili *Thorin Oakenshield *Walon Vau *Arligan Zey *Etain Tur-Mukan *Obi-Wan Kenobi *Sheeka Tull *Jos Vondar *Barriss Offee
  • Republic Commando: Triple Zero
  • 21
  • -1020.0
  • *First Battle of Geonosis *Depot Bravo Five terrorist attack *First Battle of Kamino *Galactic City spaceport hostage siege *Mission to the Corellian-Perlemian Intersection *Mission to Coruscant *Mission to Fest *Skirmish at Dinlo
  • Triple Zero
  • Triple Zero
  • Triple Zero#legends
  • Republic Commando: Triple Zero
  • Republic Commando: Triple Zero
Release Date
  • 2006-02-28
  • Republic Commando Triple Zero
  • Announcing Republic Commando: Triple Zero
  • Announcing Republic Commando: Triple Zero
  • Announcing Republic Commando: Triple Zero
  • Republic Commando: Triple Zero Excerpt
  • Republic Commando: Triple Zero Excerpt
  • Republic Commando: Triple Zero Excerpt
  • Eight years ago. It was a dark and stormy night... Kal Skirata: "My wife and kids hate me and I consider myself a miserable failure. Nothing like eight years in a dreary, storm-drenched planet to cheer me up. What's this, a little kid?" Null: "I know eight ways to kill you with my bare hands." Kal Skirata: "Awww, how cute! I should give you all names. You're Ordo, you're Mereel, you're Grumpy, you're Dopey, you're Sneezy, you're Fili, you're Kili, and you're Thorin Oakenshield. OK, time for some cake, and then a game. Let's play "Name the points on a Kaminoan that can cause death or paralysis!"
  • Republic Commando: Triple Zero
  • Republic Commando: Triple Zero
  • Republic Commando: Triple Zero
Cover Artist
media type
  • Paperback
  • Papel Ecológico
  • *Dha Werda *Dha Werda Verda *Glimmik music *Huttese *Mayla vine *Mando'a language *Mandalorian iron *Maranium *Permaglass *Phrik *Pint *Refresher *The Sickener *Vode An Food and beverages *Caf *Fizzade *Glockaw sauce *Jewel-fruit *Mealbread stick *Muja fruit *Roba steak *Ruik root *Shuura fruit *Tihaar *Uj cake *Vweilu nut *Warra nut Phrases and slang *Deece *Fierfek *Larty *Peewo *Pod *Red Zero distress call *Triage code X *Triple Zero
  • Komandosi Republiki: Potrójne Zero
  • Komandosi Republiki: Potrójne Zero
  • Komandosi Republiki: Potrójne Zero
Preceded By
  • The Clone Wars: No Prisoners
  • *Aratech speeder bike *EasyRide passenger airspeeder *Gizer L-6 freighter *J12 twin-pod airspeeder *Koro-series airspeeder *Low Altitude Assault Transport/carrier *Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry *Nova Crystal *Prosecutor *RAS Fearless *RAS Majestic *Traffic Interdiction Vessel **TIV Z590/1 *V-19 Torrent starfighter
  • 393
  • G
  • Canónica
  • *Clawdite *Duros *Falleen *Garqian *Gran *Gurlanin *Human **Jabiimi *Hutt *Kaminoan *Kitonak *Mon Calamari *Neimoidian *Nikto *Nimbanel *Sullustan *Trandoshan *Twi'lek *Ubese *Verpine *Weequay *Wookiee
  • 250
  • Республиканские коммандос: Тройной Ноль
  • Республиканские коммандос: Тройной Ноль
  • Республиканские коммандос: Тройной Ноль
Movie Name
  • Republic Commando: Triple Zero
  • 250
  • Republic Commando: Triple Zero
  • Republic Commando: Triple Zero
  • Republic Commando: Triple Zero
  • Republic Commando: Triple Zero
  • eu/lit/novel/f20060228/index.html
  • eu/lit/novel/f20060228/index.html
  • eu/lit/novel/f20060228/index.html
  • eu/lit/novel/news20050608.html
  • eu/lit/novel/news20050608.html
  • eu/lit/novel/news20050608.html
  • *Galactic Republic **Coruscant Security Force ***Anti-Terrorism Unit ****Captain ***Forensics Unit ****Scenes of Crimes Officer ***Organized Crime Unit ***Police officer **Department of Defense ***Grand Army of the Republic ****Cuy'val Dar ****41st Elite Corps ****Alpha Company ****Blue Watch ****Epsilon Company ****Fleet Ops ****Galactic Marines ****Green Watch ****Improcco Company ****Logistics battalion ****Red Watch ****Sarlacc Battalion A ****Sarlacc Battalion B ****Special Operations Brigade *****Director of Special Forces *****Arca Company ****Aiwha-3 Squad ****Bravo Squad ****Gamma Squad ****White Watch ***Republic Defense Procurement office ****Procurement Development ****Transport Maintenance **Republic Treasury Audit Division **Galactic Senate ***Senate Committee on Refugees ***Senate Head of Public Affairs Office ****Senate Head of Public Affairs *HoloNet News and Entertainment *Jedi Order *Mandalore *Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. *Mon Calamari Ballet *Mon Cal Opera *Perlemian Traffic Control *Voshan Containers *Galactic Institute of Anthropology
  • *IM-6 battlefield medical droid *B2 super battle droid
  • *Coruscant **Arca Company Barracks **Bank of the Core Plaza **Business Zone 6 **Coruscant Command HQ **Coruscant Security Force Staff and Social Club **Depot Bravo Five **Fleet Ops Headquarters **Fleet Support Depot **Galactic Museum **Galactic Senate **Jedi Temple **Kragget **Logistics center **Manarai **Qibbu's Hut **Quadrant A-4 **Quadrant A-89 ***Coruscant Security Force Divisional Headquarters (Quadrant A-89) **Quadrant B-85 **Quadrant F-76 **Quadrant N-09 **Skysitter Restaurant *Outer Rim Territories **Atrivis sector ***Fest *Bakura sector *Bothan sector *Chaykin sector *Tynna sector *Aargau *Alderaan *Concord Dawn *Corellia *Cularin *Denon *Dinlo *Geonosis *Jabiim *Kamino **Tipoca City *Kelarea *Mandalore *Mustafar *N'dian *Qiilura *Skuumaa *Tatooine *Utapau
Followed By
  • Clone Wars Gambit: Stealth
  • Republikové komando: Trojitá nula
  • 345490096
  • 2006
Other Characters
  • *A'den *Alpha-17 *Iri Camas *Clanky *DD *Boba Fett *Jango Fett *Fi *Kast Fulier *Vaas Ga *Gett *Gree *Guris *Gysk *Ghez Hokan *Paxaz Izhiq *Jaing *Jayl *Jez *Jinart *Vinna Jiss *Obi-Wan Kenobi *Ko Sai *Kom'rk *Hela Madiry *Alpha-ARC trooper Captain Maze *M'truli *Nye *Ihu Niopua *O-Four *Canderous Ordo *Farr Orjul *Perrive *Prudii *Ram *RC-8028 *Mar Rugeyan *Sev *Ijaat Skirata *Ilippi Skirata *Munin Skirata *Ruusaan Skirata *Tor Skirata *Stoker *Tenn *Valaqil *Orun Wa *Mace Windu
Sucedido por
Precedido por
artista da capa
  • Greg Knight
tipo de midia
  • Livro
  • 28
linha do tempo
  • 21
  • The novel starts with a flashback eight years before the Battle of Geonosis when Mandalorian soldier Kal Skirata goes to the rainy planet of Kamino to observe the the developing army for the Republic. He finds out that they are using clones from his friend, Jango Fett, and that the clones have had their age factor doubled; if they have lived a year, they will have aged two, and when they have lived two years they will have aged four years, etc. Skirata sees that the Kaminoans dealing with the some of clones are having trouble and wish to dispose of the mistakes. Before the unruly clones can be executed, Skirata protects them and takes it upon himself to train some of them. Fastforwarding five days after the Battle of Geonosis. Skirata is on Coruscant and has just heard about the conflict and Jango Fett's death at the hand of Jedi Master Mace Windu. The story line continues one year after the Battle of Geonosis. The Republic has learned that there are terrorists from the Separatists who have infiltrated Coruscant and are spying on the Republic. Skirata is hired by the Republic to track this threat down. He is joined by Omega Squad, consisting of three of Skirata's personally trained clone soldiers; Darman; Niner; and Fi, and a fourth member trained by Walon Vau; Atin. Helping them is an information broker from the Republic whose name is Besany Wennen. Also joining them is Jedi Master Arligan Zey, Jedi Knight Bardan Jusik and Jedi Knight Etain Tur-Mukan, who worked with Omega Squad during their mission to Qiilura. Skirata's Wookiee companion Enacca joins the mission, as well as Null ARC trooper Ordo, and a clone trooper named Corr. But things get more complicated as Vau and Delta Squad, consisting of Boss, Sev, Scorch, and Fixer, join in. Skirata and Vau have a rivalry because of their different methods of training clone soldiers; Skirata trained Omega Squad like a father figure and Vau trained Delta Squad through beatings. Atin has a hard history with Vau since he was beaten so many times. During the course of the story, Etain and Darman's relationship grows stronger. Etain becomes pregnant with Darman's child, but does not tell him. During the mission to track the terrorists down, Jinart and Valaqil join in to remind Omega Squad and Etain that they still owe the Gurlanins a debt after they helped the clones and Jedi back on Qiilura. Etain and Omega Squad promise they will repay their debt eventually, but they ask the Gurlanins if they will help out in the mission. They agree. The spies in the Republic are ultimately found, and the information they captured is destroyed and the terrorists are killed. Unfortunately, a rivalry between Omega and Delta Squad remains, and Atin and Vau get into a brutal fistfight that is quickly called off by Bardan Jusik. Later, after the celebration of the squads' victory over their mission, Etain reveals to Skirata that she is pregnant with Darman's child. Skirata is angered by this because he believes Etain used Darman. Nevertheless, the two agree to keep this a secret from everyone else, except from Jinart and Valaqil, and that the child will be a Mandalorian like his father, not a Jedi like his mother. Skirata promises Etain that she will be able to go to Qiilura and spend some time with Darman. Ordo figures out Etain is pregnant but decides to keep it a secret.
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando: Triple Zero es una novela escrita por Karen Traviss ubicada un año después de la Gran Batalla de Geonosis. Narra la historia del Escuadrón Omega, el Escuadrón Delta, una unidad de Null ARC troopers, y sus Generales Jedi, Etain Tur-Mukan y Bardan Jusik mientras están en persecusión de de un Grupo Terrorista Separatista en el bajo mundo y el área desconocida de Coruscant, conocido por los Soldados como el Trple Cero por sus coordenadas galácticas. El libro contiene una breve glosario que define Star Wars, mando'a y términos militares. La impresión del Rey también contiene el cuento Escuadrón Omega: Objetivos, publicado originalmente en Star Wars Insider # 81, y una vista previa del Legado de la Fuerza: Traición. La publicación del Reino Unido y de Australia impresa bajo el sello Orbit incluye el glosario mando'a, sin embargo no incluye Escuadrón Omega: Objetivos o la vista previa de Traición.
  • Fi: "Dear Diary, I had the most special day today! Niner told me he thought my hair was cute, Atin was such a grouch, and Darman totally likes this girl, but he won't tell us who. Oh yeah, and we're going to blow up some terrorists smuggling explosives. Love ya!" Meanwhile... Etain Tur-Mukan: "Clones are people too!" Obi-Wan Kenobi, Sheeka Tull, Jos Vondar & Barriss Offee: "Yes, we know." Meanwhile, again... Fi: "Well, it looks like we're trapped, out of oxygen and heat, and ready to die." Niner: "Aren't you supposed to be making some kind of joke to cope with this?" Fi: "Uh, that was it." Kal Skirata: "General Zey, what if we were to *wink-wink*, then *nudge-nudge* the you-know-who, if you know what I mean?" Arligan Zey: "Well, I don't see anything wrong with that. Off you go." Walon Vau: "I'm going to torture these prisoners and then kill them." Etain Tur-Mukan: "Well, if you must." Bardan Jusik: "It's war, after all." Fi: Man, I wish I could live a normal life like the people I'm watching: that couple holding hands, that child laughing, that junkie shooting up, that mugger beating an old woman... Ordo: "I've a got a really clever idea for catching the terrorists. We'll sell them explosives and then kill them when they try to pick them up." Kal Skirata: "How do we get the word out?" Ordo: "eBay." A listing for "100kg" of explosives, slightly used, pictures included" from "mando4lyfe" goes up. "WAAAAAAAH! Why doesn't Kal like me? Isn't Dar so dreamy?" ―Etain Tur-Mukan, as she doodles "E + D 4eva" in her notebook, surrounded by a heart Walon Vau: "I just shoved a prisoner off a building to her death after torturing her." Etain Tur-Mukan: "I don't see anything wrong with that." Bardan Jusik: "It's the lesser of two evils." Etain Tur-Mukan: "Darry-poo, what baby names do you like?" Darman: "Deece, Detonator, Verp...why?" Etain Tur-Mukan: "Oh, no reason." Walon Vau: "I just blew up a bus of orphans and executed a museum full of people." Etain Tur-Mukan: "I don't see the problem." Bardan Jusik: "Some things have to be done." Ordo: "Good news, someone used "Buy it now". Kal Skirata: "Time to go. We are sobered by the fact that at any moment any of us could die." Kal Skirata: "We have all survived and are all a bit wiser. Let us bask in the glow of being a family." Etain Tur-Mukan: "I'm having Darman's baby." Kal Skirata: "Get the hell out." Mereel: "Oh yeah, I forgot I was in this book too. Kal, I found out more about the Eus-Day Ex-Way Achina-May." Kal Skirata: "Hopefully we can learn all about it in REPUBLIC COMMANDO III: THE SEARCH FOR MORE MONEY."
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