  • Dr. Brooks
  • Dr. Brooks
  • Dr. Brooks was Hurley's dokter op het Santa Rosa Geestelijk Instituut. Hij was degene die de foto nam van Hurley en Dave en overtuigde Hurley ervan dat zijn vriend denkbeeldig was.
  • Dr. Brooks called on Len Fairclough at 9 Coronation Street the evening after he was concussed after being shoved to the floor by Rita Littlewood following an argument at the Gatsby Club. As he was still groggy the next morning, Elsie Howard called the doctor in who diagnosed mild concussion, gave him some pills for his headache and told him to take a couple of days off work until the dizziness had passed, although he was perfectly fit in all other respects. He left with instructions to call him again if his headache continued.
  • Dr. Douglas Brooks was employed at the Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute and was the doctor of Hurley. Dr. Brooks tried to help Hurley recover from an "accident", which Hurley believes was his fault that caused the deaths of two people. While Hurley was in Santa Rosa, he became friends with a man named Dave, who he did not know was imaginary.
  • Hurleys dokter
  • California, USA
  • Onbekend
  • Psychiater
  • Doctor at Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute
  • Bruce Davison
Number of Appearances
  • 1
  • Levend
First Appearance
  • 1976-10-13
  • Dr. Brooks
  • Dr. Brooks
Character Name
  • Dr. Brooks
Played By
  • Dr. Brooks
  • Male
  • Dr. Brooks was Hurley's dokter op het Santa Rosa Geestelijk Instituut. Hij was degene die de foto nam van Hurley en Dave en overtuigde Hurley ervan dat zijn vriend denkbeeldig was.
  • Dr. Brooks called on Len Fairclough at 9 Coronation Street the evening after he was concussed after being shoved to the floor by Rita Littlewood following an argument at the Gatsby Club. As he was still groggy the next morning, Elsie Howard called the doctor in who diagnosed mild concussion, gave him some pills for his headache and told him to take a couple of days off work until the dizziness had passed, although he was perfectly fit in all other respects. He left with instructions to call him again if his headache continued.
  • Dr. Douglas Brooks was employed at the Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute and was the doctor of Hurley. Dr. Brooks tried to help Hurley recover from an "accident", which Hurley believes was his fault that caused the deaths of two people. While Hurley was in Santa Rosa, he became friends with a man named Dave, who he did not know was imaginary. While Hurley was playing Connect Four with Leonard, Dr. Brooks decided to take a picture of Hurley and Dave together. When Hurley and Dr. Brooks later met for a meeting, Hurley agreed with Dave and called Dr. Brooks a quack, it was then that Dr. Brooks showed Hurley the photo of the two of them together, and that Dave wasn't his friend, because Dave wasn't real. In the alternate timeline of Season 6, Dr. Brooks is Libby's doctor. He directs Libby away from Hugo whom he believes she is bothering. Later Hugo talks to Dr. Brooks in an attempt to have a visit with Libby. Dr. Brooks initially recommends against visits, however, a very generous donation by Hugo convinces him to let the two have a conversation.
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