  • Fū is one of Danzō's Bodyguards and a minor villain in Naruto. He and Torune were accompanying Danzō to the Five Kage Summit and later chaos erupt as Sasuke attacked. Danzō and his bodyguards escape and then encountered Tobi. Fū and Torune fought Tobi but they were defeated and captured by the masked man. Fū was used as a sacrifice to revive Torune with Impure World Reincarnation as a demonstration by Kabuto for Tobi.
  • was a kunoichi from Takigakure and the jinchūriki of the Seven-Tails.
  • Han aparecido dos personajes con este nombre en la serie: * Fū Yamanaka: el guardaespaldas de Danzo en la Reunión de los 5 Kages y miembro de la Raíz. * Fū: la Jinchuriki del Escarabajo Rinoceronte de Siete Colas.
wikipage disambiguates
  • Fū is one of Danzō's Bodyguards and a minor villain in Naruto. He and Torune were accompanying Danzō to the Five Kage Summit and later chaos erupt as Sasuke attacked. Danzō and his bodyguards escape and then encountered Tobi. Fū and Torune fought Tobi but they were defeated and captured by the masked man. Fū was used as a sacrifice to revive Torune with Impure World Reincarnation as a demonstration by Kabuto for Tobi.
  • was a kunoichi from Takigakure and the jinchūriki of the Seven-Tails.
  • Han aparecido dos personajes con este nombre en la serie: * Fū Yamanaka: el guardaespaldas de Danzo en la Reunión de los 5 Kages y miembro de la Raíz. * Fū: la Jinchuriki del Escarabajo Rinoceronte de Siete Colas.
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