  • Smoking Hot Sex/Playing With
  • Basic Trope: Having a cigarette after sex * Straight: A cigarette just makes the post coital feeling even better. * Exaggerated: They have a cigarette after even a kiss. * Downplayed: They each have just a puff after sex, and put them out. * Justified: It's necessary due to their Bizarre Alien Biology. * Inverted: Having sex after a really good smoking session. * Subverted: They are about to have a cigarette after sex, but decide to keep to their promise to quit smoking. * Double Subverted: Wait, they broke that promise last week. * Parodied: The girl has multiple orgasms, so multiple cigarettes. * The girl smokes comically large, Groucho Marx-esque cigars which fill the room with smoke. * While playing house, little Alice and little Bobby kiss, then s
  • Basic Trope: Having a cigarette after sex * Straight: A cigarette just makes the post coital feeling even better. * Exaggerated: They have a cigarette after even a kiss. * Downplayed: They each have just a puff after sex, and put them out. * Justified: It's necessary due to their Bizarre Alien Biology. * Inverted: Having sex after a really good smoking session. * Subverted: They are about to have a cigarette after sex, but decide to keep to their promise to quit smoking. * Double Subverted: Wait, they broke that promise last week. * Parodied: The girl has multiple orgasms, so multiple cigarettes. * The girl smokes comically large, Groucho Marx-esque cigars which fill the room with smoke. * While playing house, little Alice and little Bobby kiss, then share a candy cigarette. * Zig Zagged: The cigarettes make them horny, so they have sex all over again, and even try smoking while having sex. * Averted: They just cuddle after sex. * Enforced: This porn film is sponsored by Camel Cigarettes. * Lampshaded: "It may be cliche but I just feel like having a cigarette now." * Invoked:??? * Exploited: ??? * Defied: They use nicotine patches after sex. * Discussed: * Conversed: ??? * Deconstructed: The nictoine, combined with post-coital endorphins, leaves Alice too relaxed. She falls asleep and the cigarette starts a fire. * Reconstructed: Alice keeps an ashtray on her nightstand to minimise the risk of accidents. * Plotted A Good Waste: The scene acts as the set-up for a plotline in which Alice tries to quit smoking. * Played For Laughs: Bob starts smoking, Alice remarks "that stuff with kill you". The cigarette then grows an arm, grabs a gun from the bedside and shoots Bob. Next morning Bob doesn't know why he has a headache. * Alice finds what looks like a cigarette on Bob's nightstand; however it turns out to be something else. Hijinks ensuse. * Played For Drama: Bob didn't know that Alice had severe asthma and accidentally hospitalizes her with the smoke. Now go back to Smoking Hot Sex after enjoying this page.