  • Private Ghost
  • Private Raj "Ringo" Jason Ghost was a male Human born on Earth, who served in the Clone Earth Forces along with his childhood friend General Farah, under the orders of the known Jedi General known as Jason Allen. Ghost used alot of heavy weapons during his mission time with the ECF. Ghost was part of 'Ghost Corps' and was the leader of it was named after him. Ghost was killed during a firefight on the planet of earth.
Row 1 info
  • 1978
Row 2 info
  • 2031
Row 1 title
  • Born:
Row 2 title
  • Death:
Row 3 info
  • Private
Row 3 title
  • Rank:
Box Title
  • Ghost
Image size
  • 300
Image File
  • PrivateGhostECF.jpg
  • Private Raj "Ringo" Jason Ghost was a male Human born on Earth, who served in the Clone Earth Forces along with his childhood friend General Farah, under the orders of the known Jedi General known as Jason Allen. Ghost used alot of heavy weapons during his mission time with the ECF. Ghost was part of 'Ghost Corps' and was the leader of it was named after him. Ghost was killed during a firefight on the planet of earth.