  • Porky
  • Porky
  • Porky ist ein Charakter aus der Earthbound/Mother-Reihe und in Datei:Super Smash Bros. Brawl einer der Bosse im Abenteuerspiel Datei:Subraum Emissäre.
  • Porky is a pet pig that Ryan and Salene found in series 1. Salene gives her to Cloe when Patsy is suspected to have the virus in series 1 and names him Porky. They look after him and protect him when Lex wants to eat him. Later in the series, KC takes Porky to a gambling den run by Tribe Circus to exchange for chips, in spite of Cloe's protests. They try to get Porky back, but when the barman refuses, they steal him back. Cloe returns to the Mall with Porky but KC is captured. It is unknown what happens to Porky when the Chosen invade in series 3.
  • Porky Minch is a piggy that thinks he is a kid. He appeared in Father 2 and in Father 3.
  • Male
  • Porky ist ein Charakter aus der Earthbound/Mother-Reihe und in Datei:Super Smash Bros. Brawl einer der Bosse im Abenteuerspiel Datei:Subraum Emissäre.
  • Porky is a pet pig that Ryan and Salene found in series 1. Salene gives her to Cloe when Patsy is suspected to have the virus in series 1 and names him Porky. They look after him and protect him when Lex wants to eat him. Later in the series, KC takes Porky to a gambling den run by Tribe Circus to exchange for chips, in spite of Cloe's protests. They try to get Porky back, but when the barman refuses, they steal him back. Cloe returns to the Mall with Porky but KC is captured. It is unknown what happens to Porky when the Chosen invade in series 3.
  • Porky Minch is a piggy that thinks he is a kid. He appeared in Father 2 and in Father 3.