  • 955
  • 955
  • 955
  • El número (955) es el número natural que sigue al 954 y precede al 956. Categoría:Números
  • Angelique rushes upstairs to her room and begins to frantically pack her belongings. Sky rushes in with a torch, claiming she must be destroyed. Angelique attempts to reason with Sky to let her go, but he refuses. Right as he is about to burn her, she grabs the present he gave her and uses witchcraft on it to choke him. Sky surrenders and puts the torch into the fireplace, but Angelique is relentless, and Sky collapses to the floor. That afternoon, Angelique shows up at the Old House while Quentin is guarding Barnabas, surprising him.
  • Deniz wird fassungslos klar, dass Roman ihn seit Wochen hintergeht und mit Marc eine Affäre hat. Zu allem Unglück muss er dann auch noch erfahren, dass Annette bereits von Romans Affäre wusste. Deniz überschüttet den schuldbewussten Roman mit Vorwürfen und lässt keinen seiner Erklärungsversuche an sich ran. Wütend setzt er ihn vor die Tür. Celine und Richard versöhnen sich und wollen einen Neuanfang wagen, was Zoé wütend macht. Als sie jedoch von Celines Schwangerschaft erfährt, wird ihr klar, was sie ihrer Mutter mit ihrer Falschaussage gegen Richard angetan hat. Sie entschließt sich zu beichten. Ingo zieht es komplett den Boden unter den Füßen weg, als er erkennen muss, wie Zoé ihn belogen hat. Maximilian ist zutiefst verletzt über den Bruch mit Simone. Er ist jedoch nicht bereit, einfac
  • 955
  • 1970-01-30
  • 940
  • 1970
  • 1970-02-20
  • 955
  • Deniz wird fassungslos klar, dass Roman ihn seit Wochen hintergeht und mit Marc eine Affäre hat. Zu allem Unglück muss er dann auch noch erfahren, dass Annette bereits von Romans Affäre wusste. Deniz überschüttet den schuldbewussten Roman mit Vorwürfen und lässt keinen seiner Erklärungsversuche an sich ran. Wütend setzt er ihn vor die Tür. Celine und Richard versöhnen sich und wollen einen Neuanfang wagen, was Zoé wütend macht. Als sie jedoch von Celines Schwangerschaft erfährt, wird ihr klar, was sie ihrer Mutter mit ihrer Falschaussage gegen Richard angetan hat. Sie entschließt sich zu beichten. Ingo zieht es komplett den Boden unter den Füßen weg, als er erkennen muss, wie Zoé ihn belogen hat. Maximilian ist zutiefst verletzt über den Bruch mit Simone. Er ist jedoch nicht bereit, einfach aufzugeben und hofft, Simones Liebe zu Alexander nutzen zu können, damit die Eiszeit endet.
  • El número (955) es el número natural que sigue al 954 y precede al 956. Categoría:Números
  • Angelique rushes upstairs to her room and begins to frantically pack her belongings. Sky rushes in with a torch, claiming she must be destroyed. Angelique attempts to reason with Sky to let her go, but he refuses. Right as he is about to burn her, she grabs the present he gave her and uses witchcraft on it to choke him. Sky surrenders and puts the torch into the fireplace, but Angelique is relentless, and Sky collapses to the floor. Barnabas is at the terrace of Collinwood and summons Maggie. Maggie soon shows up and Barnabas tells her he has missed her. The two embrace, but Barnabas is able to resist biting her. He gives her Josette's wedding ring as a token of their friendship. They embrace again, but Quentin shows up before he can bite her. Quentin tells Barnabas he must stay away from Maggie for everyone's safety. The two depart to the Old House, as it is almost dawn. That afternoon, Angelique shows up at the Old House while Quentin is guarding Barnabas, surprising him. Quentin and Angelique exchange pleasantries and memories from the past, although Quentin is initially upset to see her. Angelique informs Quentin that Barnabas was betrayed by her husband, Sky, and she has just left him. Although she is upset about losing her life with Sky, she confesses that Barnabas was always her "one true love." She asks Quentin if she can stay at the Old House and meet with Barnabas at night, which he allows. Angelique momentarily recalls her time in the Old House, and seems very happy to be back. She tells Quentin she will be sleeping in Josette's room. Later that day, Sky shows up at the Old House, asking to see Angelique. Quentin tells him she isn't there, but both men then notice her coming down the stairs. Quentin leaves the two to talk in the drawing room. Sky tells Angelique that he has been with Nicholas all day, and admits he is still in love with her. He asks her to join the Leviathans, but she adamantly refuses. She kicks Sky out of the house, but not before he tells her that he will be waiting for her if she ever changes her mind. Angelique repeats the story she told Quentin to Barnabas, and then informs him that Nicholas has returned to aid the Leviathans. Shocked, Barnabas tells her he must go and warn Maggie, as Nicholas had nearly killed her once before. Angelique is clearly jealous of his concern for Maggie as she watches him quickly leave the house. Barnabas meets with Maggie at the terrace and tells her that Nicholas is back and she must be alert at all times. The two embrace as Angelique watches from a distance. Later, inside the drawing room at Collinwood, Quentin is telling Maggie she must stay away from Barnabas out of fear that the Leviathans will use her to get to him. She thanks Quentin for her concern, but tells him she still plans on seeing Barnabas anyways. Outside the window, Angelique casts a spell over Quentin and Maggie, making them fall in love. Maggie takes off Josette's ring that Barnabas gave to her and throws it into the fireplace. The two kiss passionately, before noticing they both have pitchfork marks on their hands.
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