  • Karaon Meruda
  • Born and raised on Dromund Kaas, Karaon was born to a Sith Pureblood father and a half-Human, half-Sith Pureblood mother. Karaon was taken to Korriban to be trained as a Sith warrior when he was no more than 6 years old. For the next 8 years, Karaon became one of the top combatants in the academy. At that time, Karaon became the apprentice of Darth Kraytos. The young apprentice was very loyal to his Zabrak master and followed his orders without no question. Around in his teens, Karaon met Millina Greyy on Dromund Kaas, who was the protegĂ© of Regulis Droyin, a smuggler. Regulis was also an old friend of Darth Kraytos which is why they have a good friendship.
  • Born and raised on Dromund Kaas, Karaon was born to a Sith Pureblood father and a half-Human, half-Sith Pureblood mother. Karaon was taken to Korriban to be trained as a Sith warrior when he was no more than 6 years old. For the next 8 years, Karaon became one of the top combatants in the academy. At that time, Karaon became the apprentice of Darth Kraytos. The young apprentice was very loyal to his Zabrak master and followed his orders without no question. Around in his teens, Karaon met Millina Greyy on Dromund Kaas, who was the protegĂ© of Regulis Droyin, a smuggler. Regulis was also an old friend of Darth Kraytos which is why they have a good friendship. Weeks later, Regulis invited Kraytos and his apprentice for a drink on his ship. Before that, Regulis requested Karaon to find Millina, saying she has been gone a while to which Karaon accepts. Using his Force Sense, Karaon found Millina cornered by a group of thugs and their motives were clear to the Sith apprentice. Karaon quickly took out 3 of the thugs, leaving the last one scared. Before Karaon made the final strike, Millina stabbed the last one with her vibroknife. From this act, Millina and Karaon became close friends.