  • A mysterious gentleman
  • From: [[]] Nobody knows Poor Edward. Or at the least, nobody admits to knowing him. What are they hiding? [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • The delightful creature
Failure title
  • "...but I'm afraid I have to visit my publisher now. Good day, [gendertitle]."
  • 52
Failure description
  • These Veilgarden bohemians know something. But whenever you ask about Poor Edward they fall silent or suddenly remember imminent appointments. Some of them are starting to avoid you. Who is the fellow that could discomfit such daring creatures?
From Card/Storylet title
  • Ambition: Light Fingers! 24
Success description
  • '[…] Poor Edward […] He goes everywhere masked. […] In any case, few know him or his business. I did hear, though, that a man that used to work for him is now a Star-gazing Roustabout at the carnival. […]'
  • Nobody knows Poor Edward. Or at the least, nobody admits to knowing him. What are they hiding?
Success summary
  • The person you talk to tells you that no one knows what Poor Edward looks like or where he is. But someone that used to work for him now works at the Carnival.
  • From: [[]] Nobody knows Poor Edward. Or at the least, nobody admits to knowing him. What are they hiding? [Find the rest of the story at ]