  • Dust jacket
  • The book How to Advance Your Career Through Marriage had a dust jacket. (TNG: "Family" )
  • A dust jacket was a type of cover used on hardback books to prevent dust from settling on the main cover. By 2015, dust-repellent paper was in use and dust jackets were considered antiques. Grays Sports Almanac came with a dust jacket that was identical to the book's cover, which fooled Marty McFly when he was trying to recover the book in 1955. Marty watched Mr. Strickland take the book, flip through it, carry it to his office and throw it into the wastebasket. When Marty finally recovered the book, he found instead that all he had recovered was the dust jacket, which Biff had used to cover a copy of the erotic magazine Oh LàLà instead.
  • The book How to Advance Your Career Through Marriage had a dust jacket. (TNG: "Family" )
  • A dust jacket was a type of cover used on hardback books to prevent dust from settling on the main cover. By 2015, dust-repellent paper was in use and dust jackets were considered antiques. Grays Sports Almanac came with a dust jacket that was identical to the book's cover, which fooled Marty McFly when he was trying to recover the book in 1955. Marty watched Mr. Strickland take the book, flip through it, carry it to his office and throw it into the wastebasket. When Marty finally recovered the book, he found instead that all he had recovered was the dust jacket, which Biff had used to cover a copy of the erotic magazine Oh LàLà instead.