  • 2367 Starfleet personnel deaths
  • In 2367, numerous Starfleet personnel lost their lives in the performance of their duties. Among other causes, the conclusion of the Borg Incursion of 2366-2367 were a major casualty event in that year. (TNG episode: "The Best of Both Worlds") This list is automatically generated by the site software for all articles that are both in and . Do not edit this article, please add those categories and correct article sort keys to add or move items in this list.
  • In 2367, numerous Starfleet personnel lost their lives in the performance of their duties. Among other causes, the conclusion of the Borg Incursion of 2366-2367 were a major casualty event in that year. (TNG episode: "The Best of Both Worlds") This list is automatically generated by the site software for all articles that are both in and . Do not edit this article, please add those categories and correct article sort keys to add or move items in this list.