  • Jeff McCallister
  • In the first film, Jeff is seen packing for his family trip to Paris. When Kevin tells him that he doesn't know how to pack a suitcase, he tells Kevin "tough" to which Kevin replies to that being what their sister, Megan, told him earlier. Jeff then tells Kevin that Buzz suggested packing toilet paper and water and then throws his bag down the stairs where it lands within inches of "Officer" (Harry)'s feet.
  • In the first film, Jeff is seen packing for his family trip to Paris. When Kevin tells him that he doesn't know how to pack a suitcase, he tells Kevin "tough" to which Kevin replies to that being what their sister, Megan, told him earlier. Jeff then tells Kevin that Buzz suggested packing toilet paper and water and then throws his bag down the stairs where it lands within inches of "Officer" (Harry)'s feet. Later on, when Kevin gets into a fight with Buzz over pizza, Jeff calls him a disease, to which Kevin tells him to shut up. The next day, as the McCallisters are seen getting into the van on the way to the airport, he is seen playing with someone. When the McCallisters arrive in Paris, he is seen rushing to the telephone with his mother and the others so she can get contact with the police back home to check on Kevin. When there are no more flights back to Chicago, Jeff decides to go to his Uncle Rob's apartment with the rest of the family while his mother waits at the airport to try to get a flight back home. At the apartment, he is seen watching It's a Wonderful Life in French and eating an appetizer of shrimp served by his Uncle Frank. On Christmas morning, he, his dad and his siblings take the morning flight back home. They are reunited with Kate and Kevin. When Kevin says he went shopping the day before for milk, eggs, and fabric softener, Jeff is surprised, and Buzz remarks that Kevin doesn't know how to tie his shoes, but knows how to go shopping.