  • New Horizon! Chapter 6
  • New Horizon! Chapter 6 - Inventive Fishing! ????: I call foul. Drake: Bullsh*t that one was clean! Nova: Clean my ass. Drake: So it counts right? Nova: Fine. I don't like this method. Do you remember how to fish then? Drake: Oh I have an idea.... Drake: Got one!! Nova: THAT'S NOT HOW YOU FISH DAMMIT!!!!! Drake: Who cares about fishing? Nova: Drake look who I found!!! ???: Bark!! Nova: Where has that oversized tin can gone..... Dog: Bark!! Bark!! Nova: Good boy!! He's drowning!! But I'm a fruit consumer.... so he's screwed.... Nova: Save Drake mighty water dog!!! Nova: It's official. . . Dog: Bark!! Drake: Oh?
  • New Horizon! Chapter 6 - Inventive Fishing! ????: I call foul. Drake: Bullsh*t that one was clean! Nova: Clean my ass. Drake: So it counts right? Nova: Fine. I don't like this method. Do you remember how to fish then? Drake: Oh I have an idea.... Drake: Got one!! Nova: THAT'S NOT HOW YOU FISH DAMMIT!!!!! Drake: Who cares about fishing? Nova: Drake look who I found!!! ???: Bark!! Nova: Where has that oversized tin can gone..... Dog: Bark!! Bark!! Nova: Good boy!! He's drowning!! But I'm a fruit consumer.... so he's screwed.... Nova: Save Drake mighty water dog!!! Nova: It's official. . . Nova: I'm a genius. . . Drake: And how did you come up with that? Dog: Bark!! Nova: Of all the methods of fishing... I think throwing the dog was the worst. . . Drake: Why Nova? Dog: *Growl* Nova: Well... when I threw the dog... all I got was an armoured old guy.... Where as, when you fell in, or we launched the skyglider randomly, or we used each other as bait, or we threw the weapons at the water, or we used a water balloon.... well.. you get the picture but we caught four sea kings, thirteen birds and even one of those rare what ya ma call it fish.... Drake: I wouldn't count throwing an animal against it's own will as fishing. . . Nova: And using your captain as bait is? Drake: . . . You win this round . . . Nova: Drake... Drake: What? Nova: I have... questions... Drake: Oh? Nova: Why are you cooking these on the deck and not in the kitchen? Drake: I was born and raised to survive. . . using things that make it easier is. . . not my style. . . Nova: I see I see. . . Nova: And. . . uh. . . how the hell can you eat if you never take your helmet off. . . or even drink? Drake: . . . I do it really fast. Underneath my helmet. . . Nova: Ok . . ok . . final question. . Drake: Ok . . what is it? Nova: Why the hell is that dog still with us? Drake: Perhaps he just wanted to make sure neither of us die? Nova: Us? We're far too strong for that!! Drake: Evidently not... considering we both nearly drowned... that dog is the only lifeguard we have on board... Nova: Can I name our new member? Drake: No. Nova: B-b-but I'm the captain!! Drake: You're also quite random. Drake: We'll call him King. Nova: Terry you say? Drake: King. Nova: Terry! Drake and Nova: Arm wrestle! Nova: Ready to lose your arm? Drake: I'll hold you too that. . . Drake: Well. . . Nova: This is awkward. . . Nova: King it is. Drake: Looks like we've reached an island. . . Nova: We'll adventure on the island tomorrow. . . Drake: . . Sounds like a plan . . . ???: Lol- they seem to be a weird bunch lol- ???????: Aye they do *giggles* ??????: Enough. . . let's head back. . . Previous Chapter | Next Chapter